
please reset the booktitle FBMDEVO 20231218092329 43

What happens when you try to save someone just to be sent to Mount Olympus and told you're ugly by the goddess of love herself when you're supposed to be hurt new champion? This is the story of a primate beyond evolution. Either it ends with a harem or the downfall of many hoping for love, it all relies on our hero.

FBMDEVO · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1


"This story is based on true events mixed with adventure, fantasy, erotica, comedy & Furry elements so reading at your own discretion is advised but may honestly be ignored because of the promises of a good story in a world filled with opportunities even if they are unbelievable. Honestly I don't think of myself as a ladies man nor do I believe that I can get any girl that I want but let me just show a bit of myself without having to hold back while letting my fantasies just run wild. Hope you enjoy it."


Tell me, have you ever wondered what makes one so special? Is it the way that they walk, the way that they talk or the way that they are able to captivate the world around them? Me on the other hand, I don't think that I have much talent especially since I, DeAn Valentine (Or who I once was), am an African Afro American Autistic Weeb who can't keep his mouth shut for anything…. Especially when it came to the anime, old cartoons from the 80's, Dungeons AND Dragons, fighting video games & the stars in space, always wondering if there was life on other planets? It's easy to tell that I don't have movie star good looks nor do I have anything of much value to wear others to me as more than just the 'Average Joe' with nothing to offer. All I have is a good heart and a smile that could win over the best people with the worst hearts (even though I was a bit of a liar and a rat for telling other people's secrets). Sadly, my past made it kind of hard for anyone to want to be with me, from getting into fights / causing trouble in kindergarten, inappropriately touching someone in elementary, causing more trouble in Middle School where I was handsy. In High School, I was a bigger problem where I literally mixed up all of my other issues into 3 years, to making matters worse, a girl accuses me of sexual assault which I never did and with my past experiences nobody was going to believe, not even my female teachers luckily I was able to get out the situation since there was no proof of me doing so but nobody ever apologized for it because they all saw me as what they figured I am in their eyes…Some of them were right and some of them were wrong but most of them I just wanted to watch them burn so I could maybe feel better…It's so bad that even my own best friend betrayed me with the girl who accused me (who ended up becoming my girlfriend) just to realize that she was just a Serial Cheater…This led to my depression as much as it led to my anxiety. As the years went by, I'd become more and more depressed from online dating to meet ups that went honestly horribly wrong. Even with all of these bad experiences I didn't give up on love and try to work hard for those that I'm with while also still being a lazy good for nothing that should have done better, not for the people around me but for myself. Years went by and I made more mistakes for my family but I was lucky enough to be able to get the opportunity in New York City where I would thrive with not only getting myself a job but also realizing that the relationships that I was putting myself into were toxic ones. Sure I grew and became a better man out of it with a bit of a messed up hairline but I was able to get myself back in the proper mindset. Once all four years had passed I felt that it was time for me to leave the big city, head over to North Carolina since truth be told I went there but with a lot of toxic thoughts in my head from suicide to self-doubt to victim blaming, etc. Thoughts that everyone was out to get me and worried that I wasn't good enough even if I put in first. 4 years went by since 2017 and now I am going into the 5th Year as a 28 year old man working my hardest in a hospital and trying to make the most of it cuz honestly the city life was not for me, I felt like no one was willing to acknowledge me without money or knowing someone that was famous. It was frustrating to say the least and the fact that it felt like my dad was not understanding me neither was my grandparents about how I was feeling it kind of felt tiring even after all 4 years it felt like I got to know them for real & the fact that I was already an adult made it even more clear for me to see why things were the way they are. Nevertheless, I'm going to keep it there just to keep a bit of their privacy but I know one thing was for sure that I wanted to go somewhere where whoever I'm staying with was not going to call me a b**** just because I had feelings and willing to show them without trying to hide it behind a condescending attitude or games being played. Anyways, it's been 4 weeks since I started this job as A patient transport not knowing many people in this small town of Winston Salem while also not knowing my way around so I just do my regular work and maybe drink after just to come home to either a hot meal or a cold one. But I'm not complaining as I'm just glad to be able to work a good job for nine hours and keep my mind off of things. Valentine's Day was yesterday, I was able to make a few people smile and even get a chocolate muffin as a result but the woman that I liked who was a brown skinned woman with glasses shreds in her hair the most importantly the most kindest smile that I ever seen in my life gave me hope that she may go to the bar after work to meet up and maybe see where we are at as people….

….Two Hours….

…I waited two hours ordering drink after drink which was my first mistake putting my hopes in others…

…Putting hope in love…

No reason to hope or dream of a future, no need to worry about having kids, maybe even staying single would be for the best. I try to laugh and smile while walking home from the bar while tears run down my face. Some people know but some people don't but the only way that I can get home is by crossing streets and right now I was getting barely any sleep I had barely any energy to walk straight. I've walked these blocks so many times over but this time it was different that I felt so exhausted as my body felt weak as honestly I never thought that I would feel this weak. Then the moment when I saw someone walking across the road looking injured I got worried and ran as fast as I could across the street just to check on them. "Hey Heyyyy! Are you watching o-!" 

