
we meet again:ep 1

It started raining again, the third time this week. I gaze through those dense grey clouds as i munch on the second cup of the noodles i made for myself.

The laptops screen flickers on with a new mail.

'get it done by Monday' i read it out.

"For god's sake! It's a weekend" i fidget with the blanket near my legs and shut my laptop.

"Aren't you coming to the party today?" I hear jasmine ask me. Putting on her slipper. Her hair in a bun, but a slight strand of her hair flowing out.

"Ah, no. I've got some stuff to sort out" throwing the cup in the bin, i say.

"Let me guess, your boss asked you to work again on the weekend?"

I nod, with a small smirk slipping from my lips.

"I'll have to get it done by tonight, i have an anime to finish tomorrow"

"Binge watching, i see!"

She leaves, i walk towards the door to lock it when i find a small pup wandering around. It's tiny tale wagging,comes running towards me.

"Omg! You look so adorable!!!" I say, squeezing it's small face. An adorable goof ball.

"Bennie!" I hear a voice call out the name. A harsh tone to be presise.

Footsteps approaching me.

"Omg, I'm so sorry! Bennie just gets lost like that"

The voice says, picking up the pup.

"It's okay! Bennie is too adorable to get mad at" i say, dusting my knees. A sharp light hits my eye. Blurring my vision of the man in front of me.


I see the familiar face as i look up. The face i've been trying to forget.


My breath stops as I feel all the memories rush through my mind. The good ones playing at the back of my mind.

Why is he here? I ask myself.