
Piercer Of Heaven (Xianxia)

A person from modern earth finds himself transmigrated into the body of a villain from a Xanxia novel. Fortunately, he quickly discovers the protagonist's 'golden-finger' cheat is available to him as well! Given his meta knowledge, the power in question is far more potent than in the hands of the foolish protagonist. With the ability to rewind time, along with the power of the [Immortal Transformation Technique], Xu Zhenyan aims to pierce the heavens!

f0Ri5 · Bücher und Literatur
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30 Chs

Chapter 8


Although Xu Zhenyan was eager to start cultivating, he thought it best to assess his condition. Directing his ki-sense toward his dantian, he discovered his foundation was clearly unstable.

'Right now, I need to consolidate my gains.'

Cultivating too fast had its downsides. If he had to explain it, it was almost like building a tower—being the fastest meant getting to the top sooner, but would result in a lower-quality structure.

Thinking of how much his progress would slow, some of the wind went out of Xu Zhenyan's sails. Yet, knowing he was ahead of his peers was some consolation.

Returning to the present, he glanced at Feng Xian'er, standing nearby. She'd helped him eat, but after dealing with the dishes, she simply stood off to the side.

"What part of the manor is this?"

Given he'd never been to the Eastern Forest villa and had departed right after arriving, the compound's layout was a mystery to him.

Feng Xian'er replied, not meeting his eyes.

"This is the autumn courtyard, young master. It is to the north."

Her tone was respectful.

Xu Zhenyan looked at her thoughtfully.

"I see. Your father is very considerate…"

If this place was anything like the Central Province villa, the northern courtyard would be the most secluded. They'd likely considered his illness when making the decision, but Xu Zhenyan was simply glad for a suitable place to cultivate.

Feng Xian'er nodded, but didn't reply.

Again, Xu Zhenyan felt something was a bit off. There was that shyness again, but with something else mixed in.

"Tell me, are you dissatisfied with your duties? If that's the case, I'll have your father reassign you. I appreciate your care until now, so I'll ensure you're properly compensated."

When she heard his words, Feng Xian'er looked up involuntarily.

"No, that's not it, young master…"

Her tone was uncomfortable.

Xu Zhenyan raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? In that case, could you draw me a bath? To think I haven't washed in months, how shameful."

He punctuated his statement with an embarrased smile.

The sudden change in topic left Feng Xian'er dazed, but when she saw Xu Zhenyan's expression, she felt extreme shyness. Images of his naked body suddenly sprung to the forefront of her mind.

Pretending to ignore the blush creeping down her neck, he stroked his chin, appearing confused.

"But, it's strange. I don't feel dirty at all. Why is that…?"

He sent a questioning glance Feng Xian'er's way, seemingly wondering if she had an answer.

Staring at her feet, the girl opened her mouth, but no words came out. While the young master was unconscious, she didn't have much of an issue with her duties. However, now that she had to face him head-on, it was extremely embarrassing!

"…well, soaking in some hot water would be nice."

When she continued to stand there dumbly, Xu Zhenyan decided to drop a hint. It seemed to work, because the girl snapped out of her trance and bowed apologetically.

"I'll do it right away, young master. The furnace should be working still, so it won't take too long."

Glancing furtively at Xu Zhenyan and seeing him nod in acceptance, she didn't waste time, hurriedly making her way out of the room. Feng Xian'er felt that, if she stayed longer, she'd really turn into a boiled prawn.

The boy watched her leave, a mischievous smirk on his face. If he couldn't cultivate yet, then he would find other ways to amuse himself.


Feng Xian'er headed to the kitchen, wanting to find a few scullery maids and errand boys to help her carry water. However, when she got there, she saw someone she didn't expect.


Standing in the entrance, she stared curiously at a beautiful woman of thirty-something years. She was chatting happily with the servants, not having noticed her daughter's arrival.

Hearing the question, Feng Lingxi, Xian'er's mother and housekeeper Bo's wife, turned and looked at her.

"Ah, there you are. I was just looking for you!"

Smiling, she patted one of the maids on the shoulder and excused herself.

Xian'er watched as her mother walked over in her direction, her posture straight and proud. Given her position, she commanded respect among the servants and was something of a second-in-command.

"Are you busy?"

Arriving next to Xian'er, she extended a hand, brushing a few stray hairs out of her daughter's face.

The girl accepted the ministrations with a look of impatience.

"The third young master wants a bath, so I came to get some help."

Naturally, Feng Lingxi knew about Xu Zhenyan's recovery, as well as her daughter's duties. In fact, along with her husband, she pressured Xian'er into accepting it.

"Are you wearing the lavender oil I gave you?"

Suddenly, she leaned forward, smelling Xian'er's neck.

"Stop it! You already know I like Yuanba. Why do you keep doing this?"

Her tone a mix of displeasure and frustration, the girl put a hand on her mother's shoulder. She wasn't stupid—what her parents' intentions were, she long-since figured out.

