
Brother is him?

Chapter 9 Is He Brother?

Zhao Jianjian wanted to lie down beside him.

Brother, tell me, your brother can't do this, what do you want to do?

Could you give us mortals a meal?

You have the ability to say, who is your brother? !!

Mo Bei ignored the person with the scarf around him, lowered his eyes, faced the small face wearing a mask, and said concisely, "I have something to do."

Very light words.

XiaoMiyin was obviously disappointed: "Can we leave a contact information, and I will be able to introduce my brother to you when we meet next time."

Mo Bei lifted his eyes and looked at the distance, not as if someone would come, he was hesitating.

XiaoMiyin said again, "I'm worried that my brother has forgotten me again. In that case, I can find another little brother."

Mo Bei heard that and reported his mobile phone number and WeChat again.

Xiaomi Yin leaned her head and remembered it seriously.

When Mo Bei saw this, he opened his schoolbag, took out a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote down the contact information.

Xiaoniyin took it cheerfully: "Yes, brother, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Feng Lin, you can call me Xiaolin Pro."


Why is this name so familiar?

Zhao Jianjian is still thinking about it.

Mo Bei had picked up his schoolbag over there and was ready to leave.

Probably because of the dress with asceticism.

The people here in Yizhong just stared at Mo Bei, and didn't rush up.

Of course this is just one reason.

Another reason is that they are waiting for k **** to clean up the dregs with their own hands.

"I said Feng Nai, Master Feng, Master, God, you really don't plan to go to the troubled guy who came to us. He came for you."

Light and shadow swaying.

Just listening to that slender figure said: "boring."

There was another laugh: "I guess you have the same attitude, but tomorrow's stand, you have to be there, you can't let the second middle school be so arrogant anymore."

The person asking didn't get a response, but he knew his character.

As long as you don't refuse, it's OK to show your face.


"Wait a minute, where are you going?"

"Look for someone." The person in the light and shadow finally revealed that face, but unfortunately still wearing a black mask, only one pair of eyes could be seen, lazy and alienated, with impatience.

As for who it is looking for.

When he turned around the corner.

A little **** in a black down jacket rushed over and hugged his leg. "Brother, where have you been, have I been looking for you for a long time? I worry about you for my mother."

The figure seemed to smile, and vacated one hand, patted the little face, and the ending was a bit cold: "Student Feng Xiaolin, you have to say everything I said, but I do n't feel like walking around ? "

Xiaomiyin shook her head: "I did n't walk around. I heard on the phone that you said you were going to fight. I was trying to stop you. How bad the fight was. I called the parents again and my mother stopped your pocket money. . "

"My brother is really far-sighted." The figure was casual and his fingers paused after touching his brother's object: "What is this?"

Xiao Niuyin couldn't understand his brother's emotions. He finally had other topics to talk to, and immediately said with a serious face: "This is the one that my little brother who saved my life gave me. The little brother also likes playing games. So, in order to repay this life-saving grace, I plan to take him to fly at night. "

"Oh, it's really tragic to save your life. Your gaming career is over."

(End of this chapter)