
Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later

One day he suddenly found himself in hell. All he had was faith in God and a desire to live. From the first to the ninth thousand circles of hell, he absorbed dozens, hundreds of thousands of demons. Even the seven great dukes of hell bowed down before him. – Why would you go back? Don’t you have everything that’s in Hell? – Do what you have to do. There’s no food or entertainment. All there is in Hell are deserted plains and terrible demons. “I want to go back home…” And he decided to return to Earth ten thousand years later. **NOT MY NOVEL, JUST SAD IT WASN'T ON HERE.** **Chapters 121 and up will be translated and Proofread by me.**

AnimeAura · Aktion
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79 Chs

Chapter 39: The Chosen One (Part 4)

Editor: Cherish

To be honest, when Kang Yu first got to Hell, he felt very happy.

He'd felt like he had become the main character in a novel.

Before entering Hell, he had lived a sad life in poverty, and then, like a hero in the novels he always read, he was able to change everything about himself, which he felt endlessly overjoyed about.

Of course, over time, facing mortal danger dozens of times, his opinion toward it had changed.

In Hell, he was not really the main character or anything like that, he was a miserable creature at the bottom of the food chain.

'It can't be…' He looked at Si Hoon with an unreadable expression on his face. Attractive with a perfect appearance, a kind character and polite behavior. 'Is he the real protagonist?'

Kang Yu looked at Si Hoon's status once again and looked at him in greater confusion.

— Hmm. — He sighed and sank into deep thought.

'The fate of becoming the savior of the Earth…' In fact, it seems pretty convincing.

Kang Yu didn't know who Musin Jeon Tae Hwan was, but he definitely had to be more than just a strong man to be called Musin.

Even his descendant had a special SSS ability as a Player, so Musin himself couldn't have been a weak person.

'I wonder if that's why he's so good with the sword.'

The simple 'talent' of his quick and clear movements could not be explained.

He was strong, and constantly improved at an incredible speed.

Kang Yu kept looking at Si Hoon while thinking.

He was hesitant about what to do with this man.

'We can give him all the support he needs and continue to build friendships with powerful Players.'

That's exactly what Chae Young-ju had chosen to do.

Maintaining contact and providing aid to talented Players who were developing their skills.

It's a fairly simple but effective way to keep good Players by your side with minimal effort.

'But this method also has its shortcomings.'

The most important disadvantage of friendship is that you cannot use a friend.

And in the worst case scenario, Si Hoon could just take advantage of the help provided to him, and later betray them when there were no benefits for him to take.

'Si Hoon does not look like that kind of person.'

He looks like a good person who would come to help in a dangerous situation, so the probability of betrayal on his part was low.

'But…' Kang Yu looked down on Han Sol healing Si Hoon's wounds. 'No one knows how it could turn out.'

Kim Si Hoon is a kind man.

Even if he doesn't betray Kang Yu, there was still a chance that he might betray someone else.

If Dae Su and Han Sol become familiar with him and become good friends, then who knows what could happen.

'Shouldn't I stop the possibility of a dangerous situation before it gets too late?'

Si Hoon was very different from Han Sol and Dae Su.

The two of them were talented Players and were likely to become highly ranked Players as they developed.

But nothing more than that.

No matter how strong they become, they will never be powerful enough to pose a threat to Kang Yu.

But Si Hoon is different.

When he fully unlocks all his special abilities and masters his SSS class ability, and keeps going up level by level, he'll become crazy powerful.

So much so that he'd become a real threat.

That's why, in case of anything, it'd be good to expose him.

'No…' Hesitating, Kang Yu looked down. 'That's too wasteful.'

Getting rid of a player as talented as Si Hoon just because of potential betrayal is too foolish.

For now, Si Hoon is more like a winning lottery ticket.

If Kang Yu approaches this situation correctly and gains Si Hoon as a member of their team, he could become an even more powerful subordinate than Pallock had been.

'I'd like to make him one of my own, because if I leave him unattended, there will be a lot of things to worry about.' Kang Yu put his hands on his chest, rubbed his chin and continued to think: 'In that case…'

His eyes lit up.

A wonderful idea came to his mind.

A way for him to help Si Hoon develop and make him one of his allies.

'If not now, then never.' The corners of Kang Yu's lips stretched out in a smile.

He thought he was very lucky to know Si Hoon's true strength right now.

— Kang Yu, did something happen? — Han Sol approached Kang Yu when she finished treating the others' wounds.

He plastered a reassuring smile on his face and answered calmly:

— Oh, yeah, I was just thinking a bit.

— Ha-ha, what kind of monster do you think that was? It's the first time I've ever seen it. If it wasn't for you, we'd have a huge problem.

— Who knows… I'm also wondering why that monster appeared at the D-level gate, — Kang Yu said as he approached the dead body of the Demonic Wolf, looking at it from all sides.

Kang Yu still didn't know exactly what a splinter was or why creatures from Hell appeared at the Gates.

— How is Si Hoon feeling?

— He's feeling much better. It'll hurt him to move right now, but he should be able to walk normally.

— Mm. — Kang Yu nodded a little and headed for Si Hoon.

— Are you feeling okay?

— Ah, yes. Thanks to Han Sol, I feel much better.

— Oh, thank God.

— If it wasn't for you, we'd have suffered a lot more. Thank you. I heard from Dae Su that you're very strong. — Si Hoon stood up and smiled like a good person.

His smile seemed to shine a bright light on everything around him.

