
please reset the booktitle Daniel_Oxley 20231218092329 23

there are 12 beings whose powers surpass the ordinary but out of nowhere comes a 13th. follow to learn more about him.

Daniel_Oxley · Fantasie
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Huaaah, today is finally the day, it's been many years since humans developed the ability to use superpowers and gained access to a unique ability called discover which allows you to see your abilities, levels, stats and even talents. So, you may be wondering by now why I said today was the day, well I'll finally be learning my ability and embarking on a journey to join one of the worlds academies and officially leaving behind my life of monotony.

In this world once one reaches the age of 12, they are given access to the ability discover which allows them to finally learn their abilities, of course there are loopholes to this like those with abilities that allow them to see someone's skills but for the majority one would simply wait to find out, and today happens to be my 12th birthday, so with great anticipation I take a deep breath and firmly say allowed "Discover." 

Name: Solomon Springfield.

Level: 1

Title: 13th King

Talent: lightning magic (S rank)

Abilities: magic resistance(lighting), battle adaptability.

Unique skills: eyes of the blind king.

Stats: Strength: 15. Stamina: 10. Agility: 12. Constitution: 15. Magic power: 50 

Wow, was the only word I could think of after all it was my first time seeing something like this, from what I heard the average person's stats were around 10 at level one with around 30 in magic power, so off the bat I was already slightly stronger than the average person but that was not what stood out to me, I seemed to have some really great skills but my title who, why and how am I the 13th king.