
please reset the booktitle Phantom_Vanquisher 20231218092329 4

Amidst the grand stage, where good and evil engage in a captivating dance, their performance commands the attention of both the enraptured audience and the unsuspecting players, entwining all in a tapestry of chaos and despair. From our earliest days, we have revered the heroes, admiring their virtuous deeds and unwavering moral compass, embracing the light they embody. Yet, as we journey through the labyrinth of adulthood, we come to understand the villains, their motivations, and the profound truth that heroes and villains are two facets of the same intricate coin. Each is bound by their own set of morals, forged by the crucible of their experiences and beliefs. In this interplay of light and shadow, our collective morality, once seen as an immutable beacon, reveals its fragile nature. It exposes the latent capacity for darkness that lurks within us all, a reminder of the depths to which humanity can descend. Within the realm of Eternum, a world steeped in magic and technology, the disparate races converge, united by a common adversary—the enigmatic force known as "The -----------------." As survival becomes the sole moral imperative, the bonds of trust and unity strain against the relentless tides of uncertainty. Yet, amidst this unyielding backdrop, a singular existence defies convention. Untethered by goals, ambitions, or attachments, it stands apart, embodying a mysterious and apathetic neutrality that challenges the very foundations of this turbulent world. In the tapestry of Eternum's narrative, the fragility of life unfolds, illuminating the darkness that can encroach even upon the brightest stars. It beckons us to contemplate the intricacies of our existence and confront the profound questions that lie dormant within us. Laughter, cold and sinister, echoes through the void. "Hahahaha...ha...ha...haa." "Is this the game you wish to play? So be it," whispers the author, undeterred by the threats of a defiant character. "Foolish author, I shall dismantle the very fabric of your precious creation," the character seethes, vowing to shatter the narrative and leave the author drowning in a sea of shame and regret. "I shall make you writhe in despair, yearning to choke on the remnants of your shattered dreams, and then..." A malevolent pause lingers in the air. "...then, I will deliver the final blow, eradicating not only your existence but the world you so fondly crafted. Prepare yourself." "JUST YOU WAIT!" A heartfelt message to all those who may question their resolve in the initial chapters: I implore you, bear with me through the first twenty chapters, for it is within that transformative span that the story unfurls its true essence. Discover whether to continue or to relinquish the narrative's grasp, for it is an odyssey that promises to challenge and captivate your very soul.

Phantom_Vanquisher · Fantasie
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22 Chs

The Beginnings and the past [1]

4 human years prior to the current events:

Two figures stood a distance from each other facing one another, one with black hair and hazel brown eyes, the other with blonde hair and azure eyes.

"What? What do you want now you bastard?"

The man with black hair screamed on the top of his lungs.

While the man with blonde hair just listened to the black haired man's blabbering with his head downcast, his eyes shut, he didn't want to open them, because he knew that if he saw the Black haired man's face, he wouldn't be able to do what he meant to do.

"Why? Why? Why? Answer me God-dammit!"


The blond haired man's voice trailed off, he was drowning in guilt, for what he did, he was inadvertently cursing himself for doing something like that, to someone who trusted him more than anyone.

"Fucker, i will gouge out your eye balls and make you eat them, you son of a bitch, i fucking hate you, die you bastard"

The black haired man shouted on the top of his lungs, his voice was filled with a sense of betrayal and resentment, deep resentment which couldn't be washed away easily.

"I-I am sorry…"

The blond haired man said in a shaky voice, while he put his hands in his pockets.

The black haired man was even more angry now.

"Hah, you are sorry, that what you have to say to me after all that's happened, just drop dead right now"


A clicking sound came from the blond haired man's pocket as he said while finally looking the black haired man in his eyes with a faint yet disturbed smile.

"I don't think I can live on like this and neither can you"


A ticking noise started to come from the blond haired man's body.

The black haired man's eyes slowly widened as realisation finally dawned on him.

"No, you can't be! No! No! No!"

