
second love

Like i planned my winter break ended on my bed and to be honest i really enjoyed it. And now something was knocking on my door and it was my final semester God i hated it. There was only one month to go and i had hardly revised my chapter and to make it worse i had skipped many classes (i guess you know why). I was that depressed kid in the school who everyone ignored but at least i had some handful of friends. So, i took the opportunity to study with them and i tried my best cause if this doesn't work out well ill have alot of problems to face.

The exams went on average and i just hope for the average grade as pass is more than enough for me. I don't really care for high grade cause i could never get them and im just too lazy to put on hard work like those Asian kids especially those from India. I find it soo amazing that the people from India are so good at maths and those Chinese looking kids can memories loads of note in 1 day. I don't know what there parents feed them , almonds maybe.

You have many advantages of being a girl and one of it is you can get a boy easily. I have tons of boys to whom i have kept in my block list and trust me there are reasons for it.

On Saturday a guy confessed his love to me and it totally got me off guard and i rejected him immediately. But later on i tried talking to him as he was a nice guy and pretty attractive to be honest. So, we planned to go on a date and that was my first date ever, i know its shocking. Whenever anyone tries to get close to me and if i don't like that guy/girl i just tell them to F (f word) off and cause of that i never experienced dating anyone before. But that was not the case with the guy whom i was in date with, it was his second time. He said he had broke up with his last girl and he wanted to move on. It kinda felt unpleasant but i loved how he was honest and it was charming. I played along with the role and started talk about our life and how its soo f##ked up. By the way his name is Eddie. Hearing him made me realize that everyone has something unplanned going on their life and its not the good thing.