
please reset the booktitle Nndubuisi_Rosemary 20231218092329 23

Anna,a carefree girl who was oblivious of the fact that she had powers was enrolled in a magical school by her dad to undergo training , on her first day of school she met a boy called Alex who she thought was a total jerk due to his behavior . Alex is an narcissistic guy who feels that his charms can smitten everyone easily until he met Anna who isn't smitten by his charms and character ,Alex feels angry by the fact that she thinks he isn't charming and plans to make her fall for him and then dump her.alex finds out that her life is in danger and he is the only person who can help her. what will he do when he falls for her in the process of helping her " Hey jerk, come here we are not done with the training" she said to him I glared at her and asked "did you just call your trainer a jerk "ooh, I forgot you are my trainer, sir are we done for today" she said to me smiling " Do I look old to you , don't call me sir okay" I said to her "And if I do what are you gonna do about it" she said to me with a challenging look "well , am going to use my charms on you"I replied grinning "Do I have to tell you over and over again that doesn't work on me sorry" she said to me while packing her bags "it does you, you Know that to because your heart beats faster when am close to you" I said to her "what, so you can listen to my heartbeat ,can you also read my mind "she said to me with a shock expression "I can't but I will find away to"I replied "you will never I promise you"she said and ran out "I wonder how I became a teacher to this kind of person who can't even fall for my charms "I said to myself and also left the hall

Nndubuisi_Rosemary · Teenager
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

Anna's pov.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard him call me his girlfriend I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"what do you mean by Anna is your girlfriend? " Mia asked him with fear in her eyes

"yeah you heard me right she's my girlfriend" Alex smirked and looked at me

" I knew it" Mia said looking at me with anger in her eyes

she continued "why will someone be so innocent , I knew you liked Alex "she scoffed and tried to push me Alex held her hand and pushed her away from me

"Mia don't mess with my girlfriend, leave now" Alex said in a serious tone . Mia went off without saying a single word "surprising, she didn't say a word or is that how much she loves him" I said to myself and sat down

" Alex please don't me involve in all this I didn't utter any word because I wanted to see Mia leave here with shame but now I feel bad for her" I said and looked at the crew with a sad face

"Anna, why are you sad she deserves it didn't she here Alex say you're his girlfriend" Rhea said and looked towards the direction where Mia left

"so, Max cleared his throat and continued Anna I recalled Alex said something about being his girlfriend"

"Hey Max he said those things because he just wanted to get rid of her okay" I said looking at Max

" As long as I know Alex he has other ways of getting rid of her"Tia said with a smirk

" Enough of this talk our prom is next Month so what are your plans?"Louis asked everyone of us ending the girlfriend topic cause he found out I was feeling uncomfortable

" I've found a date so I don't need anything else" Max said with a smile

" I will be busy tomorrow at the prom you all have fun while I work"Louis said looking at everyone expressionless

" Hey stop making it sound as though we don't work we also do and you can always decline to the work anyways I and Tia are going to shop for our prom dress what about you two?" Rhea asked looking at us with curiosity

" I don't have any plans because I don't like parties I get nauseous when I see crazy school lovers and I hate the sound of music" Dawn said and looked at all of us with her expressionless face

"well I and Dawn are going for shopping tomorrow" I emphasize the part when I said I and Dawn were going for the shopping she looked at me wide-eyed and shakes her head in disbelief

" I'm I the only who noticed that Alex hasn't said anything after he and Mia's confrontation" Louis said and looked at us with a surprising look

" I don't want to say much my girlfriend is here and if it's about the prom my girlfriend is shopping tomorrow so I will go along with her"Alex said and held my shoulder smiling

"Alex this is going far, I'm not your girlfriend okay" I stood up and said

"wait everyone where is Jake or am the only person who hasn't heard his voice"Max said looking around for Jake

" probably with one of his chick" Tia said and rolled her eyes

"we need to go so we can get up early and leave for the mall so we wouldn't come back before curfew"Dawn said and stood up

"okay see you guys soon"u stood up and smiled. I and Dawn left the dinning hall and headed towards our room

"where did Mike disappear to I couldn't find him anywhere?"I asked Dawn

"I don't know probably gone back to prepare for a match that will never happen"Dawn replied me and entered the room

The Next day

I woke up and saw the bed empty "maybe Dawn has woken up"I said to myself and went to the bathroom I came out and so Dawn sitting on the bed munching her snacks

"Hey Dawn it's bad to eat snacks so early in the morning" I said in a worried tone

"yeah bad or good first don't work for me, if I take good food at the right time or not I don't get affected by it"Dawn said to me and continued eating her snacks

"just be careful anyways get dressed we have to leave early"I said to Dawn and picked a cloth to wear I wore my jeans pants and a white cropped top I picked up my white sneakers from my shoe rack and combed my hair packing it in a ponytail I looked at myself in the mirror and was satisfied with my look I was admiring myself in the mirror when Dawn walked out of the closet dressed in black joggers

" Dawn don't want to change this black color" I asked as I went to her wardrobe and searched for any other color of clothes but couldn't find one

"why don't you have any other color of clothes other than black in your wardrobe"I asked Dawn

"well because I don't like colorful clothes they are to bright u prefer black it means darkness and I love it so are we still going to the Mall"Dawn asked me and sat on the bed

"Yes we are" I said and dragged her outside the room we went to the principal's office took permission and left when we got to the school compound we saw the Greek gods on their bike waiting for someone

"They are here" Max said to his crew members smiling

" what took you guys so long we've been here for a while now" Rhea said to I and Dawn

" Sorry but what do you mean by You've been here for a while " I asked

" Hey dummy she means that we have all have been waiting for you and Dawn because we are all going to the mall together"I heard Alex reply me behind

" But we don't have bikes like you guys so how Will we get there don't worry we will board a taxi" I said and was about to leave when Alex dragged me back

"Are you scared of riding on a bike with me" he said and smiled

"why will I be I don't know if Dawn is okay with this" I said and looked at Dawn hoping for her to say no

"yes am cool with it will save time, energy and money"Dawn replied me

" okay it's settled you're going with us so you will be sitting with me girlfriend