
Pig Supporter

Titus wakes up to find himself among a group a adult size pig face humanoid facing him, that soon forces him into a painful experience. Realizing that this was not his mind playing tricks on him, he soon realize that he was also a pigman and began trying out his best to survive in a tribal horde of other pigmen. Unfortunately Titus was bestowed a body that was smaller and weaker than even the below average pigmen in the tribe, leading the other warrior to consider putting his weak flesh to nourish others more better warriors. Luckily the Tribe Shaman found that Titus was more in attune to the arcane arts of magic, decides to take him in as his servant boy. Follow Titus on his journey to discover his new life as a pigman considered as both monster and primitive race. Titus will have to learn how to fit in his new reality of primitive monsters around him, or become the next meal. What Titus' actions bring as he is forced into deadly situations, and whether or not he'll come to regret it.

LazeePanda · Fantasie
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3 Chs

1-Welcome little piggy

'Arg my head.' Titus mind begins to recover from a painful headache.

A large burly hand grabs his should, easily lifting him onto his legs. Titus was able to soon see his surroundings.

"SQUEEEEEEEAL!" Titus led out a large high pitch squeal at the frightening sight before him. He was surrounded by many large adult size humanoids with pig head, some staring at him with drools.

'What the hell is going on here?!' Series of questions starting to populate rapidly in his mind. Until another large hand started shoving him to a different location, breaking him from his trend of thoughts. Breathing heavily, Titus tried looking around to try make sense of the situation. Only to see his hand with 3 long stubs(fingers?) and 1 short stub(thumb?), which only causes Titus to shake uncontrollably. He realized that he himself was also no longer in a human body.

*Shove* another push shock him out of his stunned state, causing him to stumble forward that nearly made him fall onto the ground.

"Hahaha, Less. Push. Break. Baby. Maybe." Sounds of grunts and short squeals came rumbling from a pigman on the side. Titus was able to somehow understand the animalistic sound gurgling from their stout face. Another point he notice was that everyone around him was taller than him, even the pigmen that was being shoved with him. He saw that all of them had tusks growing on the side of their face, wide enough to give ease to eating and stabbing into their enemies. Trying hard to gather as much information available to him, he could tell there was about 30 other pigman with ragged gears on them. So trying to escape right now was definitely out. He'd have to try to bide his time in this bizarre situation he was in. He can't even remember his last memories were before blacking out, other than the fact that he was human living on Earth.

Titus lift his own hand to try feel his own tusks, only to find that he had only a stout nose with chubby cheeks to show. 'I don't know whether I should be happy or sad about this.' a random thought popped into his mind while rubbing his pig face. Looking around some more, he noticed that he was in a primitive village with many badly made huts made of leather, wood, and stones.

'Fantasy setting, monster village.' Titus tries to distract his mind from panicking by listing out his known information. 'Aggressive, assertive, dangerous situation.' Titus eyes wonders around while making small grunting sound from breathing hard.

Soon they arrived in a pit where mud, dirt, and blood could be seen mixed up all together.

*Push* another hard shove pushed a two other naked pigman with Titus included(MC also in his baby birthday suit). The pigmen with gears then surrounds them with long wooden sticks, poking them hard.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Loud grunts soon sounded around the three.

Soon the other two naked pigmen in the pit started to get agitated and growl at each other, then shifting their eyes to Titus who is the smallest.

*Grunt* Their eyes turn back to each other as they did not see Titus small hornless stature as a threat. They dash to each other, closing what little distance between them with their battle cries.

"Hrumph!" Two large adult pigman began grappling each other with one of their four finger hand, while their free hand tries punching and slapping the other.

'What the hell is going on!' Titus on the other hand was scared of the sudden change in the situation, with the loud chanting rumbling to fight around him while seeing a violent fight up close. Just after barely regulating his breathing from his earlier shock from waking up in a strange world, he started panicking again from the fight that he is forced into. This time knowing full well that he is in a dangerous situation, Titus try looking around for way out of this situation.

Yet before he could put a plan together to either get away or subdue the two naked pigmen, one of the other pigman came lashing out at him. A large fist came flying into his view, that soon smashed right into his face. Sending him flying with one punch. That Knocked him down onto the floor a couple meters away from his original position.

"SQUEEEEEAL!" A victory cry came out from the pigman standing in the middle of the pit. Roaring with battle spirit with his arms raised up after winning over his rival and a weakling.

One of the larger pigman threw a large slab of meat at the winner, smacking right into the naked pigman face.

"Strong. Eat. Be. Stronger!" The large pigman grunted with enthusiasm, watching the new pigman dominate his fellow newborn.

Titus mind begins to blur from both his head being punch and the pain wracking his face. Loud ringing noise sounding in his head, while feeling the ground tremble from all the pigmen stomping on the ground with excitement. He was able to focus his vision enough to see that the other pigman in the pit with them was also lying down on the ground with blood running down on one of his eye lid. Soon Titus also began tasting his own blood. His last thoughts was whether or not pigman can regrow their teethes before blacking out.