

The weight of grocery bags did nothing to help Denki's mind stay anchored to reality. It had been three months now since the morning he had woken up to an empty bed in an abandoned room and yet he still found himself thinking about it. Constantly at war if he agreed with her decision or not. No one could deny there was chemistry between the two, definitely more than just a one night stand kind of hook up, but he couldn't keep denying they were from two different worlds. A hero and a villain getting in a relationship would just make both their lives messy and complicated, yet he still wanted more than what he was getting now.

He had run-ins with the girl on a few occasions since then, each time playing out in almost the exact same way. Usually the villain would spot the hero, wait till he was vulnerable, and then strike. The first time it happened Denki was worried Poltergeist was going to pretend as though nothing had ever happened between them. The underside of her boot connecting to his jaw didn't do anything to deny his claims, but once she had him pinned down, bloody and exhausted, her teasing words and action said otherwise. They never got further than some over the pants stuff before either getting interrupted or she stopped of her own volition. It was as though every time he closed his eyes from pleasure, she took the opportunity to make her escape. Needless to say, it was driving him crazy in both a good and bad way. Anytime he had ever tried to talk to her about wanting more just ended with two of her fingers being shoved down his throat and threatening words of being grateful for what he got. God forbid he ever spoke her real name aloud. She would stop the teasing all together and fight him into the ground.

He caught a glimpse of his reflection in one of the display windows he was passing by. Despite it being his day off, he still wore his hero outfit. The public might have seen it as commitment to his job, but it was just another excuse to remind himself of the villain's hold over him. Every time he saw it reminded him of her, how she teased him through the soft material of his pants and wore his coat with nothing underneath. But god if the best part wasn't his choker. Sure, it made him remember how harshly she tugged on it, but more than that it reminded him of who he belonged to. Even if she didn't want him, he was hers until they were able to define the relationship or she outright said she didn't feel the same way he did. Though, he knew she felt the same way. If he just had the opportunity to talk to her without distraction, just once, he was sure he could get her to see the error of her ways and turn her back on her life of crime to be with him. She had wanted to be a hero once and he was determined to make her not only want to have that goal again, but achieve it.

The sudden sound of a screaming alarm snapped the boy out of his thoughts. If there was one thing that got him to focus anymore, it was when people in trouble needed him to. However, just because he was able to focus didn't mean he was able to stop hoping the girl might make an appearance. It was the reason Denki was always overworking himself lately, just for the slight chances of her being the one causing the disturbance. Out of the hundreds of missions he had been on in the past weeks, she had only been spotted on a handful of them and, to him, that was worth the sleep deprivation. It had gotten so bad in fact that the slightest hint of potential danger got him to sport a semi.

Dropping his grocery bags to the ground, he chased after the sound of the alarm as it turned to a blaring siren. It was easy for Denki to pinpoint where the noise was coming from as it rang out through the quiet night air. The noise led him to a small bank on the lower east side of the city. The flashing red lights illuminated the figures inside, giving them a form in the shadows and exposing their position

Denki began sprinting for the back of the bank, hoping there might be some way to sneak in without alerting the robbers of his arrival. However, the sudden burst of pain radiated throughout his face never allowed him to find out. Somehow he managed to stay on his feet, stumbling backwards. Denki's hand shot up to pinch the bridge of his nose, already feeling blood dribble down to his lips.

"Oh no, Sparky, was that too hard for you?" A voice echoed mockingly. "Of course we both know you like it rough." The villain stepped into view with her usual dark attire on, the only new thing being the heavy money bag accessories she dropped by her feet.

As she closed in with a swing of her hips and smirk on her face, Denki swore he wasn't going to be fooled into thinking she was going to let him leave without a few bruises. Deciding to strike first, he waited till she was in range before throwing the first punch toward her mask. She caught hold of his wrist effortlessly, leaning to the side, but before Poltergeist could make her demeaning remark, Denki sent out a shock he knew would be painful. With a grunt, the villain had no choice but to let go. She took a step back, shaking out her arm. Despite their bodies not touching anymore, the pain of her muscles tensing up was still there. She let out a growl that quickly turned into a laugh. Though the modulator she wore made it sound deeper, Denki had no doubt it would sound any less maniacal without it.

