
Planes of War: Survive, Evolve, and Conquer[Dropped]


GH0ST_ · Geschichte
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20 Chs

Chapter 7- Info and Thoughts

As Jett descended the stairs, his ears caught the faint but unmistakable sound of crackling static. The noise grew louder and clearer with each step, gradually transforming into the familiar cadence of a radio transmission. He recognized it as his uncle's old radio, now picking up someone else's broadcast.

Curiosity piqued, Jett quickened his pace, drawn to the sound that held the promise of information and connection. As he reached the bottom of the staircase, the voice became more distinct, carrying hints of urgency and familiarity. It was a voice he knew well—it belonged to his uncle.

Straining to listen, Jett could hear the unmistakable tenderness in Gabriel's voice as he spoke to someone, possibly his own children. The words carried a mixture of reassurance and determination, as if Gabriel was imparting strength to his loved ones in the midst of uncertainty.

He followed the sound, which led him to the living room, where the old radio sat atop a worn-out wooden table.

Approaching the table, Jett saw his uncle hunched over the radio, his face illuminated by the soft glow of its dial. The transmission emanated from the crackling speaker, filling the room with fragments of hope amidst the chaos.

Gabriel turned his head, his eyes meeting Jett's with a mix of relief. "Jett, you're here," he said," Come, listen. It's a lifeline, a connection to others out there. They're facing the same trials as us."

Jett drew closer, his attention now fully captured by the voices pouring from the radio. The air buzzed with anticipation as he caught snippets of conversations, snippets that echoed their own experiences—struggles, resilience, and the determination to endure.

The voice on the radio, presumably a priest , spoke with unwavering conviction. "Listen, my children, we are strong. We have faced hardships before, and we will overcome this. We must stick together, protect one another, and find solace in our love. Remember, family is our anchor in times of turmoil."

Jett's heart swelled with a newfound sense of unity, but beneath it, a subtle undercurrent of apprehension lingered. As he listened to the voices on the radio, sharing stories of resilience and survival, he couldn't shake the nagging realization that when it truly mattered, it would ultimately be his family and himself against the world.

The broadcast served as a stark reminder that they were not alone, that countless others were navigating their own battles, clinging to fragments of hope. Yet, with each passing moment, Jett felt a growing sense of distance from their shared humanity. The tales of endurance, while inspiring, seemed to push them further away from the familiar comforts of their previous lives.

The voices on the radio carried a weight that settled upon Jett's shoulders, reminding him of the harsh reality they faced. They were in a fight for survival, and the bonds of community were fraying under the strain. While the broadcast hinted at the existence of a wider network of survivors, Jett couldn't help but wonder if their paths would ever cross, or if they were destined to navigate this world alone.

In the midst of uncertainty, Jett's determination to protect his family burned brighter than ever. The voices on the radio served as a solemn reminder of the challenges ahead, strengthening his resolve to shield his loved ones from the encroaching darkness.

As he turned away from the radio, a mixture of hope and trepidation coalesced within him. The world may have shifted beneath their feet, but he would do whatever it took to ensure that his family remained unbroken, their humanity intact, even as they ventured further into the uncharted territory that awaited them.

He looked up at his brother, who sat across from him at the table in the living room, where the radio was stationed. Jett's gaze was filled with anticipation as he asked, "Marky, what's the latest update out there? Anything new?"

Marcus met his brother's eyes, his expression reflecting a mix of uncertainty and the weight of gathered information. He tried to make sense of the fragments he had pieced together so far before delivering his response. "I...I'm not entirely sure, Jett. But one thing is clear: these powerful international companies, with their billions in resources, have established their own plans. They're broadcasting their locations and urging people to seek refuge with them. Unfortunately, they're being selective, only accepting individuals with specific skill sets like doctors, construction workers, scientists, engineers, and electricians."

"DAMMIT!" Jett's frustration erupted as he slammed his hand onto the table. The impact caused a barely noticeable crack in the table's legs, but the intensity of his anger reverberated through the room.

Gabriel, equally enraged, voiced his outrage, "These leeches! How can they hoard all the resources and turn a blind eye to those in need?"

Marcus sighed heavily, shaking his head in frustration. He continued to share the somber news, "That's not all. The government's control is crumbling. They're stretched too thin in our area. There's only one base, about 30 miles north from here, that's attempting to establish a shelter for those seeking refuge."

