
Mission Make her fall in love

(Wilson started accompanying Rose in gardening, they both sowed seeds, watered them regularly, while doing this work they used to share their thoughts their opinions about gardening and sometimes they used to play with water which is the most romantic part when a couple do gardening and finally 1 week was completed, Rose felt that she started liking him but according to her it was just a liking not loving but Wilson didn't had so much of time so he decided to call his cousin sister and try her to make jealous)

(Wilson's mother wanted Rose to meet her so she called her and Rose came to her)

Wilson's mother: Rose, my dear come here sit beside me, you know I am very happy today all thanks to you now finally my son agreed for second marriage and now I can see my grandchild before I die, you know today morning he came to me and told that he will marry the girl I select for him, now I have removed the list of the girls who are from the best renowned families, I don't know what you did but you changed my son's mind, tell me what you want as your reward?

Rose(with a worried expression): no mother, I don't want anything but if I want something in the future I will directly come to you, now I will be get going.

(when Rose went Wilson comes there)

Wilson: once again thank you mother.

Wilson's mother: I hope she will love you again.

(after that for 2 days Wilson didn't appear in front of Rose she kind of missed him but he always observed her from his window. But third day Wilson's cousin came and his mother introduced her to Rose now Rose really felt jealous and she thought that she must tell Wilson about her feelings as soon as possible or else he will marry his cousin)

to be continued...