— That's right! I've never seen a player as strong as Kang Yu before! — Dae Su knocked on his chest and continued praising the guy. — He's not just strong! He's as brave as a real knight. It wasn't so long ago that he dealt with the bad guys in the Andras Guild. —

— Wow.

— Heh-heh-heh! Kang Yu is the man to whom I will devote my whole life to!

— You found a good hen. — Si Hoon nodded lightly and turned towards Kang Yu.

(Editor's Note: I'm assuming 'hen' is used in reference to how chicks faithfully follow the mother hen.)

In his eyes, Kang Yu's credibility was rising.

— Si Hoon, you're really something too! You're the first Player I know who's so strong at rank 2.

— You're exaggerating.

— Heh, heh, heh. But why aren't you joining a guild? With that strength, you'd be invited to many guilds. I heard the Mir guild is looking for recruits. You're not interested?

— I don't plan on joining a guild. Especially not Mir Guild.

Once he said the name of the guild, the look on Si Hoon's face grew colder and he frowned.

When Dae Su noticed it, he scratched the back of his head and continued:

— Huh. Oh, I see. Is there something wrong with 'Mir'?

— Nothing worth talking about. — said Si Hoon, who had acted friendly up till now.

Dae Su realized he'd probably hit a nerve and bowed his head down.

— It seems like something bad must have happened with them. I shouldn't have asked.

— No. It's just that it's complicated… I'm sorry for reacting so rudely. — Si Hoon put aside his irritation, smiled kindly again and relaxed his tense muscles. — I feel better now, so we can keep going…—

— I think it's better to stop our hunt for today. I mean, your body hasn't fully recovered.

— I'm okay, really.

— There's no need to overdo it. It's enough that we met today, we can continue hunting tomorrow.

— Um… Got it. — Si Hoon nodded and turned around.

Kang Yu gathered everyone and headed for the gate's exit.

— Hyung! Are you coming tomorrow, too?

— No, you guys will hunt by yourselves tomorrow. And don't forget my advice.

— Аh…

— It's not like I can keep an eye on you guys forever.

— I see. Hyung! I, Kang Dae Su, will focus on hunting so I can raise my level and start hunting with you!

— Okay. I'll be waiting. — Kang Yu smiled as they came out from the gate.

— Well, I'll be going this way.

— Yes, I'll see you later, Oppa!

After the hunt was over, everyone headed home.

Han Sol and Kang Yu went to the railway station together, since they lived in the same house.

— Han Sol.

— Yes, Kang Yu?

— I need to go somewhere for a little while, so head home first.

— Is it… something important?

— Yes, it is.

— Okay, I understand. What do you want for dinner?

— Eat alone tonight. I'll probably be late.

Han Sol, who was looking forward to going home with Kang Yu, looked at him with disappointment and went to the station.

— Well… — Kang Yu, after parting with Han Sol, turned to go in another direction. — Let's get started. —

With a smile, he pushed off the ground with light movement and went up in the air.


— Ha… the Mir Guild, huh… — Kang Yu remembered Dae Su and Si Hoon's recent conversation.

Kang Yu knew a man from that guild. He felt a pain in his chest when he remembered that person.

He shook his head, trying to forget those unpleasant feelings.

— Kang Yu? — At that moment, Si Hoon, on his way to the bus stop home, spotted Kang Yu and raised his head in surprise.

Kang Yu looked around and came up to Si Hoon.

— I needed to talk to you, so I'm here.

— Did something happen?

— Um… it's something serious. Can we go somewhere where there are no people?

— Okay. — Si Hoon nodded his head and they went into a deserted alley. He turned his face to Kang Yu. — What is it that you want to tell me…? —

Kang Yu hit him in the solar plexus.

Not expecting the attack, Si Hoon grabbed his stomach and fell to the ground.

— Ah… what the…

— It's just to be on the safe side.

— Safe side…? For what!

Kang Yu sat on top of Si Hoon, who was lying on the ground, and continued indifferently:

— You're going to become stronger and stronger, much more than the other Players. So I'd like to have a good relationship with you.

— You want a good relationship…?

— Simply put, I want us to be friends.

— Ah! You do this and you want to talk about friendship?! — Si Hoon, angered by Kang Yu's actions, tried to get up.

Kang Yu looked down at him and the corner of his lips twitched.

— That's what the safety net is for.

— What do you…

Kang Yu concentrated Magi in his hands and thrust it into Si Hoon's chest.

Through his skin and bones, Kang Yu's hands touched the boy's heart.

Mustering up as much Magi as he could, he used the Power.

[Power of Subordination]

A Power that can make a person submit to Kang Yu's will.

Simply put, the Power that makes a person subordinate to a demon.

It was even more powerful than the Power of Fear. In fact, Kang Yu had a lot of these kinds of powers.

— Ah… Stop it…

— Don't worry about it. You'll forget about what just happened here.

Kang Yu looked down on him and continued peacefully:

— Once you open your eyes, you'll continue about your day like nothing ever happened. You'll continue to hunt monsters and increase your strength just like you did today. As you continue to develop with Han Sol and Dae Su, you will become the most powerful party.

— Huh!

— Ah, and if you become my subordinate, you can use some of my powers. They'll be a great help to your development.

After making sure that Si Hoon was completely under his control, Kang Yu pulled his hand out.

There wasn't a single wound left on Si Hoon's chest where he pulled his hand out from. In fact, all his clothes were still in a normal condition.

— Ahh… — Si Hoon waved his hands in the air like he was trying to grab something.

— Don't worry… — Kang Yu caught his hands and whispered quietly: — We're going to become the best of friends. —