

The top war, Roy looked at the already dead Ace, yelled: the supreme holy light ah! Give me strength! Resurrect, my warrior! Oh yes, I forgot, there is a tough trick: Abracadabra! Roy accidentally crossed into the world of pirates...

SHADOW_J_ · sci-fi
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128 Chs

Beneath the Legends (10)

In less than a year, this trio of pirates suddenly appeared in the sea as if out of nowhere in the world, and the bounty has reached such a terrifying level.

The bounty for the "Eternal Angel" Roy has reached a terrifying $950 million, making him the most powerful man on the sea, and the requirement for capture has changed from "alive only" to "dead or alive". The requirement for capture has changed from "alive" to "dead or alive".

At the same time, a report on Roy's abilities was delivered to the old general.

They fought for more than a few days and nights with the Hundred Beasts Kaido at Byinbrus, eventually stopping when Lieutenant General Karp intervened, before the Frost Witch forced Lieutenant General Sakaski back and escaped under extremely powerful cannon fire.

Abilities: Unknown

Known Abilities: **Healing (can heal or revive quickly, no matter how badly wounded, but seems to have some limitations)

A giant sword, incredibly sharp and able to pierce Kaido's skin with ease, visually estimated to be above the level of a great quick sword.

A giant hammer, capable of striking with tens of thousands of dao force.

Golden Wings of Light: gains the ability to fly when opened, and has a significant increase in strength and speed.


Upon reading through the pile of information, Sibal sighed out, he was about to retire and didn't expect such a monster to pop up at a time like this, and so young at that.


Just as Sibal put the information down, one of his subordinates, a Navy Major, rushed in.

Seeing that the other man looked flustered, Sibal asked, very dissatisfied, "What is the decency of being a naval officer to be so flustered?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, Lieutenant General!"

After catching his breath, the Rear Admiral passed a copy of the new information to Sibal: "This is the first information from the Navy Headquarters to the various branches!"


Sibal's face stared, it had been less than two days since the information on Roy and the new bounty order had been sent down, so how could there be a new one so soon?

When Sibal opened the paper bag and turned it over, the contents on the paper made the corners of his eyes twitch fiercely.

[Kaido the Hundred Beasts, on his way to Imperator since being escorted by the headquarters, escaped!

"What's going on, what's that bastard Capo doing?"

Sibal thought in disbelief.

It hadn't even been three days since the news of Hundred Beast Kaido being captured by Karp had reached his ears, and he had let the other man escape?

After reading the document through, Sibal finally understood thoroughly the cause and effect of what had happened.

Because of the trouble caused by the Roger Pirates in the New World, Karp had left the Navy Headquarters at the first opportunity, ignoring the empty order to send Kaido down to Imperator.

Escorting Kaido were two other newly promoted midshipmen, Sakaski and Kuzan.

As it turned out, in the process Kaido broke free of his bonds and flew off directly into a dragon, and before he left he even sank three warships with a single dragon breath.

Sibal rubbed his brow and sent the Major out, pulling out the phone bug to inform the headquarters of what he had learned.

Naval headquarters always told their own people to take a precautionary shot before sending out bounty orders and worldwide news bulletins.

Of course if some journalists are informed first, that's another matter!

Only the Navy and the government themselves can take this approach.


In this world of the sea, those who are incredibly strong are called "legends", although this expression only gradually became popular after Roger's death, but Roger is approaching his old age, and now more and more people call them "legendary sea pirates "The three great powers of the navy.

The three great powers of the navy, Iron Fist Karp, Black Wrist Zephyr, and Buddha's Warring States are known as legends, and there are only a few people living in the world who can be called legends for the time being: Roger, Whitebeard, the Golden Lion and the Lone Ranger Raider, the Destroyer of Worlds.

Although it may seem that the pirate side has a little more legendary level people, but in reality the pirate side is hanging on the strongest by these few legendary pirates, while the navy side has a perfect establishment body, besides they are united ah, so it is untouchable.

The first half of the Great Voyage is almost a pirate's nightmare, those who manage to enter the second half are elite or have overlord luck added to them.

At the forefront of these legends are Kaido, the hundred beast who likes to commit suicide, and Charlotte Lingling, who goes around catching men to have babies after she has been issued qing.

Now, however, another man has sprung up, and there is a bounty on offer that was released to the world today.

The man who fought to a draw with Kaido the Hundred Beast.

Roy the Eternal Angel, bounty: 950,000,000 berries.

In today's news, the first page is about Roy, the new bounty, and the fight with Kaido.

The second page, on the other hand, is the news of Kaido's escape by sinking the warship on his way to rhyme with the headquarters.

Compared to the detailed information about Roy in the first page, the second page, the events of Kaido are much more sketchy, after all, it is a matter of disgrace for the Navy, so naturally it cannot be written in much detail.

Since the incident took place on an isolated island, only the Navy and a few members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates knew about it, so naturally the Navy was in control of the information.

And after escaping, the Hundred Beasts Kaido stumbled alone to the first half of the Great Voyage, where the men of his pirate crew had to go to fetch their captain.

Kuzan finally understood why the members of the Hundred Beasts crew didn't panic at the sight of their captain being captured, it was simple.

We can't even fucking fly, it's really annoying.

Even with the moonwalk, it was impossible to catch up to fly that fast.

The two characters under the legend, the hundred beast Kaido and the eternal angel Roy, became the focus of everyone's attention for a short time.

One step short of legend, the term "under legend", which is used to describe a title second only to the rank of Roger and Whitebeard, was placed on Roy's head at this time.

Beneath the Legends!

This title is somewhat similar to that of Luffy Blackbeard, who was the "most evil generation" some twenty years later.

The eleven Supernovas such as Luffy, Kiddo, Law and Blackbeard were called the most evil generation, while twenty years ago now, Kaido and Charlotte Ling Ling were called "Under the Legend".

That is to say, in the circle of pirates, except for Whitebeard, Roger and the others, no one can do anything to them, and today, there is another person who joins the ranks.

Tilio D. Roy

Because of his five-day and five-night battle with Kaido and a draw, some people have gradually ranked him among the "under legends".

But Roy wasn't happy about that.

Nonsense, a legend is a legend after all, one step short.

What was there to be happy about when there was someone else at the top?

Putting this matter to the back of his mind for the time being, Roy recorded the coordinates of the island of Byblos in the map system of the Sea King Power, so that the next time he came over, he could directly navigate and track it automatically, which was very convenient.