

Chapter 35 Su Changsheng

Although Yang Fan wanted to reform human civilization, he could not end himself, otherwise it would easily cause the consequences of excessive force, so that human civilization did not retreat, and even buried hidden dangers for future development.

He had to find a suitable person to carry his will to change the world.

Yang Fan's eyes have always been good. Every time he chose the talents to change the world is extremely outstanding, and successfully completed the task he gave.

The person who was picked by Yang Fan this time was a poor child in the Xia Xia Dynasty.

The reason why he chose him was because the child was talented and his eyes were burning. He was an ideal and willing to do it.

On the other hand, he lived under the rule of the tyrant, and he had been separated from an early age, and he suffered the turbulence of social turmoil.

This has cultivated his strong will, and overthrowing the tyrannical rule, and also the world's firm conviction.

Moreover, Yang Fan tested his cultivation talent and found that he had a metallic heavenly root and was a good material for cultivation.

It can be said that this child is naturally the protagonist template. As long as Yang Fan guides it slightly and helps at some critical moments, he will definitely grow up quickly.

This child lives in a troubled world, and his parents are also from poor farmers. They don't expect much about him. They only ask him to live healthily, marry his wife and have children, and live a complete life.

Therefore, his parents named him Su Changsheng, hoping that he could live long like a fairy on Lingshan.

When Su Changsheng was five years old, a Taoist leader suddenly visited his house and wanted to accept him as an apprentice.

In this troubled world, ordinary people are like grass and mustard, and they are not as live as livestock.

Even if it is an unknown trail, for ordinary people, it is also expected to reach a paradise.

His parents were shocked and happy, and quickly agreed to the Taoist, but he was very reluctant to tears.

The Dao promised his parents. After Su Changshengxiu reached a certain degree, he would naturally leave Taoist outlook and come back to visit them.

Of course, Su Changsheng was not lucky enough to accept him in person. All of this was arranged by Yang Fan just to create a chance to cultivate Su Changsheng.

In a blink of an eye, ten years later, Su Changsheng was fifteen years old.

She Thought No One Was Looking, But The Camera Was On

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In the past ten years, Su Changsheng has been engaged in cultivation and has grown rapidly. Now he has stepped on the threshold of six layers of gas refining.

And his Taoist outlook, the strongest of his peers can only refine the three floors, even if he takes him to go up the mountain chief, before his death, he only refined the five floors.

The Taoist brothers all think that Su Changsheng is a genius in genius, so the speed of cultivation will be so fast.

But only Su Changsheng himself knew that the reason why his cultivation path was unobstructed because he often sounded a strange sound in his mind, and taught him various cultivation methods and combat methods.

When he went out, he also often encountered a jealous opportunity. In the past ten years, he had never had a headache for cultivating resources.

Su Changsheng often felt that someone looked at him in heaven, provided him with help, and answered doubts for him.

Compared to the chief who died due to an accident a few years after taking him up the mountain, Su Changsheng felt that the person who provided himself secretly was more like his master.

This year, Su Changsheng's cultivation and age have reached the standard of going out of the mountain. He is an ideal person. It is impossible to nest in this hillbag and live a leisurely day from the world.

He is going to go down the mountain and personally end the troubled times of the people who are not talking about!

Finally, a scent of fragrance in front of the Taoist tomb, Su Changsheng stood up and looked at the sky: "Master, the apprentice will go down the mountain today to eradicate the trouble of creating a troubled world."

"This trip is bound to be extremely dangerous, and it is difficult. I don't know when I will be different, and it will become a trivial dead bone in this troubled world."

"Before leaving, can you satisfy the little wishes of the apprentice?"

Obviously, the master in Su Changsheng's mouth is not the Taoist captain in the grave, but Yang Fan, who has been secretly helping him to cultivate.

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Su Changsheng stood quietly in place, waiting for the familiar voice to come.

However, a few breathing time passed, and the world was still silent.

Su Changsheng lowered his head and looked sad. He didn't try to communicate with Yang Fan anymore. Instead, he was ready to go down the mountain.

"Say, what do you have?"

Yang Fan's voice suddenly sounded in Su Changsheng's mind. He looked at the sky in surprise, but saw nothing.

"Master, who are you from? Where do you come from?"

Yang Fan was silent for a while and said, "When you kill the king of the Daxia dynasty, you may see me."

Su Changsheng's face was confused. In his impression, except for the damn tyrant in Da Xia, there was only some unpredictable people who had no way to make a horse.

"Is Master like that? No, this is impossible. Perhaps there is still a capable person in the world, and the Master is one of them?"

Under the rule of the tyrant, the people lived in the deep water, and even the basic survival became a problem, and the custom of worshiping the Father God had been deserted for many years.

In addition, in order to prevent the people from resisting his rule, the brutal Xia Wang was burn in the burn of scriptures. Many historical books were burned away.

When he grew up in such an environment, Su Changsheng didn't know what the Father God was, and naturally he did not associate Yang Fan with the Father God.

After going down the mountain, when Su Changsheng passed the house for the first time, he instantly flashed his memory in his mind, and he couldn't restrain his parents' thoughts.

But in the end, he twisted his head hard and walked in another direction.

He is an ideal person, walking on a very dangerous road, maybe he died someday. He didn't want his parents to worry about himself.

As long as he has never walked into the house, his parents' memory will always stay at the scene when he follows the road, so that even if he died unexpectedly one day, his parents would not be sad because of this.

At the age of twenty -one, Su Changsheng summed up his experience after many uprising activities in the leadership, and finally realized the source of his failure.

This is a world that is respected by Xiu Xian. Even if the leadership uprising overthrows the rule of the brutal king, it will still be quickly suppressed by the strong monk.

It seems that the dynasty ruled by mortals is actually based on the monks on Lingshan as the foundation and reliance.

Su Changsheng wants to end the troubled times, and the world is a peace, first of all, he must clear the relevant forces of Xianxian Realm.

And just relying on his strength, this is almost impossible.

He must find some like -minded friends to work hard for common ideals.

Twenty -five years old, after many years of thinking, Su Changsheng finally turned his sights on the broken waves on Kunshan.

It was the legendary Zongmen founded by the legendary figure, and it was the head of the Zhengdao Kui recognized by Xiu Xianjie.

Although in recent years, the image of Pockest in the eyes of the world has fallen sharply, becoming the backing of the tyrant, and the name of the first way is crumbling.

But in any case, it is still the most volume of the entire Xiaxia dynasty, with the most complete cultivation system and the richest cultivation resources.

And the reason why Broken Langzong moved to corruption was because his senior management was penetrated by the royal family.

The roots are rotten. Even if the branches and leaves want to be strong, they can't roll the waves, and they can only rot.

Su Changsheng believes that not all the monks regard their lives as a mustard, and some people always have the same ideas as him and have a common idea.

If you can find some like -minded people in the Polang Zong and form a group of monks, they will hope to remove the rotten root, so that the broken Langzong will become the right Taoist gate trust in the world again.

Once Broken Langzong moves to the right track, without a strong monk as a backing, the rule of the tyrant will naturally collapse, and the turbulent troubled times will also end!