
please reset the booktitle Chibaby_5934 20231218092329 42

Have you ever had a livid dream when you woke up the next morning and found out that you had three babies in the backseat of your car with no clue of where they came from? Well.... welcome to the world of Lorraine Warren. Lorraine was a vet, who had a weird past she couldn't explain when she came across the supernatural at a tender age and all she wanted to do was to prove that what happened to her parents weren't an animal attack, but something much more. But when she tumbles across three kids with no background of who they are...Lorraine might finally have a breakthrough.

Chibaby_5934 · Fantasie
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11 Chs



Later that day, after putting her things in order, Lorraine called a cab for her and her kids. She had also called the towing company and they came and towed her car away. Throughout the day she had been busy as her colleagues at work all trooped in to welcome her back and was shocked at seeing the new babies but since they were all nurses and doctors, they quickly helped her get formulas for the babies and feed them and also change their clothes while Lorraine took a bath in the bathroom and had a change of clothes from the storage room.

There were take outs or her to eat and regain her strength and told her not to bother about working at the moment, she was free to stay with the kids and get her life in order. She told them the same sad story she told the cops. It was easier to stick with the lie she already told the cops, rather than tell them what actually happened.

And now presently, she fixed the babies carrier into the backseat of the cab before entering and told the driver her address. The driver nodded his head and drove off while she viewed the familiar street of where she lived. The babies were all asleep so it was quiet and she finally had time to think about what had happened to her.

It was a lot to process and she knew that the only way she was going to understand was to find out what happened that night and launch a private investigation into the woods. There got to be an explanation for what happened. Especially when she saw nothing in the woods that reminded her of the blood bath she had witness that night but she knew it happened because the babies were real. She still didn't know what to call them yet.

"We have reached ma." The driver announced bringing her out of her reverie as Lorraine paid the driver and took her babies out and her bags before pulling them to her house. It was dark and empty, after all she was the only occupant but luckily during her stay abroad, she had a maid which came twice or thrice a month to clean up so the house was still in good condition when she got in.

She opened the door and walked in, switching on the bulb as the room got illuminated with light. She closed the door behind her and she went and dropped the babies in her room on her bed, before changing into her nightwear. She was so filled up what she had eaten in the hospital, that she wasn't going to make dinner for herself. All she could do now was sleep for she was very exhausted but it seemed the babies had other plans for her as they all woke up simultaneously and started crying as Lorraine was frustrated.

This night was going to be a long night."


Lorraine woke up the next morning on the floor. She yawned and stretched herself. She scratched her head and wondered what she was doing on the floor. When realization hit her, she quickly stood up and checked on the bed but there was no sign of the babies. Panic rose in her throat as she quickly searched everywhere but there was no clue to where the babies could be. Did someone come in and take the kids.

She rushed for her phone and decided to call 911 when she saw that something had chewed off her phone. She was a bit puzzled as she heard noises coming from downstairs. She slowly tiptoed downstairs just to meet three little cubes in the middle of a mess. They had gotten into her fridge and made a mess of everything all there.

"What the hell is happening" She murmured as she rubbed her eyes. Maybe she was still asleep. She rubbed her eyes but she couldn't still un see what she has seen.

"Guys is that you?" She said slowly as the pups stopped growling at each other and faced her looking calm and quiet. It was as if they could understand what she was saying,

"I knew it, I am going crazy. She said as she reached for one of them but they all sneezed and turned back into human babies and were giggling as Lorraine fainted out of shock.

Twenty minutes later, she woke up and saw that she was on the floor and the babies were busy waiting for her giggling and smiling.

"I should call the FBI and CIA. This isn't normal, but they are kids. What is the worse they can do? Besides they will be poked and prodded. Did I just venture into a world of supernatural beings? Oh my God, this is totally like Twilight movie. My babies are shape shifters." She said as she took them one after the other and cradled them.

"So their mum was…a shape shifter and she dies? All those people died because of the triplets? Are there people out to get them? We have to leave this town, we are not safe here. I have to protect them now, they are mine." Lorraine said as they laughed in delight. Could the babies understand what she was saying? She highly doubted it but then again she just witnessed them transform so she was going to believe anything from now on.

"I don't know what I got myself into but I swear I will protect you from the evil in this world. I don't know the names that your parents gave you or if your dad is still alive so I am going to give you three new names….human names." She said as she picked up the boy and said,

"I will call you Soren…Soren Warren. It is a good fit." She said with a smile as the boy giggled. The girls started to make a fuss as Lorraine dropped Soren gently on the couch and said,

"I am coming, everyone gets a name okay. As for you, you are the mischievous one, so you will be called Claudia. Claudia Warren. I love it already." She said as she picked the third baby who was looking at her intently. Lorraine thought hard and long before she said,

"I don't know why I am super attached to you out of all three, maybe you remind me of myself back when I was a child, which is crazy because I don't remember my past. But I think I will name you Layla. It means you are a mini version of me." Lorraine said as she faced all of them and smiled.

"Although there is not a man in the picture as your dad is AWOL and my boyfriend is cooling his ass in jail. I say we do this all on our own. What do you think?" She said hands akimbo as she took a deep breath. She was ready for this new stage in her life. She can do it. She has faced bullies, nightmares, annoying bosses, cheaters, liars, handing the fact her babies were werewolf freaks and also running from wolves, taking care of babies was a piece of cake. Or so she thought.