Jett let out a long, deep breath, his frustration mingling with a growing sense of resolve. "Alright, it's not ideal, but we'll work with what we have. The voice mentioned a 5-year grace period. Call me crazy, but I think this implies that we won't be confined to the exact location they're sending us."

His words hung in the air, evoking a mix of curiosity and skepticism. His family members exchanged glances, trying to grasp the potential implications of Jett's interpretation.

"What I'm trying to say, Marcus, is that there might be a possibility for us to return here after we've experienced the Origin plane. As for the merger they mentioned, it's still unclear to me. They bombarded us with so much information," Jett replied, understanding his brother's confusion and attempting to provide clarity.

Gabriel chimed in, hoping to ease Marcus' uncertainty, "Let Jett explain, Marcus. Take a moment to listen."

Jett took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before elaborating, "What I mean is that we'll have a period of 5 years to travel back and forth between the Origin plane and Earth. It's like a temporary connection or portal that will exist before this merger event they spoke of takes place. My guess is it has something to do with the crystal on our necks." He paused, realizing the complexity of his explanation and the difficulty in comprehending such a concept.

Marcus and Gabriel exchanged perplexed glances, struggling to grasp the implications of Jett's words. The notion of traveling between two planes and the impending merger left them both feeling bewildered.


Jett sensed their confusion and reassured them, closing his eyes he looked at the timer ,"Before you jump to any wild conclusions, let's focus on the immediate timeline. We still have over twenty hours before our evolution begins and the trials commence. During this time, we need to prepare ourselves mentally. It's likely that the world will undergo drastic changes in the next 5 years, and living conditions here on Earth may become harsh. Everyone will be vying for power, especially those who gain extraordinary abilities through their trials. So, our priority is to focus on passing our own trial. If we fail, we'll be at the mercy of the chaos, akin to helpless ants under the boot of a human."

His words hung in the air, the weight of their impending fate settling upon them. They understood the urgency and the need to steel themselves for the challenges ahead. Jett's vision of a turbulent future urged them to find inner strength, to develop their abilities, and to navigate the ever-shifting landscape that awaited them.

"Indeed, Jett, there's no point in succumbing to panic. The undeniable truth is that this is all real. I just had the relief of speaking with both Nicole and Ivan, confirming their safety. They're currently making their way here, but the chaos surrounding them has caused some delays. Should we consider crafting weapons to ensure our protection? How will we manage our food supply?" Gabriel, his anxiety mirrored by Jett's composed demeanor, sought to grasp the situation and make sense of their predicament.

"That's great news, Uncle! I'm glad they're fine. Hopefully, they'll make it here before the timer runs out. As for everything else, I don't know. What do you think, Jett?" Marcus visibly eased as the worry over his cousins' safety dissipated, focusing his attention on Jett for guidance and insight.

"I'm glad they are okay, Uncle. You should inform Aunt as soon as you get the chance. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll be able to bring anything with us. If my assumptions are correct, we'll have to start anew in that place. The voice did mention the treacherous nature of the terrain and the existence of potentially hostile races. I highly doubt they would allow us any external assistance, especially considering the abilities we'll gain if we pass our trials," Jett expressed his opinion, weighing the challenges they might face.

Marcus grew increasingly anxious. "Wait, what if someone fails? What happens to Mom or Aunt? Damn, this is not good."

"HEY!" Jett yelled, attempting to shake Marcus out of his distress before sharing his thoughts. "I don't think it's a significant concern. They mentioned evolution, which suggests that we'll receive similar enhancements as the races without a legacy. I'm guessing these enhancements will provide us with physical advantages, enabling us to hold our own against ordinary creatures initially. Additionally, I believe we should remain calm and avoid jumping to too many conclusions. Let's prepare ourselves mentally and wait for what unfolds. That's the best course of action we can take."

Gabriel nodded in agreement, his expression filled with a mixture of concern and determination. "Okay, you're right. Let's stay focused and keep ourselves updated on the unfolding events in the world. We need to be ready for whatever lies ahead."

"Right, Uncle," Marcus said, a sense of purpose in his voice. "I'm going to my room now. I'll call everyone if there's an update." He looked at Jett, and they exchanged a nod of understanding. Marcus then made his way upstairs to his room, situated across from Marcia's.

Jett rose from his seat, a growling hunger reminding him of his own needs. "Alright, Uncle, I'm starving. Before taking a nap, I'll grab something to eat. I need some rest as well." He approached Gabriel and embraced him warmly, conveying their unspoken bond and support. With that, Jett headed towards the kitchen, his mind filled with thoughts of the challenges that awaited them.