…I didn't see the car coming…

… I found myself going upwards seeing the stars in the sky along with a full moon just to find myself going back down onto the ground…

When I opened my eyes everything felt different as it felt like it wasn't on earth anymore cause it couldn't feel my arms nor my legs nor could I feel my entire body as I felt like my soul was my guide and the only thing that was allowing me to move. I was honestly trying to get the hang of this new way of moving, I heard the sound of an angelic voice that was alluring as much as it was seductive. Before I knew it, I found myself in front of The entity of lust, love, seduction… Aphrodite. She had brunette hair that was straight and dolled up like many statues of her,  she wore a white elegant tunic dress that was close to her tall amazonian body that couldn't be matched with how flawless it was as there wasn't a sign of any form of illnesses or scars, truly flawless.  Looking into her eyes surprised me since one of her eyes had a pink crystal heart, while the other was a genuine guy with a heart in the center like many girls in anime and manga. I was beyond speechless as she looked at me with such elegance but at the same time I felt a lingering feeling as if she were looking down upon me almost like she was looking down upon an ant getting ready to be squashed. The closer I looked I could see that there were shadows around her, Secrets hidden before my immortal eyes. Before I knew it the goddess herself spoke. ("She is as intimidating as she is sexy, I must have died and gone to heaven or Mount Olympus for that matter. On the other hand am I dead?") Well thinking within my own mind, the goddess began to speak. "I welcome you poor soul as I see you have died a death that you were not destined to be given but because of your feelings for love for another you were brought towards me. You should be honored as this blessing does not come along so often. Only those with a strong lust and love are able to meet with the Goddess that is Aphrodite, so allow me to grace you with a physical form my new {champion} as we have much to discuss before your return to the human world Ohohoho~." Just like that, Aphrodite snapped her fingers and before I knew it a physical body was made but when she saw my *new* body since one soul represents the type of person you are. Sadly, my soul had The same value as the horoscope card of The Lover.  "*GASP!* WHAT IS THIS!? This- This cretin, abomination, in my presence!?" I was not prepared to hear that from the goddess of love, lust and seduction say that. Aphrodite so my soul for something special but after she saw the true me she now looked at me with disgust as if I was dead meat on the side of the road. Aphrodite looked nauseous, much as she looked sickened by how The body she dreamed I would have did not come to fruition up having the body of a primate. "Um Mrs. Aphrodite?" I wanted to be polite and see what was wrong, but while taking one step forward just for me to see men/women being used as her throne including her footstool and Aphrodite herself shouting at me for even trying to get close. "Don't you come near me you abomination!!!"  I was not expecting to be pushed back with a gust of air as much but I was not suspecting to climax either as I was sent flying backwards thanks to Aphrodite's lustful energy. I landed on my rear end but when I looked up I was terrified to see what I had done as my semen had flown a long distance onto Aphrodite herself as she was covered in my semen. ("Oooooh~ Shit!") Aphrodite tried to hold back her anger but I could sense a Pink Aura around her that turned from bubblegum pink to a bright red.  "You. YOU! Insignificant!! WORM!!!!! How dare you soil my body with your seed as you don't even deserve to be in my presence let alone deserve to even be my footstool as I rather eat space dolphins carcass and sleep with my useless husband then deal with the likes of you!!" Throughout the dawn of time, there were only a few times throughout history that Aphrodite, The goddess of love, lust & longing has shown her anger but never in front of a mortal. The entire area was shaking with her anger as if an earthquake was happening beneath their feet. Suddenly a bunch of naked men & women that had bodies that were built / chiseled like stone / silk appeared to wash the goddess herself by licking up the semen along with wiping it off as well. ("Yuck! Is this the power of Aphrodite where every man and woman is at her beck and call like an aphrodisiac?!") Once Aphrodite was cleaned in a gross fashion, anger slowly subsided and the quake quickly passed. "Oh dear forgive, thy had no idea what had come over me, mistakes were made but I do believe that yours was much more than one could easily forgive. I would consider you my champion but your face is too hideous for the likes of me to call anything less than a perverse cretin. Nevertheless I shall grant you some of my power but -" Aphrodite had a sinister grin on her face for a moment, she snapped her fingers as a bunch of gooey tentacles came from the ground just to keep me restrained. "Ah! You crazy sexy bitch! Let me go!" Just like that, Aphrodite began laughing like a goose seeing me in my own trap. "O~hohohohohoh! Quiet you insignificant fool thou has already soil thou while I was up on me and disrespected such a goddess as myself. Thou's lust shall be your curse. The maidens and harlots she'll see before they're very eyes, The more you meet the stronger you become so I wonder if you have the balls to climb the rings and get to my level, huh BlACKY?" Aphrodite confused me with her last bit of words but when she insulted me in such a manner, it made me lash out, got myself free with all the force in my body, just to run towards her dodging the dick looking tentacles one by one. However, when I was an inch close from grabbing the goddess of love herself, one of her goliaths punched me in the face, sending me flying across the ground. When I guessed that it was over, oh boy, did I guess wrong.  After coughing up blood and bits of teeth, I tried to get myself up while feeling as if some of my ribs are broken, some teeth were loose and I was bleeding from the inside but I was kicked by another one of Aphrodite's minions then another and  before I knew it I was beaten down by men and women alike… She watched it all sheer glee,  my anger built with every single punch, kick scratch & claw that was delivered to me. By the time I passed out my eyes became heavy… 

…..I woke up back home?…..

Hoping this was all just a dream, stepping out of my home made it hard as I nearly fell off the edge of a treehouse that was in the middle of some jungle and looking around I could see other tree houses. But what shocked me the most that truly told me that I was no longer in Winston Salem was seeing a temple with a kingdom surrounding it. I was truly no longer in the world I once knew, I was in a world where the jungle rules all.

...The primates rule....