
please reset the booktitle Chibaby_5934 20231218092329 42

Have you ever had a livid dream when you woke up the next morning and found out that you had three babies in the backseat of your car with no clue of where they came from? Well.... welcome to the world of Lorraine Warren. Lorraine was a vet, who had a weird past she couldn't explain when she came across the supernatural at a tender age and all she wanted to do was to prove that what happened to her parents weren't an animal attack, but something much more. But when she tumbles across three kids with no background of who they are...Lorraine might finally have a breakthrough.

Chibaby_5934 · Fantasie
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11 Chs



The next morning, Lorraine was already packed and ready to leave when her phone rang again and she smiled. Shaking her head, she picked up the phone as Sarah quickly said,

"I know before you say anything, I just wanted to re-confirm from you that you are coming back today."

"Yes I am coming back today, and if you do not cut this call, I swear I will just start a new life here and never return, I am beginning to like here already." Lorraine said with a laugh as she pulled her suitcase to the door, still holding the phone to her ears with her shoulders as she packed her bags.

"Why are you laughing? You seem happy? What happened? Did you meet a guy? How hot was he?" Sarah said with a gasp as Lorraine rolled her eyes and said,

"You and guys. Honestly I wonder why I am even friends with you. No, I didn't see any guy, I saw a fountain and I made a wish, so I feel happy, because I know it will come true."

"Oh that." Sarah said sounding disappointed as she continued, "Well, what did you wish for? A man?"

"No, God no. If I tell you what I wished for, it won't happen, now will you allow me to go, I don't want to be late for my flight. Call you when I get back in town this night okay, I have a very lengthy flight and I can already feel the jet-lag." Lorraine said groaning.

"Next time, you won't fly to the other side of the world. Bye, I will be expecting you tonight." She said as she ended the call.

Lorraine dropped the phone in her bag, as she twirled around making sure she didn't forget anything before she stopped in front of the mirror.

"Tonight, everything is going to change. The unexpected is about to happen, I just know it." She said before pulling her luggage from the room and closing the door behind her gently. As soon as the door was closed, there was a loud crack in the mirror as the plants in the room grew a bit bigger.


"Finally tonight is going to be the naming ceremony. Please tell me you have settled for the names you are going to give our kids." Suki said as she served Adam breakfast consisting of omelette, pancakes with syrups and fruit juice.

"Uhmm, the names are coming up nicely." Adam said scratching his head nervously as Suki gave him a look but shrugged it off.

"You know what, today is a very joyous day for me to even let anything get me upset, I am going to think happy thoughts, like the fact that my pups are going to transform to human babies for their first time tonight, but once the time comes for the naming ceremony and you haven't come up with spectacular names…She snarled at him before snapping her teeth shut, showing him what she would do to him.

Adam gulped as he nodded his head slowly,

"The names will be ready before then. I just remembered I had to go for border patrol with Tyler, I am already late." He said standing up hurriedly as Suki frowned in disappointment.

"You didn't even touch your breakfast, and you are already leaving, can't the guards not take care of the border patrol. We need to come up with names for our kids." She said in a whining tone as Adamn nodded his head treying to pacify her.

"And we will, I promise. I just have to do this first. It is more urgent, I need to secure the border." He said as he left and almost walked into his uncle who was coming to see them.

"Pardon me please…Uncle, it is you? What are you doing here? Is everything all right?" He said with a smile as his uncle patted him by his shoulders and said,

"Oh don't mind me, I guess I was a bit emotional today, I decided to come and see my nephew. Wow you are really a man now. Your father would be so proud of you, where are you off to already?" He said as Adam chuckled sheepishly scratching the back of his head and replied,

"Oh just wanted to see Tyler, it is very important but my wife is at home and the pups too, they will keep you company until I am back." He said as his uncle nodded his head and said,

"Let me not disturb you, I will see you later then." He concluded as Adam nodded his head before shifting into a big black wolf and started running towards the main pack as his uncle drop the smiling act and entered the house as Suki rushed outside thinking it was Adam.

Immediately she saw him, her countenance changed as she became defensive towards him.

"What are you doing here, Silas?" She said as Silas walked towards her slowly as he took her hair into his hand and smelled it, as Lanai her wolf was growling softly. They both hated Adam's uncle with all their might and wished he would wind up dead soon.

"I just came here to see my pups, or am I not allowed to do so?" He said as Suki swallowed hard and replied,

"Who told you it's yours? Please leave now and do not show your face near my family again." She said pointing towards the door but Silas just laughed out loud throwing his head backwards as Suki clenched her fists tightly wishing she could rip his heart out of his chest with her bare hands.

"Don't try and play coy with me, you know exactly what I am talking, or if you are so sure, why don't I mind-link your husband right now and ask him to come and carry out some tests to determine the paternity of his so called triplets. Should I?" Silas said with a defiant smirk as Suki rushed and held his hands as she shook her head in negative.

"No, don't please. What do you want? She said, as tears were beginning to fill up, she hated being this weak and she hated the fact that Silas was watching her strong resolve break down.

"You already know what I want. Tonight, it all burns. Make up your mind and choose which team you want to be on." He said kissing her on the lips as Lanai whimpered in pain before Silas pulled away and turned and left leaving Suki who fell on the floor crying.