
please reset the booktitle Chibaby_5934 20231218092329 42

Have you ever had a livid dream when you woke up the next morning and found out that you had three babies in the backseat of your car with no clue of where they came from? Well.... welcome to the world of Lorraine Warren. Lorraine was a vet, who had a weird past she couldn't explain when she came across the supernatural at a tender age and all she wanted to do was to prove that what happened to her parents weren't an animal attack, but something much more. But when she tumbles across three kids with no background of who they are...Lorraine might finally have a breakthrough.

Chibaby_5934 · Fantasie
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11 Chs



"Is everything okay? You have been spacing out?"Alpha Adam murmured behind Suki's ear who was lost in thoughts as she quickly nodded her head giving him a fake smile and said,

"Yes everything is in place. Tonight is going to be the most wonderful night ever. We are finally going to name…our kids." She faltered as she choked on her words. Her eyes darted to Adam's uncle Silas who was holding one of the female pups.

"Did we really have to give your uncle one of the female pups to hold, we could have share the two girls and boy between us, or even given your sister one, to hold. After all she is expecting too, so she should better get used to kids." Suki said as Adam chuckled and said,

"You of all people know how my uncle is attached to the kids, I am beginning to think it is actually his." He said as Suki's scared eyes suddenly shot up to meet his.

"Why would you think that? Did he say anything?" She said as Adam looked at her confused and said,

"No…I just made a joke to liven your tension but it seemed I made it worse. You were the one eager for this day to reach and now that it is here, you are being skeptical. Is there anything I should know?" He asked but before she could reply they were interrupted by the high priestess who walked up to them saying,

"The cleansing rites has been done. We need to go to the crescent moon tree where we shall name the heirs. Should we proceed? The moon will soon be upon us." The high priestess said as Alpha Adam nodded his head in response. She took it as her answer and walked away as she signaled for the guards to lead the way.

"We will discuss this later this night." Alpha Adam said in a harsh tone as he left carrying the other girl while Suki was left with the boy. She caressed his black fur and kissed it, her tears slipping into it's fur as she whispers,

"I am so sorry that I won't be able to protect you and your sisters. Forgive me my son."

"Luna…the entourage are moving." Lisa whispered as she placed her hand on her best friend shoulder who quickly straightened up and nodded her head.

"Lead the way…to our deaths." She said the last part in her mind as her wolf Lanai whimpered and went silent, as they joined the rest of the pack into the woods.


"We have arrived at our destination. All passengers please fasten your seat belts for descent." The female air hostess said as they went round waking up asleep passengers in the cockpit.

Lorraine on the other hand was reading a novel so she was engrossed in what she was reading to even notice what was happening around her. Her seat neighbor, an elderly woman smiled at this and tapped her.

"Seems like a nice book, you got there. What is the name?"

"Oh it is…The title is the Unknown Luna, it is about a woman who didn't know she was mated to an Alpha and she was… It probably doesn't sound like the kind of things you like to read. After all werewolves aren't real." She said as the old woman laughed heartily and said,

"Well I do have an active imagination, and if there is such things as humans like us, then maybe in the woods out there, there are wolves too. But we are about to descend, I suggest you put on your seat belt before the hostess reaches here." The woman said as Lorraine smiled and said,

"Thanks. I appreciate the tip."


Lorraine was driving through the woods in her car heading for her hometown when her phone started ringing again.

Keeping an eye on the road and a hand on the steering wheel, she reached for her phone inside her bag and saw that it was her best friend.

Shaking her head she picked the call,

"Where the fudge are you? You were supposed to be here hours ago? I am tired of remaking another bowl of popcorn as I kept on eating anxious about your return. You know that I am a stress eater."

"I am on my way. I am just at the outskirts of town and…ahh." She screamed as she stepped on her brakes, narrowing hitting the little rabbit that had runout of the woods.

"What happened? Lorraine talk to me." She said as Lorraine heaved a sigh of relief and said,

"Sorry just a rabbit. Can I call you when I get home, please?" She said as her friend sighed and said,

"Sure I guess I can always make another bowl of popcorn. Just get your butt here, it has been almost a year, you know."

"I know, thanks darling." She said as she cut the call and dropped it on her passenger seat as she tried to start the car but it wouldn't start.

"You have simply got to be kidding me." Lorraine muttered as she brought out her phone again and stepped out of the car leaving the door open.

She walked to her bonnet and opened it, trying to see if anything was wrong, but everything was intact, the car had no reason to stop.

"So what could this mean huh?"She said as she rechecked it and closed her bonnet, going to start it again when she heard some rustling in the bushes as if someone was watching her.

She quickly snapped her head up and pointed her light at the woods as she called out,

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

Damn it I have watched too many horror movies. She muttered to herself when she heard the barks. It was more like cries coming out from pups in the woods and from the way it sounded, it sounded like it was hurt.

Lorraine couldn't turn deaf ears to their cries, being a part time veterinary doctor, she could have them looked at her office the next day before she resumed work fully.

Pulling on her head warmer and arming herself with her phone light, she made her way to the woods as the moon shone bright up in the sky.