Smiling thinly, Feng Lingxi grabbed her daughter's wrist before repeating her previous action. When she confirmed Xian'er wore the perfume, she withdrew, satisfied.

"Since the third young master is awake, you should dress prettier. Yuechan already picked out something for you—try it on when you can."

Her anger growing at being ignored, the girl abruptly stormed past her mother and into the kitchen. She felt that, if things continued, she might physically lash out.

"Jing, Hua and Fang—the third young master wants a bath. Help me carry water!"

Staring intensely at two of the scullery maids and one errand boy, Xian'er doled out orders.

Busy with their own duties, the three individuals were dissatisfied, but didn't show it on their faces. If they were tasked with carrying water, there would be no help. However, Xian'er was housekeeper Bo's daughter and the third young master's personal servant, so they had no choice.

Off to the side, Feng Lingxi watched as her daughter rolled up her sleeves and got to work. Just a few months ago, the girl was still a complete stranger to physical labor. However, after caring for young master Xu, that changed.

She blamed it on her husband—being a girl and their youngest, he spoiled Xian'er too much.

"I can't work with you looking over my shoulder, Mom. Go bother Dad instead!"

Noticing that Feng Lingxi hadn't left, the girl snapped at her. Her impolite, bordering on unfilial, words caused the servants to shrink inwards, but the mother didn't even frown.

"You're right, maybe I should go speak to your father. I was just thinking that, since you don't do chores for the house anymore, there's no reason for an allowance."

Smiling dangerously, Lingxi turned and exited the kitchen.

Xian'er watched her leave with her mouth open. Suddenly, she regretted her rash words. However, her pride prevented her from apologizing.

'I'm not wrong. She knows I have a boyfriend, but keeps doing that kind of stuff. It's really improper…!'

Grumpily, Xian'er returned to the task at hand. Even though she tried to convince herself, a complicated feeling remained.


The autumn courtyard's seclusion made the process more difficult than usual. The four needed multiple trips to fill Xu Zhenyan's tub and when they finished, Xian'er's back and arms ached terribly.

"Thanks for your efforts, everyone."

Noting their exhaustion, young master Xu put his hands together apologetically. Over the years, he built up somewhat of a reputation in the capital, but rumors hadn't traveled this far.

The servants received his thanks with starry eyes. Though they labored under the noble Xu family, they'd precious little opportunity to interact with their betters. As such, Xu Zhenyan easily cemented himself in their minds as a polite and refined young master.

"No, we live to serve, young lord…!"

Waving their hands embarrassedly, the three tried dissuading him. The maids were particularly touched. As girls from working-class families, Xu Zhenyan's pale and tender appearance was both novel and attractive.

Like fans meeting a celebrity, they were reluctant to part and return to their duties. Only when young master Xu dropped a hint about looking forward to his bath did they leave reluctantly.

'To think a few casual words could have such an effect…'

Xu Zhenyan marveled at their fawning, realizing the effects of status. However, he didn't let it go to his head—ultimately, such privileges didn't come from status itself, but from the wealth and power supporting it.

"Please stay, Ms. Xian'er. I feel a little weak still, so I'll be relying on you."

When he saw the girl retreating along with the rest, he stopped her.

Feng Xian'er turned to look at him, her expression hesitant. The reason for that, only she knew.

"…yes, young master."

Standing to the side, she made way so the others could pass. However, when Xu Zhenyan spoke, the other two maids perked up. Given he was about to take a bath and him addressing Xian'er, it wasn't hard to figure out what she was about to do.

In an act of uncharacteristic bravery, the older of the two maids stopped in her tracks before bowing toward Xu Zhenyan.

"If you'll tolerate me young master, Hua'er would also serve you."

Surprised, Xu Zhenyan looked her up and down. Sufficed to say, the reality of his position was still sinking in.

'Are all the maids this pretty?'

Staring at Hua'er, he couldn't help having such thoughts. However, he quickly realized the truth. In this time period, having a good appearance was essentially a requirement for a maid serving a wealthy family.

Though, it could be argued that was always the case, even on modern earth. One didn't need to look further than air-hostesses and baristas—the most successful ones, at least.

Before he could reply, the younger maid, not one to be left behind, stepped forward, bowing as well.

"Me too, young master…!"

There was a hint of pleading in her tone, something that completely threw Xu Zhenyan for a loop. Yet, he didn't need to consider his answer for long. When presented with such an interesting opportunity, did he have any reason to refuse?

"In that case, I'll be relying on you all. But, if you have something else to do Xian'er, don't let me keep you."

Shooting a glance toward the girl, he noted her increasing displeasure. It was a little amusing. At first, she didn't seem happy about her situation, but now that someone else volunteered to do it, her attitude changed.

Clenching her fists, she visibly steeled herself.

"Of course not, young master. What could be more important than attending to your needs?"

Xu Zhenyan smiled.


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