
Chapter 1307 A Small Rest

After a few days, the world migration was launched through Kisuke and those from the foreign world's efforts. However, before it could settle a bit more around the real Dimensional Gap completely, they would have to monitor its progress and only allow the movement of souls between this side to the other to avoid any complications. Claire and her group's case was already an exception that Kisuke vehemently pushed forward despite its detriments.

Right now, as the few proficient Magic practitioners, Issei, Seekvaira, Kuisha, and Georg went to the Human World, also known as the World of the Living, to help with the restoration work. Although it was not their expertise, Magic construction and restoration was still vastly more efficient than any known technique on the same branch, especially if what they are working on is made out of normal materials.

As one of the centers of the conflicts, the group decided to go to Karakura Town as their first destination.

Issei, Seekvaira, Kuisha, and Georg landed on the rooftop of a tall building with busted windows, presumably from the shockwaves that occurred during the heights of defense. They overlooked the town and although it's a bit of a distance from central Tokyo, it's still a prosperous area. However, only a shadow of that remained and the whole place was scarred pretty badly with smoke still rising from embers that hadn't been completely doused.

"It doesn't look like there are that many casualties despite the bleak scenery." The blonde-haired girl, Kuisha Abaddon, commented while looking down and noticing that the cleanup of corpses was actually almost done.

The girl with long pale greenish blonde hair, Seekvaira Agares, fixed her glasses and turned in another direction, "I'm more interested in her." She said while pointing towards another girl with a horned skull attached to her head, carrying lifeless maggots of several magnitudes of her size with ease and running through the streets to transport them.

Issei and the others also turned to the direction she was looking and indeed, they were interested in her, not because of her feat of strength, but the lack of any Magic and Ki fluctuations coming from her.

"That's Spiritual Power, is it? I still can't believe that it can be utilized like this. Even the Etouldes use either Ki or Magic if they want to strengthen their bodies."

Similar to when the Shinigami encountered Serafall and the girls, Issei's group is having a hard time detecting her. Although they already knew how to detect Spiritual Power thanks to their secret interaction with an Etoulde, it still isn't much compared to their Magic and Ki detection that they honed through the years.

It was also because of this that it was only now that they noticed another group approaching with considerable speed.

A few seconds later, three individuals jumped on the rooftop they were on by running on the side of the building.

They approached without hesitation and the one leading the group, a tall man with orange hair and wearing what seemed to be called Shihakushou, introduced themselves, "I'm Kurosaki Ichigo. Nice to meet you. Behind me are Ishida Uryuu and Sado Yasutora."

Through the numerous experiences they have, Issei and his group can tell that these three are dangerous people, similar to the so-called Captains of the Gotei 13.

"Renji... I mean someone from the Soul Society told us that you're going to help with the restoration. First of all, thank you and we will be your guide for today." Ichigo immediately added.

Issei smiled and shook Ichigo's hands, "It's a pleasure to meet you too. I'm Hyoudou Issei. We got nothing else to do so we figured we'd help out. And the sooner the normal people could return to their everyday lives, the better."

As soon as they received each other's hand, a strange feeling instantly came to both of them. Thankfully, it wasn't anything bad and they think that they would be able to get along.

Issei then introduced Seekvaira, Kuisha, and Georg before telling them how they would be restoring the whole city in one go.




Back at his old candy shop, Kisuke was having tea with Tessai, Serafall, and surprisingly, Kirio.

"Fuwaaaa..." Kisuke let out a blissful breath after taking a sip from his tea, "Finally, some rest."

"You should sleep if you want a proper rest. When was the last time you slept?" Serafall asked while leaning on her hand. It had been a few days since she woke up and she could finally move without worry. However, it may take a while before she can become combat-ready again.

Kisuke rubbed his chin and thought about it carefully, "Hmmm... About a year ago?"

Tessai and Kirio almost spat out their tea and even Serafall was stunned for a bit before yelling, "Go to sleep now!"

No matter how 'immune' one is to drowsiness and how strong their willpower to keep on going, sleep is still the best way to correct and heal mental fatigue. Even for someone like Kisuke, a year of no sleep is still pushing it, especially with what he has been up to until now.

But no matter how good his reason is to get some snooze, he's still not allowed to do so, "I still have to monitor the merger, remember? I'll do it once I'm sure that nothing is going to go wrong."

Serafall narrowed her eyes and muttered, "That sounds fair... But when you say it like that, it sounds like it'll take another year."

Kisuke, however, only chuckled, "I can still go on for that much. Besides, I have my ways to empty my head. It's not something concerning so don't worry."

Tessai on the side cleared his throat. He didn't really know what to say and didn't know how Kisuke could keep this up while claiming to do more of this. But as much as he didn't like to admit, he couldn't fathom the changes in his biological processes so he really can't say anything about it, "Are you sure you don't want to join the negotiation between the worlds? And do they really need to negotiate now? Couldn't they do it after everything has settled down?"

"They have to because this world is already intricately connected to the other side through the reincarnation system. Before the complete merge, they have to discuss at least the rough specifics." Kisuke took another sip of his tea before continuing his answer, "I also promised Soul Society that I wouldn't be controlling them and would have no authority as long as they do me a few favors. But that also means that I have no say in their negotiations. I could try and force myself in, but both sides won't trust me. It'll only become an unnecessary wedge between them."

Tessai turned to Serafall, "Then what about you? Shouldn't you help the visitors?"

Serafall shook her head, "I'm essentially already part of Ki-tan's group and this group's position on the other side is a bit controversial so even though they are my good friends, they won't be able to trust me completely. That incomplete trust in a matter as huge and important as this might just turn into poison down the line so it's best for me to just stay out of it. It's easier for me too."



28th00: Negotiation drama time? Also, god damn dude, go to sleep!

Goyyacreators' thoughts