
please reset the booktitle TonySpellman 20231218092329 63

A highs school student has a unexpected day. As he goes from earth to hell to a new world. Trying to comes to terms with his new life as a demon. He sets out to collect souls for fear of what will happened if he fails. He gets thrown into a new world filled with magic, mythical creatures and different races of all kinds. As he attempts to find his way back home.

TonySpellman · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter Two - The City Of Fire

Damion feels as if he's falling endlessly. He opens his eyes but its pitch black dark. He cant see anything at all.

" What's going on? Where am I? What happened?" He thinks to himself panicking now.

Still falling it seemed like he fell for a few minutes. He can some what see an orange glow beneath him. As the now somewhat viable hole he's falling down. Begins to open up some as he nears the end.

He still falling finally comes out the tunnel and all he can see is fire everywhere. It was like he was skydiving into a city that was engulfed in flames. Building as tall as the ones in the big city's, stood covered in flames. He could see mass's of people marching through the streets surrounded by fire.

" Did I die? Is this Hell?" he asks himself as fear rise's up in him.

Panicking and full of fear and pure terror Damion starts flailing his arms around as he nears the ground. Closer and closer he nears the bottom as he braces for the worst.

(Smack) He lands face first on the concrete ground. He pops right up. " Ow, ow that's hot." He said.

" Wait a minute. I can get burned but me falling from way up there didn't hurt one bit?" He thought completely confused.

Before he had time to figure it out. A huge skeleton bird coms swooping down and snags him up with it's talons. Carrying him over the City of fire. Damion struggles to get loose as the bird carry's him on.

After a few minutes of Damion freaking out trying to free himself. He finally gives up and just watch's as he passes by horrible sights. People being tortured, burned alive the screaming was what scared him the most.

The massive bird takes him far away from the City of Fire. And up and over a huge smoldering mountain. As it flies through the mountains valley Damion can see a big cave entrance glowing bright orange in the distance.

He knows that's where the bird is taking him and begins to freak out all over again. After all the years of being took to a closed off place to get beat up. He knows better then to go into places cut off like that one.

But regardless of his attempts he is brought in the cave mouth anyways. The big skeleton bird drops him from way up never getting to close to the cave itself.

Damion freaks as he falls and lands in the cave mouth. Again it didn't hurt landing at all but the ground was super hot. He gets up and looks around. Scared beyond belief he can sense something bad is coming for him. A few moments pass before he can here foot steps approaching.

Then a ordinary looking man walks out from around the corner. He had on some glasses and dressed in a way that gave him a accountant look.

" Hello you must be the new recruit." The man said.

" I uh , I don't think so. This bird just snatched me up and brought me here. I don't know what's going on." Damion said desperately trying explain. Hoping this is all some big mistake.

" Yes I understand please follow me." The man said. Then he turned and walked back the way he came.

" I'm sure you have a lot of questions recruit. But you will have to save them for later. The higher ups don't like being questioned. Its best if you just nod along for now. Understand?" The man told Damion

" OK." Damion replied. He was used to being bossed around. And learned its best sometimes to just go with the flow.

They walk on for a bit. Further and deeper into the cave. Occasionally they would pass a door or a huge fire. Then they came up on a huge set of wooden doors as the man leading Damion comes to a stop.

" Now listen here. Don't ask them anything, don't lie or try to hide anything. And make sure to be assertive and not show fear. If you do then there's no helping you. Now follow me into the High councils chambers." The man told Damion.

Damion nodded in agreement, took a deep breath and followed the man into the room.

As the doors open Damion can see seven big thrones all lined up next to each other and somewhat curved to face the center of the room. A huge being sat upon each of the seven thrones. Some had horns some had animal feet. But it was clear they were all demons.

Damion knew that this meant what he feared the most. He was definitely dead. And he was definitely in hell.

" Bring the boy forth Alistair." The biggest one in the middle commanded.

The man with the glasses signals Damion to step forward into the chambers. Damion walks up he an see a circle drawn out on the floor. It was in some weird looking writing like that you would see in a game. He stops in the center of the circle and waits.

" Young one, you have been selected to go out and collect. This is your task and duty as a demon from hence forth. You are to collect souls. After you have collected enough you will be set free and can decide to return to your old world or a new one." The Biggest demon explained.

" However if you fail to deliver enough souls you will be sent to the torture chambers for a hundred years before you will have another chance." The demon said.

And Damion noticed a few of the other demons snickering and one even licked their lips as he said tortured.

" What do you mean collect souls?" Damion asked not thinking.

The man wearing glasses shot him a look of shock and anger as soon as the words left his mouth.

" You must tempt people into the darkness. However you can, so when they die their souls will come here. The key is to make their last acts be evil in nature. We don't care how you accomplish this just as long as we get the souls." The big demon explained.

" And if I do this I can go home?" Damion asked. Again the man in glasses shot him a dirty look. But at this point Damion didn't care. It couldn't get any worse anyways.

