
pitch maniac (Football)

---MTL alert--- The football player Gaudí transmigrated into the AC Milan player Digan, trained with the top team, participated in the World Cup, accompanied by beautiful women, and watched how he created a new miracle on the stadium! Watch the football player become a master in a second!

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Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Paparazzi King

Digan and Avril, who were shivering from the cold on the shore, didn't notice. A man in the distance was holding a video camera and constantly adjusted the lens. He gave a smug smile.

"Great! This is big news, poor boy, if you want to get these photos back, just take the money!" The man smiled presumptuously.

If someone who is familiar with him is present at this moment, he will definitely turn around and run away in surprise. Although Sicily is the stronghold of the Mafia, this man is not one of them. He has a regular job and is an Italian tabloid. The reporter, but don't underestimate him because of this, this person is also number one in Italy, known as the king of paparazzi.

His name is Fabrizio Corona!

The most famous tabloid reporter in Italy is famous because he has a group of well-trained candid photographers who can often get private photos of celebrities including politicians, football stars, actors and so on. Before selling these photos to various tabloids and magazines, Corona will directly blackmail the parties: if you don't want your privacy to be exposed, you can buy the photos.

As early as more than ten years ago, Corona was just a private driver, and his employer was entertainment agent Le Mora, and Corona's prosperity obviously benefited from the help of Mora. At first, due to Mora's "information", Corona could often inquire about the movements of stars, so the success rate of candid shots was very high. And because Italy is the birthplace of "paparazzi", gossip media is very developed. In just a few years, Corona has entered the ranks of the rich.

Corona also claimed that he was Robin Hood the Grand Thefter. He first photographed privacy and then blackmailed him, which brought Corona a steady stream of wealth. He was very proud of this means of making money. In his own words: "I am like A Robin Hood, taking money from famous people and making it my own."

But what kind of shit Robin Hood is he? Robin Hood robs the rich and gives money to the poor, which is considered a righteous deed, but what about him? The money was put into his own pocket.

But Corona still feels that he has done nothing wrong, and he also said that he will work hard to prove his innocence. He just gave those celebrities a choice: If they want photos, they have to pay the same price that the media pays for photos.

The success of this method has naturally brought a steady stream of wealth to Corona, and there are also an endless stream of beautiful women in fragrant cars. The small life is even more comfortable than the Pope of the Vatican.

Among the celebrities who have been "robbed" by Corona, the most important one is Barbara Berlusconi, Italy's "first daughter".

Just last year, the paparazzi of Corona took photos of Barbara and a man making love to each other outside a nightclub in Milan. The paparazzi of Corona took thousands of photos with telephoto lenses, and the man Not Barbara's boyfriend. For this, Barbara gave Corona twenty thousand euros.

However, the money did not stop the greedy Corona. What is embarrassing is that these photos were exposed later: the "location" of the exposure turned out to be a magazine of Berlusconi's media group. Although Barbara has repeatedly argued that these photos have no effect on her, it seems that this cannot cover up the panic when buying the photos.

The most legendary figure of the Italian Fiat Group and the grandson of the late former president Gioni Agnelli, Rapp Erkin, was also the object of Corona's extortion.

As the heir to the Fiat family, his wealth has often been compared to that of the Kennedy family in the United States. But he was notorious in the media for his reluctance to pay.

As early as the beginning of this year, Corona secretly photographed Erken taking drugs with a 50-year-old transgender person in the group. Corona made a "demand" to the heir to the "car manufacturing empire" unless his family was willing to pay 200,000 euros.

However, the blackmail failed, and Corona sold the photos to the media. Court records show that Elkann was dying in hospital for a drug overdose at the time. Corona can still open his mouth in such a situation. While his behavior has made public opinion despise, people can't help but sigh Erken's good appetite, a 50-year-old transgender person, and his unique aesthetics.

Of course, celebrities in the sports world were also robbed by Corona. Many sports stars in Italy are very rich and their private lives are extremely disorderly. Naturally, they can easily become Corona's "prey".

Corona once demanded 40,000 euros from Inter Milan's Brazilian soccer player Adriano, based on photos of him flirting with several women in nightclubs.

And another Italian star Koko gave Corona 6,000 euros as a "ransom" because he was photographed behaving ambiguously with a transgender person.

He often walks by the river without getting his shoes wet. In the end, Corona paid the price for his greed. In 2009, Italian prosecutors accused Corona of criminal acts of extortion in these acts.

During the trial, the prosecutor accused Corona of extorting at least six celebrities in the way of "mafia". Money fascinated Corona. He has enough charm and wisdom to engage in better business. , but he wanted to make money from here.

Corona is a man blinded by money. In fact, he is very smart and can work hard on his own. However, he went astray for money.

This time, Corona set his sights on Digan, the most popular star in Serie A. He has already found out that Digan's girlfriend is currently flying to the Maldives alone for vacation. The girlfriend is not with him. According to Corona's idea Well, if Degan doesn't go stealing, he wouldn't be a man, but after several days of continuous tracking, Degan is not only bored at home as an otaku, but also goes to the club's training ground, and doesn't even go to the bar. Like the Puritans.

Of course Corona was not reconciled. Hearing that Degan was going to shoot an advertisement in Sicily, Corona realized that the opportunity had come. Sicily is a place full of beauties, so he did not believe that Degan would defend himself like a jade for Belen.

Sure enough, Corona's opportunity came, but he didn't expect that the prey would be so big this time. One was a super genius in Serie A, and the other was a Canadian rock queen.

He recorded all the pictures of Digan giving Avril artificial respiration just now. Corona was excited just thinking about how much money these pictures could turn into.

