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kazuya sato is a genius in more than one way, he achieved this by working on himself after a few incidents that gave him a reality check. He lives his life without a care for what people think, he is not much into socializing and telling superficial lies to fit in if he doesn't find it beneficial to him. But because of living in a standard school life light novelish world, he gets involved with a teacher who forces him to help people (totally original idea) and now he has to help in his own words "a bunch of horny teenagers". (yeah, I know I am a literary genius for totally not stealing plot and jokes from other forms of media)

Genericauthor1 · realistisch
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9 Chs

The boys 02

We were In the club room. I was sitting at my usual place and Suijin sat by pulling a chair beside me. After reading all the information that I got from the file, I got a notification it says that all Katsuo had was Twitter, which further supports my conjecture of him being an otaku, I shouldn't really be judging him since I don't even have a proper account in any social media platform. I looked into his profile picture and guess what it's an anime profile picture and all his tweets are mostly related to anime, damn, he thinks code geass is the best anime yet, I guess he is not that bad. I did not find anything I particularly hated about him until I found his tweets about Loli hentai.

*sigh. "This guy sure has some really special taste", I said to Suijin.

"It can't be that bad", Suijin replied.

Then I gave him my phone.

"How the heck can someone talk so openly about something like that?", he said. But still scrolling around a bit and then giving it back.

I told him, "You have no idea what people say on social media".

"So what are we going to do?"

"Well, I know his address and the school he came from before".

"Great, let's visit him".

I thought to myself,

'I don't really see anything here that would make him not go to school'.

"But why isn't he coming to school?"

"I don't know. Why don't we go to their school to find out?"

It could be bullying but I pushed that thought away since-

"A.R. doesn't really have any bullies, so it can't be that."

"Why don't we go to his house?"

But what if his previous school had bullies and they did something? That was pretty unlikely too. His Previous school was quite far away much like mine. So, even if he did this to get away from them it would make no sense for them to meet since the most likely path he would take is nowhere near his middle school.

Also, most students from that school would most likely go to the two high schools near it.

"Either it's clinical depression, social anxiety or he did something really embarrassing that made him not want to come to school again, like getting rejected or something similar.

The last one is the most likely". But I can't rule the other two out like last time. They do have a somewhat decent probability to be the answer although not as much as the last one. As I was thinking, I noticed that there is less than ten minutes before classes end.

"You are not listening to me, are you?"

"We will go to his house but it won't do us any good if we don't know what's the reason behind it. So we may have to visit multiple times to get him to even open up."

Of course, it probably wouldn't take me that long but I just wanted to figure this out without going that far, a guilty pleasure if you will. I just need to know if my guess was right.

"So you want to help him fix his problem? '

Is this guy a fucking idiot? Absolutely not. Knowing it would make it easier for me to make him do as I say.

"No, we manipulate him into getting back to school again".

He looked at me with a disgusted face. Wait a minute, speaking of reactions, his reaction to Ms.Hitomi telling me to help him might not be entirely out of his sense of duty, it could be that he wasn't exactly a people person before. He wasn't exactly surprised by the names of the anime tweets of Katsuo, he didn't look uninterested either. This guy probably pulled off a high school debut. I thought people like that only existed in fiction. As I was admiring him, he said,

"We would basically be putting him in an uncomfortable position while making him think there is nothing wrong. That might result in self-loathing", he said in a very serious tone.

If he was a girl, he would probably be those clueless optimistic lawful good heroines who care about everyone and about doing the right thing that appears in manga and light novels.

I told him," That's not my problem, if anyone is to be blamed it's Ms. Hitomi."

"You really are an asshole", he said while maintaining that disgusted face.

"Oh, you know of me".

"Yeah, you are that guy who scored the highest and refused to even show up. Yukiko Sasaki had to give your speech and Kazuma Kayato had to give hers because Shiba was also abscent, it was and still is a big deal in the student council and among the teachers and principals, you went to our school's MMA club with Ms. Hitomi and beat their ace and was a jerk to him".

"To be fair he was talking to me like I am an inferior being, he also treated everyone in the club like that, I just beat the shit out of him to show him his place".

"So, only you are forgiven for being arrogant?"

"Arrogance has to be earned. I just taught him that lesson and gave him a perfect example", oh, how I love playing a narcissist!

He sighed and then I said to him,

"We should go to class 2-D and ask his friend whether my hypothesis is correct or not".

We went to his room and before everyone left we asked his class rep about who his friends are.

She told us about them and we told them to come with us. Suijin being a part of the disciplinary committee made it less of a hassle.

"So, what did you guys mainly talk about? " I asked them.

One on the right said it was about all sorts of things.

I then asked them about how they met.

They all said it was through anime, manga, and those sorts of things.

I did some more questioning and then asked,

"Did he have any crush?"

They were either silent or we're denying it.

I then said," Relax, I won't tell anyone".

They did not say a thing but their expression told me there was. I told them they can go now.

I told Suijin," I was right".