"You crazy son of a bitch, get away!"

The black haired man flailed his arms in the air as he started to back away, but….




The blond haired man stepped forward and hugged the black haired man tightly, while saying.

"We shall m#&₹:¢¥π©n, my best friend, and i hope we can be friends again"

The black haired man's face paled….

…..in the next moment.




Breathing heavily, a boy looking to be 7 years old with white hair, golden eyes, porcelain like flawless skin and a face which could charm the purest of the maidens, woke up from his slumber.

Around him was a huge room, luxuriously decorated with expensive looking materials, he was lying down on a king sized bed with an extremely comfy mattress, without the least bit of hesitation the boy looked over his shoulders, grabbing a bottle of water from the bedside table he opened the cap.



Taking big gulps the boy emptied the whole bottle.

'Again, I saw the same nightmare'

Looking to the side he saw a window, from the window three huge bodies of mass radiating white light can be seen in the sky surrounded by stars from all directions.

'I won't ever forgive you!' 

Suddenly the expression on the handsome boy's face contorted into a frown as intense killing intent started leaking from his small figure.


Taking in a deep breath he calmed himself down.

Closing his eyes he reminisced about the past and then the present.

' I ''Lazarus Blackthorn" that's my name, no that's the name of the person who i reincarnated as.'

'The air to the Blackthorn family and the eldest of the three Blackthorn siblings, my parents Maximus Blackthorn and Lucia Blackthorn hail as the heads of the most powerful noble family'


With a solemn face he thought.

'And this World, is the world of a Novel Which My previous life's BestFri…..no…'

Suddenly his face turned emotionless as he thought.

'...my worst possible enemy, and the creator of this World'

'My memories regarding my previous life is hazy and the wall between reality and dream is ambiguous, all I know is that ever since I was 4 I started having strange dreams of another world and strangely enough I could understand their language which was similar to this world's'

'Although one can say, How can someone just readily believe in some dreams to be true, trust me I too thought like that, but it all started to feel very real, think about it, a 4 year old child cannot dream about stuff which is above its own comprehension'

'and to top it all off, i can still vividly remember the contents of the Novel's named, The Nova's Blade, a fantasy story with the not so original plot and storyline, a boy who was betrayed by his family, goes on to seek revenge, and takes the path of justice in order to reach his goals' 

'Noah Fairborn, the main protagonist of this world, the person around whom the whole world revolves around and someone who is cherished by the Magic Union'

'Noah is a character which screams charismatic and Righteous, along with deathly good looks and a godly talent, the four horsemen of a fantasy setting and a skull splitting migraine'

'And if that's not enough, the body which i am in current belongs to the heir of the Blackthorn family, the strongest family in Arathia, and a mid tier villain of the story, who dies miserably in a pathetic way'


'Just thinking about it gives me a headache, just what am I supposed to do, Lazarus Blackthorn, at the age of 10 takes the test which determines one's talent and potential, and what comes out is a D+ ranked talent, along with absolutely no Psyon affinity, simply speaking Lazarus cannot cast any elemental magic whatsoever'

In this world people are assigned talent on the basis of their overall physiological structure, strength, intelligence, adaptability and mana capacity, along with Psyon affinity.

Talents are graded from G Rank till SSS Rank, pretty common stuff.

And our dear Noah has a talent rank of…..take a guess….and you are unfortunately not credible…now don't try to be a smart ass….he has a talent rated at SSS Rank, what a surprise.

'Although ever since I gained intelligence i have been devising a plan in order to overcome this predicament, and it's already in motion'

A creepy smile appeared on Lazarus' face as he thought out loud, "Let's start this game for real now, hope I won't get bored! Hahahahaha"

A maniacal laughter resounded in the room.

From here till next about 6-7 chapters the story will showcase the past of the current main character.

The one in our novel not in theirs.

aagh it's getting confusing, you get the point don't you.

Phantom_Vanquishercreators' thoughts