"Sparky," She sang, raising the arm that wasn't just injured, "You shouldn't have done that." Her sharp eyes shot to his worried ones in an instant.

He tried to match the speed at which her arm shot out, hoping to hit her with some kind of shocking move, but she was too fast. Binding her invisible tethers to his body, she swung her arm toward the brick wall taking him with it. He started to keel over in pain when the pressure was back on him, smothering him against the wall. The force was so much it was hard to breathe.

Still, the villain took her time to sulter over, pressing upright against him. Of course, he could have shocked her again, worse this time from how almost every part of them was touching, but then her knee jutted out between the hero's legs. The look she got of slightly rolled back eyes just from tugging at his choker told her he wasn't going to do shit.

She leaned in, ghosting her lips against his ear, like they were surrounded by noise and couldn't risk him missing a single word. Instead, the silence of night was only interrupted by alarms that could easily be filtered out through a lustful mind.

"You better apologise for that, Pet!" Her knee raised a little higher, forcing Denki up on his tippy toes, holding back a grunt with the bite of his lip. The use of the nickname cast a spell, erasing the memory of his hero life.

"Nh-mh" Denki shook his head, being the little brat that he was. He hoped the more disobedient he was the more likely his odds of waking up handcuffed to a bed again were.

The grip on his throat cut off more of his air, causing her to feel a slight twitch on her thigh, but it was quickly released as she stepped back, dropping Denki to stand on his own. The hero followed Poltergeist's line of sight to the edge of the building, confused for a moment as to what took her attention away from him.

"You know, you really have impeccable timing." For a second Denki thought she was speaking to him, but, as if she knew it would happen seconds before, a scarred man in a black stitched trench coat stepped into view.

"We have to go." Though his words were meant to be spoken as annoyed and urgent, he spoke them calmly.

Even in the night, Denki could see how piercingly blue his eyes were. He knew the villain only from articles and news reports that told of his destructive tendencies, but had never met him in person before.

The glare he was sent made him panic and try to find any cover around him. He did not want to be burned alive tonight knowing his quirk wouldn't be able to stop Dabi's blue flames. Dabi didn't even attempt to acknowledge him, instead turning back to his partner like Denki was no threat to him and they both knew it.

"Is now really the time?" Dabi's gravely voice asked.

"Just having some fun. Make the call. I'm ready." Poltergeist turned back to Denki as Dabi pulled out a phone.

Seconds later a purple portal Denki recognised opened behind them. The bags that were left abandoned just moments ago floated up through the portal and with them disappeared Dabi.

"Till next time, lil' hero!" She tapped two fingers to her forehead as a salute.

"Y/n, wait!" His body moved before he could think his plan through, but the portal already had half of her gone and he didn't want to wait until next time. He didn't want to lose her again.

He scrambled to get to the portal, able to grab hold of her fingers just in time. Only his balance was all wrong and instead of pulling her back, he fell forward.

He should have landed on gravel, but instead his face collided with cold, hard concrete. With a groan, Denki pushed the top half of his body off the floor, rubbing his jaw where it hurt the most. His actions seized almost immediately, taking in his environment. He was surrounded by a combination of glaring eyes and vicious smiles. Almost all of them looked familiar from one source or another. The girl caressing a knife, the lizard, the magician, Dabi...He had just thrown himself into the center of the lion's den.

"Looks like you two brought back an extra player." Denki swallowed hard, recognising the man who spoke.

With light blue hair, crusty face, and the iconic white hands decorating his body, Denki was left with no doubt. The man before him was Tomura Shigaraki, the infamous leader of the League of Villains. His blood ran cold as the villian moved towards him with an outstretched hand knowing a single touch could cause fatal damage.