" Yes little one. Bring me twenty five souls and ill send you home." A different demon said with a smile This demon was female. Damion could clearly tell from the way she was dressed.

" Just make sure to have them die with lust in their heart and ill give you whatever you desire." The female demon said in a sinister tone.

" Oh ill send you home for only twenty. If you have them die with greed in their minds." Another demon said after her.

"ENOUGH. The biggest demon in the center commanded loudly. The amount will be set as we always do. And the manner is completely up to the collector. You know the rules Lust, Greed don't confuse things." The big demon said getting annoyed.

" Sorry but how many exactly? And where am I supposed to do this?" Damion asked. He was filled with questions but feared the man with the glasses would freak out if h kept asking.

" You will know when you need to. Now where is his supervisor?" The big demon asked the man with the glasses.

The man pulled out a whistle and blew into it. Damion couldn't hear a noise at all. But suddenly out of thin air a creature appeared floating just above the man with the glasses.

" This is Lily she will be your supervisor. She will report and mark down any and all your activities to the council. She can help you with general questions and so forth." The man in glasses said.

The floating creature looked like a small dragon in a way. It floated over to Damion and just hovered next to him.

" Now go boy collect your souls and be set free or fail and be doomed to a hundred years of torture your choice." The big demon spoke.

The he waved his huge claw in the air and the circle Damion was standing on began to glow. He started to panic a bit as the circle turned into a hole . Then he fell in.

Falling again this time Damion was a bit calmer about it. He fell for a few minutes before coming out the bottom.

" I'm back he thought." As soon as he came out the bottom. He saw blue sky and green grass below as a small sliver of hope began to rise inside him. Still falling he looks around. He can see in the distance a castle and a town surrounding it.

" That's odd. Where am I?" Is this like some old castle in Europe or something?" He thought confused as he thought he was finally back home.

He finally hits the ground. But this time it did hurt a lot." Oww jeez that one hurt a bit." He said to himself out loud. He stands up and looks around he's in a field. He can see a forest on all sides. The little dragon creature that was floating by his side was now flying around the field.

" Hey where are you going?" Damion asks chasing after it.

It stopped and turned towards him. " I'm looking for something to eat I'm starving." It said.

" Wait what? You can talk?" Damion asked surprised.

" Of course I can. didn't Alistair tell you I'm your supervisor. I wouldn't be very good if I couldn't even talk now would I?" The little dragon creature said.

" Oh right guess that makes sense. So what do we do now?" Damion asked.

" I don't know that's up to you. I'm just here to answer any questions about what your supposed to do. And watch over you until you fail or succeed." It said still flying around.

" Ok I think I get it. So where are we? Can you tell me that at least?" He asked

" We're in the world of Estonia." It said.

" Estonia? Holy crap I'm in anther world.?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yep sure are. This world is very different then the one you come from. Here they have magic, mystical creatures, kings, princess and wizards too. Its like one of those games you used to play." The little dragon said.

" Wow I'm in anther world that has magic that's so awesome. Wait how do you know I played games like that?" Damion asks.

" Cause I know everything about you of course. I'm your supervisor and I had full access to your file. So its obvious I would know that much." It explained as it caught a small rodent with its claws. Then tosses it up in the air. Shot fire out of its mouth and charred the rodent then ate it all at once.

" Holy crap this is crazy. Ok so can I use magic and stuff then as well?" He asked excited

" Of course you re a demon now." It replied picking its teeth.

" Wait what I'm a demon now?" He asked.

" Well technically you are a demon recruit but a demon none the less." It said

He was still in shock after everything that had just happened. He spent a bit trying to come to terms with this new situation he had been thrown into. After a few minutes of pondering his situation he looks up at the little dragon. Now laying down taking a nap

" Ok I've decided. I need to learn more about this world I'm in before anything. Just like a video game I need to find a way to live while I figure out my next move. So lets head to town and go from there." He said to the little dragon

" Ok its your show." It replied yawning and getting up then floating next to him

"so where do I go from here?" He asked the little dragon.

" How am I supposed to know that. I'm not a compass you know. I'm a dragon demon. I don't know everything jeez." It said annoyed

" A what? What's a dragon demon?" Damion asked

" Every new demon gets a companion. Some get Hydras some get snakes it depends on the demon. I am your companion and supervisor. I am Lily the dragon demon." It said

" Lily huh. Ok . I'm Damion nice to officially meet you Lily. Hope we get alone well." He said.

" Yea yea just don't get us killed or fail and we will get along great." Lily said

Then Damion heard a loud scream coming from inside the woods from the south.

" What do you think we should do Lily?" he asked a little scared.

" Not my call, like I said this is your show. You make the calls I just report and help here and there." Lily replies.

"Ok in that case lets just pretend we didn't hear that and go the other way." Damion said as he walked off in the opposite direction.

" I see you are true to your file." Lily says and follows Damion into the woods on the other side.