
feelings started

We slowly became close to eachother and it didn't took too much of time for my parents to find out about our friendship and both of our parents were very happy. Time passed by and we started growing and before we knew we were already graduated form high school. And this is when things started going wrong. As we joined college we both started seeing eachother less often as we made new friends and it would be awkward for a boy and girl to remain just friends. As the society will question about our relationships. Its been a month since i last talked to him and i really wanted to see him but something was stoping me from doing it and to be honest it was my ego. I had a feeling that he was having the same feeling as me like wanting to see eachother. It was Saturday and we had a basketball tournament in our collage tho i did wanted to go but my friends force me in and i was there. The match was going to began and the player started rolling in and just then i saw Peter with a bright smile look really joyful. I had seem him after a month and seeing him made my heart beat as if i was falling off a swing. And before i knew i really didn't wanted him to see me. So, i came back to my place without letting anyone know. I was alone in my room covering my face with a blanket and thinking how good Peter looked with those smile. And before i knew i was red as cherry and felt kinda excited as i knew i had grown feelings for him and really wanted to tell him. For some reason i was not feeling any kind of embarrassment at all. It may be because i had known him for long and he was always excited to talk to me and for that reason i was really confident for myself. Soo there i made my first move going to his home and calling him out. His little sister opened the door and gosh she is just like her brother. I asked if Peter was home and then she called him while i was waiting out side his door. He was wearing a blue t shirt and a black shorts and for some reason he looked really tall compared to the last time i had seen him. I asked him to come with me for a walk and he agreed with a sweet smile. He was really happy to see me and said that he really wanted to meet me. I felt happy to hear him and felt kind of deja vu. We walk for a while and out of bloom i said that i have started growing feelings for him. He looked shocked and he stayed quite, look at me with a big eye. And he said " hey gwen can i tell u about it in a few days" and i agreed on that. We didn't see eachother for 2 days but i was constantly thinking about him.