
Player 0, Sacaroth

"Where am I? Where's Ymir, Zaser?" Sacaroth, I, thought to myself. I had been in the dragon santcuary, Dragonroost, before I had been knocked unconscious, and I woke up here, in a pitch-black room, warm, cold, but I can see my body? "Dispel Illusion." I try to cast. (Failed.) Fuck. "Be not afraid! I'll quote, earthling, or are you?" I hear. I can't move my body. Fuck, A divine's divine. "Yes, Aiden, I'm aware. Yes, I know your real name, but you shouldn't worry. You are dialated by 1-500,000,000. To your world you were in. You'll be back before your kids even knew what happened."

SacarothIsWriting · Fantasie
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5 Chs

The Descent

Slowly, as I had reached the top, I threw a hook over the top, and made a thin wire of muscle behind it, and shaped the hook into a tiny person, and felt around for a tree, after finding it, i worked biomass upward, through the tiny person, and made a anchor, around the tree, and pulled myself upwards, to see my new little terrain.

After climbing half the day, I was glad to have a new scenery.

(99 Players Remain, Bounty Hunter is on the prowl.) It said. Great.

I wonder if they know that I'm out to get them, with the arrow and all.

It's a small grove up here, and I'm glad I have my armor, because I can feel the chill. I use my armor with a bit of a insulated setup, utilizing the muscle to trap body heat. Winter Wear all year long, gives a bit of a mental resistance to the heat. Bad for summer, but I let heat out a little then.

I explore my frosted terrain, and there's an old log house. I knock, and I'm greeted by a snow elf.

"Hi, sorry to bother you, I climb yesterday and today, and I was wondering, when I saw your house, if you needed any information or would like me to grab something before I journey elsewhere, countrywise." I asked politely.

"You speak my tongue?" She asked. I can't tell if its cold, making her face red, or if she's blushing. I hope its the armor.

"I've been cursed, ma'am, but I wish I could. Any creature understands my speach, and I've a loose toungue." I say, wanting to talk.

She frowns at this, her white hair flowing as she looks in the distance.

"I've been waiting for someone to visit, but I haven't seen many in recent years. I tend to get lonely." She says, stroking my armor.

"Miss, I'm not supposed to be with other woman then my wife, but thank you for considering me. I'm not the best to ask regarding that." I respond, and she turns around, shaking her ass at me, walking inward, invitedly. I walk in, shut the door, and pretend not to notice.

"Oh, I thought you understood my language, more then my words." She says, knowingly.

"Is there anything, ELSE, you'd want, young miss." I ask.

"Oh, I'm far older then you, my boy, you're, human, red haired, and handsome, young, and ready to give me what I desire." She says, pulling on my armor. To take it off.

"Firmly attached exoskeleton. Miss." I say, knowing she'd have to do harder. She frowns.

"Like an insect? Can't be human, then, but no known species I know of." She says, putting a finger on her lips, and waves her hand. And frowns.

"A divines level protection, huh, young man?" She says.

"Miss, if you can see under, look at my soul, please." I say, and she turns white, after a moment.

"Touched by Demons, Gods, Divine energy, among years older then any being I know of, how in any divine are you here?" She asked.

"A Divine Divine, Gods to Gods, pulled me here, ma'am. Hundred from my origin world, me to fix his mess. It's my "task" to send them off to their next life, where my wife, son, and daughters are waiting." I explain, to the Elder Enchantress.

"I see. A daunting task. A hundred foes, another world, and a god, to boot." She says, pulling down her pants.

"Really?" I ask.

"What?" She asked, waving to a crystal. A few holograms appear, and materialized.

"Ah, a class 7 teleportation, along with class 4 ranged messaging. Stellar Spell. Watch this." I say, grinning. I form a cocoon, around me, pushed outwards, and I can tell her friends are shocked. I form a armor, designed for protection, and enchant spell repulsion enchantments into my new armor.

I use the cocoons mass, to reinforce my armor, and I walk out, ready to defend.

"Really? You had to show off that fancy magic, when I was trying to gangbang you." The snow elf woman commented, pulling her pants up.

" I Already said I wasn't intrested. Sorry for a false call, ladies." I say, bowing towards them. I shake their heads at the white haired enchantress, and I start to walk towards the door, wanting to get to my family.

And the doors gone.


"Can I please leave. I have things to do, people to kill, and ass to haul." I say, forming a jackhammer tool, walking towards the rockface that's now their, no longer a wooden cabin.

The door reappears, opens, and shuts.

"No." She, the elf, says, playfully. It's just stone behind the door anyway.

"Miss, I just want to go home. Here, I'll give you this." I say, and form a bone dildo. I toss it while forming arrays to pull magic in to extend its lifeline. Internally, so it doesn't scratch.

"Fuck. Not a bad offer, giving me one of your dicks." She says.

"If they want to use mine, use that dick. I totally feel it." I say, wanting it to be over. One of two brought over snatches it and stuffs it in her pants.

"Ah, yes, stealing a gods dick." I say, while walking through a now working door. I appear at the base of the mountain, closer to my target.

That was... Bizarre.

I didn't expect someone wanting to get laid, let alone a Master Enchantress.

All of a sudden, I hear a boom from the top of the mountain, and it seems she's wanting more.

"I want to follow you, young... Fuck, you're older than me." I hear, from behind. She walks out, in some skimpy ass witches outfit. I can tell it's enchanted well, but seriously?

"Doesn't mean you're young, miss." I say, walking away, ignoring her.

"Doesn't mean your old." I hear for the first time in my 75 million year "life".

"First time I've heard that one." I say, grinning. She'd probably piss Ymir off, but I just want to get this over with, and don't know how to turn this witchy bitch away. Other then insults.

"Hey, so if you're as old as... However, how come you're not immortal?" She asks.

"In a way, I am. Reincarnation." I say. She turns white.

"So, you came back? From... A sorcerer I've not heard of." She says, contemplating.

"Not this world. Another. Infintile, if not all being one. I've been a god, several tens of times. Not, unkillable. Everdying, Not Everliving." I say, and she nods, understanding.

"That's a big secret." She says.

"By this point, I've died so many times I don't care who knows. There's whether or not you keep your memories. I've been cursed to never forget. All of the suffering. Of the loss. Of those I killed, saved, ruined, things I've destroyed. But there's the created. The wondrous things I've brought to life. Creating a living, actually uncursed being, with it's own intelligence, worlds for safety, elixirs of unfathomable power. Artifacts lost to the ages. Such is my "life", my story." I say, and she's blushing.

"Oh, you like stories." I say, turning towards her.

She nods, emphatically.

"Well, I'll see which to pick from the best. Horrors unimaginable until seen, or even cute, little teen things that peers did. Adventures outside of the realm, and even to places secret to the world itself." I say, as we walk.

"So... You don't care for intercourse?" She asked.

"My first love killed me. Took me 75 million years to find my true love, not trusting a soul." I say, and she blushes more.