
please reset the booktitle Queen_9329 20231218092329 82

"Tangled hearts," Diana, Liam, Lucas, and Maria Find themselves entangled in a web of complicated emotions. As childhood friends, Maria´s growing Jealousy towards Diana Creates a rift, causing tension and conflict among the group. Secrets, Misunderstandings, and unexpected twists Further complicate their relationships, Leaving their hearts in a tangled heart. Get ready for a gripping tale of love, Friendship, and the challenges that come With navigating the complexities of the heart.

Queen_9329 · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

Diana is pushed into the pool by Maria, She sustains a serious injury and begins to lose blood. The entire family quickly gathers and Sonia, Diana`s best friend, Calls for an ambulance. Lucas, Filled with worry, Carries Diana In his arms and rushes her to the hospital. In a moment of Desperation, When Lucas steps away, Diana manages to whisper To the doctor, Pleading for them to do everything Possible to save her baby.

After the incident With Diana Being pushed into the pool by Maria, Sonia steps In and warn Maria that She will reveal the Truth about who caused the accident. Maria smiled "Then you know what Sonia i will also get rid of you" But then Sonia drops a bombshell "Diana is actually pregnant, and Lucas has no idea!" Sonia suggest That If Lucas Finds out about the pregnancy, It could bring him closer to Diana. This revelation leaves Maria In tears because She knows She can"t have Lucas now. In a desperate attempt to get rid of Diana and the baby, Maria devises a plan.

Meanwhile doctor Rita performs an operation On Diana, And thankfully Diana gave birth to twins. When Lucas enters the patient room and sees Diana sleeping With two babies in a separate cradles, He burst into tears.

Diana, with tears in her eyes, explained to Lucas that she had kept the News of her pregnancy a secret to teach Maria a lesson. She had hidden her growing belly With a tight Wrap, ensuring the baby safety. Lucas apologized to Diana and expressed his Loyalty to Maria.

However, Diana realize that she was Lucas second wife, And forgiveness started to blossom In her heart. Lucas lovingly held one of their babies in the pink cradle watching them sleep.