
please reset the booktitle Reine001 20231218092329 96

"Find out how the Fen Family is connected to the mysterious organization." Wei Sihan spoke coldly. "Yes Master K." Zichen walked away leaving him in daze. "Could it be that the Fen Family are the one behind the mysterious organization?" He asked himself. Wei Sihan, the 28year old bachelor who is more interested in finding the truth about his father's killer..... What would happen when he's forced to marry Jia Li? What will happen when he finds the secret that Jia's family holds? Would he still maintain the marriage or would he divorce Jia despite being in love with her....

Reine001 · Urban
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71 Chs


The king of technology

Wang li...opens the car door...wei sihan puts Jia li inside....he turns around and speaks lightly..."Cancel the reservations for now.... I'll call the butler to prepare food."

"Okay, President."

He climbs in then the driver starts the car....He sees Jia turns uncomfortable looking for a suitable position then puts her in his thighs....

The driver sighs as he looks at the couple....he drives slowly to avoid waking the young miss...Aaah!this is pure torture.

They arrived after a full one hour thirty minutes....a drive which only takes thirty minutes.


The butler goes to the car after seeing it....He opens the door..."Young Master...Young Miss welcome back. "

Wei Sihan tries to carry the figure but unfortunately she wakes up and looks around.

"Are we at home?....When did you finish your work?...Why dint you wake me up?"...She immediately buggs him with questions and looks at him waiting for an answer.

"I wanted you to sleep abit more....that way you will be the most beautiful model at glamour."He teases her.

Jia li smiles and blushes then runs into the house embarrassingly.....The butler and the chauffer look at each other awkwardly.

"Master,should i follow her?."butler asked.

"No...need....prepare the food."He goes in without waiting for his reply.

He goes to his room showers then changed into casual clothes....he knocks on Jia's door...

After two knocks,Jia opens the door...and asked "what is it?."

"Its time for dinner."he speaks gently.

"Mmh...am coming."He shuts the door on his face.

Wei sihan looks at the door....In his 28yrs no one has ever dared to sit infront of him let alone shut the door on his face....His wife is becoming too daring....he smirks...then goes downstairs.

After five minutes,he sees Jia coming down then clears his throat and asks..."Lets watch a movie after dinner."He looks at her eargerly waiting for her reply.

"Okay...i dont mind."

They start eating....as usual he serves Jia and adds food in her plate every now and then as he watches her.

He stares at his beautiful little wife and feels a sense of achievement.After dinner,they walk hand in hand towards the third floor...Jia looks around and is amazed totally...they pass the indoor gym...she looks at him and asks..."Do you exercise alot?"....He smiles then replies..."Yeah....how do you think I can maintain this perfect body if i dont."

Jia looks at him then walks ahead....next to the gym is a gaming room...she enters and looks around at the modern equipment...indeed the king of technology never fails to amaze me.

She looks at him then asks..."do you play games?"....."No."..he replies seriously.

After looking around for a while...they proceed to the home theater.....She looks at the large room....with a 1000-inch microLED television....which costs tens of millions.....the 3D glasses on the shelf....her eyes then landed on leather seats which can be adjusted to a bed....One word to describe it...."Wow."

Seeing her eyes shine brightly...Wei sihan felt an achievement instantly then told her...."The TV is usually updated with the latest movies and series on the second day of each month...you can watch all movies even those yet to be aired in box office....Choose what you want."

She finally speaks and says...."this is a 10000 times better than cinemas."

She sits down the picks a remote and scrolls through Netflix.

"What do you want?popcorns or icecream."Seeing her in daze...Wei sihan picks up the landline and orders both....

After ten minutes,Meimei walks in pushing a large tray full of popcorns and different flavors of icecream....Jia looks at the icecream and drools.....then she heard.."pick what you like."