"Y/n!" He called, finally spotting the girl who was leaning up against the side wall. She seemed indifferent to him being there at first until he spoke her true name. Her face only changed for a second with wide eyes and slightly parted lips sucking in a breath. If he hadn't been looking at her at the exact moment he said it, it would have been missed, changing back to her bored expression.

"Oh, so we're on a first name basis with the enemy now are we, Y/n?" The threatening hand dropped for the time being, turning to look at his accomplice.

"Tomura," A stern, recognisable voice spoke. "He's mine."

Denki had never been more relieved to hear the girl in black's voice. She no longer wore her mask or jacket and yet, even in his state of fear, he found himself envying the villains for getting to see her face everyday. She stood tall, pushing herself off the wall with a huff and meandering over to be part of the conversation.

Denki thought she was coming to defend him, but she barely flashed a glare his way before focusing on her leader like he wasn't just inches from them.

The sheep among wolves jumped to his feet. "Um…" Denki rubbed the back of his neck, laughing nervously. "I'll just let you guys work this out."

He scooted across the wall for the door, but only made it a few steps before there was a sharp pain clawing his shoulder and a heavy boot collided with the back of his knee, sending him back to the floor. Even when he was kneeling, the girl didn't release the collar of his shirt, her fist connecting with the side of his cheek hard enough to make his vision go fuzzy.

With a rough tug, Y/n finally turned her attention to him if only for a second. "You're not going anywhere."

"Kill him." The leader stated bluntly with a wave of his hand like Denki's life was as important as a rat caught in a trap.

He backed off, allowing Y/n to take care of it. Though she had her fun with teasing and backtalk here and there, at the end of the day she was always a good little soldier for Shigaraki to have by his side. She looked from Tomura down to Denki, not a spec of emotion shown anywhere on her face. Denki could only compare it to a lifeless android about to execute an order.

The boy cowered back on himself the best he could while still being in her grasp.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Wa-" Denki repeated quickly attempting to cover his body in electricity when he saw the girl cock her arm back again. Y/n felt the initial shock run up her arm, but it was quickly stopped by another strong punch to the face sending the boy into darkness.

"I told you to kill him, not knock him out." Shigaraki's raspy voice spoke to her. He had suspected something had been going on between the two for a while now. This just confirmed it. Y/n never hesitated like she just did.

"Spinner," Y/n turned to her hybrid partner, ignoring her boss's comment for the time being. "Bring him up to the room for me." Releasing the boy's collar, his unconscious body fell to the floor with a thud.

Spinner threw the boy's body over his shoulder, but waited for Shigaraki's nod of approval. When he didn't give it, Y/n started to make her case.

"He could be useful." She breathed out confidently. "I'm keeping him."

There wasn't a single flinch from the girl when the dangerous hand wrapped around her throat. Instead, she smiled with a single hovering finger deciding between life and death being so close.

"Have you forgotten who you're talking to?" Shigaraki's red eyes darken though it didn't make Y/n's deminer waver.

"Dabi gets to have a bird. So, why can't I have a pet too?" She tilted her head towards the stretched-out finger as if oblivious to the damage it could cause. In reality, she was well aware of the destruction it could bring, but even more so the fact that Shigaraki would never do it. At least not with something this insignificant. He would lose one of his key players. The same couldn't be said for his actions towards the hero.

Shigaraki released his hand with a huff. "He's a hero"

"So is Hawks." She retorted, folding her arms.

Y/n watched Denki's body dangle in Spinner's hold. She hoped the idiot would realize the predicament he was in and stay put. If he tried to run again, she knew she wouldn't be able to deny Shigaraki's order. Denki was a good source of entertainment for her, but when it came down to it, she would never let anything jeopardize the League.

Shigaraki mirrored her pose but was willing to hear her try and convince him. After all, he had known Y/n for a long time. He wouldn't dare say it out loud, but he trusted her decisions and heeded her advice. If she really thought he could be useful, then he'd listen. That didn't mean he'd make it easy on her. "Hawks proved himself."

