
Chapter 6 Becoming a hardcore uploader

Redakteur: virtual group

In the video, He Xingzhou was working on a pressure cooker.

As he worked on it, he starts to explain: "Now we are going to make some necessary modifications to a stainless steel pressure cooker (pressure cooker 1) . We are going to drill a number of circular holes into the lid of the pressure cooker to insert the control rod. Next, we are going to connect the pressure cooker to the radiator with two plastic pipes to form a closed loop and install a small water pump on the outlet pipe."

"Pay attention, this is the composition of the cooling system."

He Xingzhou operated on the pressure cooker as her spoke. Although Xiao Mu didn't quite understand it, he still felt that something was wrong

He Xingzhou continued, "Now, we will place the radiator in the middle of the other pressure cooker (Pressure Cooker 2) and fixate it. We will use two plastic pipes. One will connect the pressure cooker to the tap water pipe, with the other end connected to pressure cooker 2. The other end will be aimed at the blades of the electric fan. In this way, the miniature nuclear reactor will be formed

"We will also install an electric motor and an electric energy detection device to observe the energy generation of the nuclear reactor. Since there is not much nuclear material, I will use the electric energy storage device in the laboratory as the detection device."

Xiao Mu heard every word clearly, but when He Xingzhou was operating it, he did not understand it at all. He saw that the two pressure cookers were constantly changing under his control. By the end of the video, it had become a somewhat high-end experimental device!

"This video will end here. In the next video, we will build a simple radiation protection system and extract nuclear fuel rods to initiate micro-fission reactions." The video ended there.

After watching the entire process, Xiao Mu suddenly had a thought. Could this video be real?

Could This uploader really be building a nuclear reactor? Was it not the title?

"Ant, take a look at this. Is this real?" Xiao Mu asked his colleague to come over and take a look.

After his colleague finished watching the two videos at double speed, his face was filled with amazement as he said, "Listening to his various explanations, it doesn't seem like he's joking!"

"It seems like he's really making a nuclear reactor! How can there still be such an awesome person?"

The two video review editors were shocked. As editors, they had watched countless videos every day. What sort of content had they not seen before?

However, it was the first time they had seen a "How-to" video on building a nuclear reactor!

Ant immediately said, "It looks like his video will have three episodes. The third episode should be the nuclear fission experiment! This uploader is too awesome. I have a feeling that if his experiment is successful, it will definitely be popular!"

"Yes, I think so too!" Xiao Mu agreed and said, "Even if his experiment is not successful, there will probably be a lot of views. I will try to push it for him first to see how it goes."

He immediately arranged for He Xingzhou's video to be promoted, so that users would have a chance to see it while browsing the website.

As a popular video website on the Internet, many users liked to browse videos, entertainment, or recreation here.

In the Science and Technology Channel, He Xingzhou's video was arranged to be posted on the new video display area.

His title was very eye-catching, "University student's homemade nuclear reactor.".

Soon, someone noticed this video. The user, "Red Comet" was a veteran tech enthusiast.

He browsed the videos in this new area every day. He had watched a lot of people from people who had million of followers and felt bored by them already. Therefore, he preferred to watch the videos of New People.

He Xingzhou's video caught his attention. "College student, you even made your own nuclear reactor? Why Don't you go to Heaven?"

When he saw the title of the video, Red Comet's first reaction was that it was a clickbait. This guy must be scamming people to click on it.

"These clickbait guys are really annoying! It seems like these evil self media uploaders have already invaded BiliBili. This old one will have you show some respect here!" Red Comet opened the video. It wasn't to watch the video but to throw a few angry comments out.

As a decent troll, Red Comet would not casually troll on a video either. Instead, he would watch it first before leaving nasty comments.

However, after watching it for a minute, his brows gradually turned serious.

This video blogger seemed to know a thing or two.

When he saw that he had purified Americium, Red Comet was shocked. "The uploader seems to be doing this for real!"

After watching the first video, Red Comet immediately clicked on the second video. When he saw He Xingzhou using materials that were commonly seen in daily life to create a miniature nuclear reactor container, he was truly shocked!

Red Comet was a researcher himself, so he knew a little about nuclear physics. He could guarantee with his knowledge that what He Xingzhou said was true. His experimental thinking and process were also very meticulous, and there were no loopholes.

"He is really making a nuclear reactor!" Red Comet could not help but shout, "What about the third episode? It hasn't been uploaded yet!"

"A university student actually wants to make a nuclear reactor? What was I doing when I was in university? Playing games, falling in love, maybe studying for graduate school?"

"I have to admit it. At least I definitely can't do it!"

Red comet wanted to troll a little at first, but when he sent the comment, he wrote, "I've finished watching the two videos. I thought the title was a clickbait, but it turns out to be true! The uploader is awesome. I'm looking forward to the next episode!"

He even super liked and added coins to support this video.

Red Comet was not the only person who watched He Xingzhou's video. At the same time, there were other users who also saw this video.

Just like Red Comet, at first, everyone thought that it was a clickbait. But when they watched it, they realized that something was wrong. The uploader seemed to be close to completing the construction of the nuclear reactor.

In the new video section recommended by the same category, the number of views of He Xingzhou's video began to rise, and the number of messages kept increasing.

"Awesome, my brother!"

"It's too hard! I'm dumbfounded. The uploader is really making a nuclear reactor!"

"The video prompts me that there's a risk in imitating it. How can I imitate it? (dog head emoji)"

"6666! This is the strongest uploader I've ever seen on BiliBili. Others are making secret mini hamburgers, but this guy is making a nuclear reactor!"

"What about the third episode? Please upload faster. Even the donkeys in the production team don't dare to rest like this!"

"Begging for the third episode. I want to see how a Nuclear Reactor Works!"


He Xingzhou didn't know that his video had been watched by so many netizens because of a small recommendation. It had even been promoted to an even more popular video recommendation area.

He was preparing for his final experiment.

Because it was a nuclear test, there was a risk. Before proceeding, he first had to contact Zhang Boyan and agree on a time.

In addition, He Xingzhou also wanted to buy a few mutated fish species for the zeg race's gene activation experiment.

Recently, there seemed to be quite a number of mutated fish caught from the sea. He Xingzhou searched online and found several sellers.

They were asking for quite a high price. It was said that some special enthusiasts were collecting these mutated creatures. Therefore, even the most common mutated fish was sold for three to five thousand yuan.