At this moment, Digan and Avril still don't know that they have become the prey of others. When Avril wakes up, the way she looks at Digan suddenly becomes different.

When she was swept into the sea just now, Avril really thought she was going to die, that feeling was like stepping into hell with one foot, but just when she was most helpless, Digan saved her, Avril still in shock Because she swallowed too much seawater, she coughed violently, and when she regained her composure, she realized that it was Digan who saved her, so she was naturally very moved.

Seeing that Avril was fine, Deegan was about to teach her a lesson. This unlucky child is really a gangster, and he can do such a thing. Good guy, if Deegan could not swim, Avril would have to go and give her a lesson. Lord Hades (of course ignorant Westerners think Satan is in charge of the underworld) went to play the piano and sing.

But before Digan opened his mouth, he suddenly felt two pieces of softness sticking to his mouth, followed by a cool tongue stretched out. Digan swore to the Jade Emperor that he subconsciously cooperated. For a moment, Avril did not expect that Avril, who received a response, suddenly became even crazier. Her petite body actually pressed Digan on the beach, followed by another burst of passionate kisses.

Corona in the distance is dumbfounded now, the two 2Bs are too cooperative, right?

My buddies have enough material, don't you want to put on a erotic drama?

Since people are giving face so much, Corona feels that starting from the professionalism of a paparazzi, he can't be shameless, what else can he do? shoot it!

Digan, who reacted, quickly pushed Avril away, frowned, and looked at Avril in disbelief. Could it be that the sea water has entered this woman's brain, diluting her brains?

The two of them just met each other, and their first impressions of each other were not very good. Digan didn't like women who were too strong. What he liked was docile and complete control. Avril was obviously not in line with his concept of mate selection.

Moreover, he has his own name now. Although Belen and him are annoyed and conflicted, after all, the two have not officially broken up. Although Digan doesn't care so much about this kind of thing, the Chinese way of life is still the same. It has a deep influence on him, not to mention that chastity and virtuousness are synonymous with him, at least wherever Degan goes, the chastity archway can follow him.

"Damn it! Are you crazy!?"

Avril Lavigne ignored Digan's anger, instead she stretched out her lilac tongue and licked her lips, then smiled slyly: "But you also responded just now, you didn't reject me!"

Depend on!

This woman can't be a female pervert! ?

Besides, in the situation just now, no normal man would react at all, let alone a beautiful woman. Although Avril Lavigne is not in Digan's favor, she is also a big star. If she is a man, she will have a star plot. When drinking and bragging with your buddies, you can have more conversations.

Digan thought about it, and suddenly frowned, thinking: This crazy woman must have fallen in love with me! ?

If this kind of thing was put on someone else's head, he would have gone crazy with excitement, but Digan didn't think it was a good thing. He didn't like Avril Lavigne, and he didn't like such a girl with character.

For Avril Lavigne, Degan also knew something about it in his previous life. What he remembers the most is that Avril Lavigne showed her naked body during a performance at a music video award. It states that her eyes are her biggest personal signature.

Has anyone ever seen a girl who uses * as a personal symbol?

There's also the matter of Avril Lavigne being involved in feuds with celebrities like Hilary Duff, who was rumored to criticize Avril Lavigne because she was said to dress like Avril Lavigne.

Because of this trivial matter, the two quarreled endlessly, and even Avril herself admitted that she got into a fight one night.

"I got into three fights that night. I was in the club that night and some girl was putting on airs at me and she pushed me and I threw her on the ground and the guards came but because I was up there , so the guards threw me out."

What's the point of being so proud of this shit?

If Avril Lavigne really likes him, Digan really doesn't know what to do.

"Hey! Don't pay attention to that big Argentinian breast, we are together, I think you are pretty cool!" Avril bowed her body, her face leaned over, with a serious expression, but her tone seemed to be right It's not like a life event at all.

It felt like saying: Brother! Borrow a fire!

Digan was taken aback, and quickly pushed Avril aside, stood up and said: "Don't let me go crazy with you, if you're fine, you'd better go back to the hotel to change clothes, otherwise, tomorrow's commercial shooting plan will be over. Postponed, I don't want to delay training because of this kind of thing!"

Digan turned around and was about to leave, but Avril quickly chased after him, grabbed Digan's arm, no matter how Digan struggled, she just wouldn't let go.

"Wouldn't it be better for us to go back together? Don't you want me to go back like this and make headlines in the newspaper tomorrow?"

Digan's face darkened, knowing that he was entangled by this woman. Could it be that the welfare after rebirth is luck, but this luck is too good, right?

He was an Argentine supermodel before, and now he is a rock queen. If things continue like this, Digan will even consider whether it is time to go to Taiwan to hook up with Sister Lin!

As he was walking, Degan suddenly heard a "crack" next to his ear.

Degan's brows immediately frowned. If he hadn't been so sensitive before, but since he became famous in Serie A and was targeted by those reporters like flies, his voice has become extremely sensitive. .

Following the sound, a figure suddenly shrank behind the uncle.

"Damn! This is courting death!"

Digan was furious. He was already annoyed by Avril, but now someone dared to secretly take pictures. Although Digan didn't care, he absolutely couldn't tolerate his private life being disturbed like this.

"Stay still!"

Avril saw that Degan's face changed, and she stopped obediently. Seeing that Degan suddenly rushed to a big tree with all his strength, and pulled a middle-aged man out from behind the tree, Avril's eyes immediately changed. Gotta get excited.

"Rod! Beat him!"

Digan, who was about to throw a punch, heard this sound, and almost hit his right cheek with a left uppercut.

elder sister! Are you sure you are a woman?