"Then I'll keep him on a tighter leash until he's trained. Shig, I have been loyal to you since the day I joined the League. Nothing will change that. If I suspect he has plans to run or hurt us in any way," She glanced at the unconscious body, meaning every word she said, "I'll kill him myself." Y/n was firm. She wasn't going to budge on this one. As much as she loved toying with the hero, she would never let him distract her from their mission, even if it meant taking him out of her life permanently.

Hearing Shigaraki's sigh, Y/n started to smile, knowing she'd won him over. He might have been big bad Tomura Shigaraki to the rest of the world, but most of the League knew he could be pretty easy to convince as long as it didn't hurt their mission. "If he stays then he's your responsibility. So much as a quirkless cop is caught around this place, I'll put all five fingers around both of your throats."

"Is that a threat or a promise?" She winked, returning to the playful version of herself that meant she got what she wanted.

Despite Shigaraki's slight blush, seen even under his masked hand, his growl was still prominent. He turned to Spinner with a nod, causing him to follow Y/n's earlier request while the rest of the group dispersed to go back to what they were doing before the interruption.

She paused only for a minute, taking a deep breath. A hand ran down her face in an attempt to settle the conflicting thoughts of if this was really the right move. Maybe she was being too selfish and should have just killed the blonde like Shigaraki asked. He could be a handful after all, but why did the thought make her stomach hurt?

Shigaraki trusted her to keep the boy in line, but she also knew that if he found Denki suspicious or useless or annoying or… well anything but obedient, he wouldn't hesitate to kill him. It was clear she couldn't just go into this the way she wanted to. First, she would have to make him understand the kind of situation he was in. The fun parts of having him around would have to wait.

Denki's splitting headache got him to wake up, but the memories of what had sent him to sleep opened his eyes. Scanning the room he was in, he quickly took in his surroundings. The only contents of the small room were a single twin mattress thrown across the floor, which he was currently sitting on, and a ratty blanket to the side of him.

He felt his breathing ease seeing the familiar face sitting in the corner with no other watching eyes. When she turned to look at him, he expected her to yell, or scream, or hurt him in some way for chasing after her, but she didn't move. She just glanced at him up and down with a blank expression. For some reason, that was worse.

He thought she would drop the distant act since they didn't have additional eyes on them. After all, they always teased or flirted when they were alone together. Even if she had just walked up and punched him right in the face again, it would be better than the lingering silence she sent his way. He just felt like anything would be better than the sinking feeling in his chest from her being mad at him. He began to question why that pain felt worse than the throbbing in his head?

"You don't really sleep like this do you?" The question spilled out of Denki's mouth before he could think of how insulting he must have sounded. He just wanted anything but silence.

Y/n waited a few moments to respond, lifting herself from the wall and making her way over to him. "Not my room." She said simply, hovering above him. "We need to talk." Her face was still blank with a monotone voice, like she was annoyed having to be there.

Denki found his eyes not able to meet hers, feeling like he was disappointing her with his presence. So instead, he started pushing down on one of the corners of the mattress with the tip of his shoe. "About?" The boy flashed a look Y/n's way before turning his attention back on the bed.

"How about the fact that you're a hostage of the League of Villains," Denki pulled the blanket to him, feeling the fabric. Y/n grit her teeth at being ignored. "and you seem to be more focused on a stupid fucking blanket than your handler? At this rate, I would honestly be surprised if you make it through the night."

His head shot up in surprise at her tone shift. Then it clicked. She was trying to make him let his guard down so she could get the upper hand on him easier. Well, two could play at that game. He would be the one making the first flustering move this time. "I seem to remember the last time I was your hostage it all worked out fine~" Denki soothed with a smirk. He was nervous about being so close to the rest of the League, of course, but he couldn't pass up this opportunity. This could be his only chance to make her realize they belonged together.

With a harsh shove, Y/n caused Denki to fall back from his knees. The sudden weight to that part of the bed caused a small cloud of dust to poof. She followed his body down, pinning him to the bed.

