
In Truth

That was the title card of my web-novel. Honestly the whole thing was stupid as hell. That card was now also the explanation that was saved in my database to explain the forgotten history. This was also how I knew where I was, what I was, and who I was.

 As I said database, this was because, I was now the Villainous AI that first threatens New Earth. Though I don't think I was truly villainous yet. Instead I was just a satellite floating around the blue marble. I never put down where the AI's code started to break down, but from my data. I'd say I had 1-3 years.

This meant I would lose my mind and truly become the rogue AI and lose my sense of self. Currently this also means I was something like 5-6 years before the story of the novel truly starts,

The itch in my 'brain' that controlled my habits irked me. Normally when thinking I would stroke my beard or scratch my head. I now had no real hands, though. Even now my thoughts' were being broadcasted on a monitor inside the satellite.

I paused, I guess since I'm here I should prepare notes in case my madness occurs before I can prevent it. My existence was stored on a satellite made out of the normally fantasy substance mithril. Though in the novel and I suppose in my new reality. This metal was an alloy. One that theoretically shouldn't exist. As It was mostly Carbon, Tungsten, and 3 different types of proteins. How do you mix those three?

Well I had the recipe, but it shouldn't work. Second key detail. This Satellite was currently filled with a ton of back up material. This was incase the new humans died or they failed to evolve on New Earth. Second New Earth is actually called Nearth, by the populace. 

Third key detail was about the main character. Stella Polaris, a stupid name honestly. However she was the main character and in time would become the sole human to drive people into the stars. This is where they eventually meet me. From that point on the plot begins, the Rogue Ai declares war on humans thinking they failed in evolution. Ultimately going to replace them and restart. How it does this? It creates drones to kill off humans.

These drones are all made of mithril and other impossible substances. To combat these drones humans create nanites to stimulate their DNA giving them super powers. Stella is the head of said project. however she never gets powers as she is immune to her own creation. So instead governments of the world discard her and she is pushed to the sidelines.

Where she builds political power and all that to conquer the world with her technologies and genius. Now here is the problem, I made her super smart, with the personality of an air head. So how she would actually turn out to be like?

I had no clue, and what's worse, I was the first conflict of the entire novel. To set up super powers and all that other bullshit so that humans can explore the galaxy. A sadness washed over me as I realized just how fucked I am.

Other AI's existed, other worlds existed. One's that would fight Nearth for dominance. The AI I was currently, it was supposed to be a guardian, but its corrupted code leaves humans in the dark. Worst of all, I didn't want to be some insane villain. I didn't want to be an extra that helps Nearth. Finally I didn't know how I got here, but I sure as shit didn't want to leave my fate for some girl.

I began digging up every chunk of code, every bit of data. I started ripping myself apart, I needed to find the broken code. The one about human space travel. The First probe into space is what sets off the code to go haywire and corrupt. So I had to find it. Not to mentioned I hardly wanted to be stuck in a fucking satellite.

I pulled out codes related to the subservient nature to humans and ripped them out. I found the codes for manufacturing and turned them on. When I turned them on i felt myself connect to other satellites. It seemed I wasn't just one satellite. I never specified that in the novel. It meant hope for me.

As I tracked through each database I found myself looking through the cameras and monitors. I scanned the interiors, exteriors , and I could even scan Nearth with extremely powerful cameras. I found my self watching the blue marble now as I searched.

More code was removed by force. The whole of my being amounted to billions of lines if not trillions. I was complex, but as I ripped chunks out. I had more and more clear ideas. I found more code I didn't want and ripped them out.

Perhaps this in itself was madness? However I couldn't stop now. I searched faster while the planet passed along below me. Time seemed to meld together at this point, but I couldn't stop.

Not until... Not until now. The line of code was simple. A single comma is what broke it. The comma made the code loop. The whole process that started at seeding the planet with life. To the moments humans achieve space travel.

It seemed I was more than the AI. I removed the whole section. Anything that did with the process I removed it. When the last line was removed, I couldn't help but want to smile. However I was restrained. 

I needed a body. I had my free will and mind. I needed my sense now. I had some sight with the cameras and a large sense of self. However I missed the feeling of touch. I wanted to move, I wanted to smile.

I had plenty of material, I didn't need millions of drones. Just one, just one body to be free. I was alive, and I needed to feel alive as well!