
Zoog's News

Under the screen of the night, it was chaos outside the small town hospital. It was the combined din of the helicopter, the engines of the vehicles and the crying of the people… Under the cacophony, the shuffling of the Zoogs was hard to discern. The evacuation members saw with confusion a figure in full protective gear running down a direction, shouting 'Stop!'. The land's travellers, who had just escorted He Feng out, snapped into motion. They picked up their guns and charged down after Gu Jun. The figure disappeared so fast, and once it slipped into the forest, without any streetlight, he would be impossible to find. Gu Jun had the urge to pull the trigger to get it to stop moving but he knew the shot would only intensify the already heightened chaos and panic. Therefore, he kept on running but no one could run faster than a Zoog, definitely not someone being hogged down by a full set of protective gear…