Denki cleared his throat, remembering how their first time went, trying to mimic it. "Just can't wait to jump my bones, huh?" He might have got a few words wrong, but Y/n's slight change in expression told him she got what he was trying to do. Only she didn't play along like he thought she would.

"You really don't fucking get it, do you? This isn't playtime anymore! Let me make this real clear. If you try to escape or step out of line in any way-"

"Let me guess? I'll be punished." Denki flirted with a wink and a playful attempt to wiggle his hips, thinking it would get Y/n to prove exactly what she'd do to him.

Y/n sighed, releasing his body from under her and rolling to sit at the edge of the bed.

"Fine." Y/n stood up heading towards the door. For once she was actually trying to have a real conversation with him, about something important no less, but it was clear now he was only interested in one thing. If he didn't care about his safety, why should she? The time for talking was over. From that point on, he was just another hostage. One she could toy with however she wanted and get rid of when she got bored.

"If you can't even listen to me for one second…" She trailed off glaring at him, "Just remember I tried to do this the easy way."

Denki sat up on the bed with wide eyes realizing his plan had backfired. "Y/n, wait!" He watched her cross the threshold pulling the door handle behind her. "We can talk if you-"

The sound of the door slamming behind her cut him off. The click of the lock made him flinch. Something about the look in her eyes as she said her final word made him feel as though he'd regret not listening to her.

"Not as easy as you thought to control?" Dabi spoke, staring at the girl pressed up against the door.

She tilted her head up only slightly, looking up at the scared man through the few strands of hair that blocked her vision.

"I'm going to break him beyond repair." A small chuckle left her mouth as a wicked grin spread across her lips. A million thoughts raced through her mind. She knew it wouldn't be hard to get him to submit, she'd done it before, but getting him to stay submissive might prove to be a little more challenging with that strong personality of his. No matter, Y/n was up to the challenge.

"Careful there Baby Bird. You're beginning to sound a little crazy." Y/n was so lost in her own thoughts she didn't even realize the winged hero stood next to her too. "Anyway, why don't you come with us and we can have some fun of our own. It's getting me excited just seeing you come up with ideas of how to handle your little boy toy. Feel like testing some things out?" Hawks raised his eyebrow with a smirk. She should have known Dabi would have told Hawks about her relationship with Chargebolt. He normally didn't keep anything from him. However, it was the same for the hero, which is why it was nice to have him as an ally.

Dabi bared his teeth and growled at the winged hero's suggestion. Y/n pushed herself from the door, stepping towards Dabi. The way she carried herself getting closer made his breathing hitch, but he didn't let it show.

"Aw, what's wrong, Firefly?" She took his chin between her fingers, rubbing his staples with her thumb. "Don't want to bow to your mistress tonight?" She turned her voice into a promising whisper, "I'd make sure you'd cum so hard you can't even form a coherent sentence."

Dabi felt the twitch in his dark blue pants, but chose to ignore it. "Like I'd ever bow to you." Dabi scoffed, ignoring the obvious.

Y/n took a step back tilting her head to the side. "Oh really? So that wasn't you whimpering for me to go harder last night?"

Dabi elbowed Hawks in the stomach to stop his laughter. "What? She has a point. So kid you coming or what?"

"Not tonight, birdy. Got some things I have to take care of." Y/n ruffled the blond's hair as the two walked past her.

Hawks let out a small yelp feeling the pinch of one of his feathers being tugged out. He twisted around to see the culprit of the prick spinning the red feather between her two fingers.

She shrugged seeing his confused look. "Just because I can't be there doesn't mean I can't have some fun too."

Her two delicate fingers gave the feather a few small strokes getting hawks to bite his lip. The sensitive connection between his feather stirring up feelings that made him want to cross his legs. Losing patients, Dabi grabbed the bird's arm, tugging him to his room. Y/n waved her fingers as they disappeared from sight and she carried on with her own business.