
please reset the booktitle Monu03 20231218092329 72

“I was before everything and I will be after everything destroyed.” Witness being overpowered in a society in which civilians somehow got the power of the gods.

Monu03 · Fantasie
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19 Chs


"Jatayu, you achieved impressive results. Lord Om will be pleased. But there are not two but three entities who are ruling this forest right now." Yama told.

Jatayu asked, " how is that?"

Yama explained calmly, "this forest is not just refugees carnivores, and herbivores but also some alien races who are not native to this jungle. These alien races are Ogres, Orcs, Goblins, and Elves together they are ruled by an elven king. they are intruders to other native beasts. And My theory is these intruders are the reason behind the conflict between the herbivores and carnivores."

After Yama stopped explaining, Yaksha also shared his experience, "master Yama I also came face to face with these races. but as lord Om's wished, my group and I didn't hurt them because we thought they were part of this forest. If it pleases you, we can remove them."

"no, You shouldn't. Lord Om wants to observe them." expressed Yama.

Yama declined Yaksa and just after that, they heard their lord's voice from the undead herbivores who gathered herbs. it was none other than Om. he was sleeping inside gathering herbs.

"Why is our lord there?" asked Yama.

The undead horse became shy. even just having bone and nothing to show his emotions, it was clear that he was shying. the color of his fire turned red. everyone present there laughed.

Yama cheered the undead horse, "don't worry, our lord is resting peacefully. it was thanks to you. because we do not have any comfortable bed here, you decided to let Our lord sleep there. it was a good idea."

as Yama and others sorted out everything the morning turned into the afternoon. no matter how harsher the sun was the atmosphere inside the graveyard was still cold. Om was sleeping comfortably until he heard noises of hammering.

"what is this noise? let me sleep peacefully. please." Om shouted. he was still half asleep.

from somewhere a hammer came flying and landed hard on Om's head. he is now completely knocked out. Yama ran towards him and asked, "my lord are you ok. please say something."

"what is going on? what hit me? And why?" Om asked questions quickly.

the one responsible for hitting Om was Sugriva who was trying to learn hammering on command of Yama. but due to their loud voice of Om making him scared, he lost his grip on the hammer and somehow it hit Om. due to his Mistake, Sugriva was embarrassed. he didn't want to face his lord. to hide from Om's eyes he was hiding behind the large body of Jatayu.

"I'm asking, who hit me? show yourself." Om again asked. Om took Yama's support and stood up. his both hands were on the place where the Hammer hit his head. Yama tried to touch the bump present on his head but it made Om feel pain which resulted in Om pushing Yama away. Yama fell. every undead Skelton present there was trying to stop their laugh but couldn't. Everyone finally laughed.

after enjoying the mood, the atmosphere became serious again. Om, Yama, and the other leaders were sitting at a round table. Om in a serious tone asked, "what is this all about?"

Yama replied proudly, "my lord, as your humble devotees, everyone present in your army built this castle. worthy of a God. we know it's not sufficient but we are trying to improve furthermore. is everything to your liking?"

Om felt, "they are treating me like a God. yes, I have some godlike abilities but still, I'm just a mortal human. they did this just to show their devotion to me. in the future, I need to be a little harsh on them. Or do I need a better and more understanding leader than Yama? Yama is fine and all but he is not good with management."

"My lord, what are you thinking? is everything Ok?" Jatayu said to Om. jatayu's question stopped Om from thinking about his army's affairs.

"Yama! because everyone is present here. I hope everyone had done their task." Om looked straight into the eyes of Yama. Om's gaze was similar to the time when Yama was defeated. Om's gaze made shiver down his spine. sweat dripped from every undead skeleton present there.

it was clear Om is trying to be hard on them. Om intended to control them and teach them how to manage everything effectively and efficiently. but instead, everyone there thought, Om is mad at them and their hard work was in vain.

all the leaders look at their Groups. it was a signal. all skeletons on signal destroyed the castle in a few moments. the castle became a ruin.