
please reset the booktitle Chibaby_5934 20231218092329 42

Have you ever had a livid dream when you woke up the next morning and found out that you had three babies in the backseat of your car with no clue of where they came from? Well.... welcome to the world of Lorraine Warren. Lorraine was a vet, who had a weird past she couldn't explain when she came across the supernatural at a tender age and all she wanted to do was to prove that what happened to her parents weren't an animal attack, but something much more. But when she tumbles across three kids with no background of who they are...Lorraine might finally have a breakthrough.

Chibaby_5934 · Fantasie
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11 Chs




Suki pushed him off her and cleared her throat trying to take back control of her own body as her wolf whimpered in her head. Lanai, her wolf was enjoying the special attention she was getting.

"Please, he is so hot when he does that." Lanai said as Suki replied in her head.

"No, we are pissed off at him, we can't let him know that he affects us. If we give in, every time he played cute, he would never take us seriously." Suki replied before turning to face Adam.

"You promised that you were going to have time for me and the pups." She said in a stern voice as Adam slapped his forehead.

"Oh shoot, I totally forgot….not that I meant to, I just wanted to round up the meeting that I had with the council before I came to meet you, please forgive me." He said as Suki rolled her eyes and said,

"Excuses, excuses. Just know that I'm pissed off at you and I don't want to see you at home till night okay, or I might just become the new Alpha of the pack tomorrow." She said and walked off as Adam gulped totally noting the subtle threat.

Thankfully this wasn't going to end up in broken stuffs. This was one of the reasons he loved childbirth. Giving birth to triplets a week ago, has totally drained her energy and she needed to conserve her strength which made her the weakest wolf around…for now. But that doesn't mean her fury didn't scare him or send shivers down his spine.

He turned as the door opened again and Lisa walked out of the council room, trying to arrange her disheveled hair and clothes but stopped as soon as she saw her brother smiling at her with knowing eyes.

"Brother!" She said cordially with a little bow as she walked out of there.

"Sister!" He replied trying his best to control his laughter as Tyler walked out of the room grinning from ear to ear.

"Something you want to tell me man?" Adam said as Tyler shrugged and said,

"Yeah, it is supposed to be a secret but…we are pregnant." He said as Adam's eyes widened in shock.

"What in the bloody…You are kidding me right?"Adam said hitting his shoulders as Tyler shook his head in negative response.

"No, she made sure of it… and she also said, I shouldn't tell anyone. I need to get married to her as soon as possible, I mean we are already mates but she has been postponing the bonding ritual. Now she has no other reason than to do it."

"I am so happy for you man, You are going to be a dad." Adam said clasping his shoulders tightly as Tyler replied,

"And you are also a dad. Isn't that amazing. I should better tell my mum first so we can go and thank the Moon Goddess, offer a sacrifice to her, see you around man." Tyler said as he walked and left.

As soon as Tyler left, Adam's smile soon fell off, as his face was with dread.

"Thinking about our mate huh?" His wolf said as he sighed,

"Sometimes Dalton, I wish I wouldn't feel that big hole in my heart everytime I hear the word mate." He said as he started walking.

"I know how you feel, but we have a family now. We are lucky, you know that right. I think we should learn how to live with it, unless you want to tell everyone that you lied when you said Suki was your mate. She is in love with you, and she thinks you are her mate, do you really want to break her heart?" Dalton said as Adam shook his head.

"Of course not, but sometimes, I wish I knew what my true mate would be doing right about now." He replied as his wolf went dead silent.


It was twilight as a pretty lady stood in the balcony of her suite enjoying the late evening breeze as it caressed her body leaving goosebumps on her body when she was startled by her ringtone.

A bit reluctant to leave the balcony, she forced her feet to walk back into her suite as she made her way to the table.

"Sometimes I think that you are secretly my boyfriend." Lorraine said as she picked the call. It turned out to be her best friend Sarah who chuckled and replied,

"Oh come on Lorraine, you know that I am so excited that you are finally taking a vacation, but you didn't take me along and I need to know how everything is over there."

Lorraine walked back to her bed which was usurped with clothes and said,

"I told you I was coming back tomorrow didn't I? I should not have said anything if I knew that it would result to me not packing my stuffs on time and without disturbance. It's after 10pm here."

"Oh guess you guys are ahead of us. But I am sorry, you will still find time to pack your stuffs, okay. I just want to know what you did today, just a brief summary. Come on you owe me that." Sarah said as Lorraine rolled her eyes and said,

"I promise to give you the full scoop of what I have been up to, as soon as I get back tomorrow okay. You are just going to have to wait." she said as Sarah tried to cry but Lorraine shook her head.

"We are no longer teens, it is not going to work on me anymore, and you know that. Have a little patience, tomorrow I will be there, in your house telling you everything."

"Ok..ay. But it better be something juicy. You have been gone for 11 months, some people think that you ran away to give birth or something like that."

"Sarah, that's preposterous, coming from you. Do you think me to be a hoe?" She asked as Sarah quickly defended herself.

"I'm just saying okay. Besides in the possibility you do come back with kids, I am going to be so pissed off, I got to go now. Better get back to packing okay? Mwah" Sarah quickly concluded and cut the call before Lorraine could say anything.