
Pierced Heart

A heart, as soft as a cloud, goes through so much pain and agony. Any smile that lits up his face, later turns into sorrow. He was laughed at, he was mocked and he was tortured. But who could blame him, growing up without not knowing what a motherly love was. Living and being raised by a man was all he knew of, but nature seemed to have smiled at him. This poor little boy has grown to become a handsome successful man, making his father, the only family that he has and knows of, proud. Thinking that is the best nature could do for him, he was proved wrong by this beautiful woman he encountered. This woman who took his breath away, who sealed the hole in his heart and gave him the happiness he could ever wish for. But they start going through their own struggles now. Only one fear keeps eating them up. Can they go through this situation together ? At the end of their troubles, would the bond between them still exist? That is a mystery about to be solved. ******************* ******************* Jessica Montenegro, a wonderful fashion designer but helps her father also in his company, to avoid the practice of her brother misleading others through lies or trickery in the business industry, has all she needs. Money, success, aspirations, love from many. She has all she needs, but has not gotten what she wants yet, a man. Dracardo Lincoln, going through many struggles in life but with the help of his father, makes it. But with all the money, he still lacks happiness.

Pabay · Urban
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42 Chs

Friends Breaking Apart

Jessica broke down into tears and that was the sight her father came to meet in her room. He walked towards his daughter with a worried look but Olivia stopped him in his tracks. She gave him the look which told him to back off, so he did.

He waited till Olivia comforted Jessica and put her to sleep before they walked out of the room. As soon as they walked out, Alonso started once again.

"This is all his fault. If he hadn't come back, she wouldn't have been in this state. This worthless boy has made my daughter's life miserable, and believe me I will make him too no…" Olivia cut off Alonso in mid sentence and stood the grounds for her daughter.

"Alonso, you are such a shameful father. A lonely man who always blames the innocent. Why don't you go tell her that you drove Dracardo away. Why are you making him the bad person here, is it only to destroy your daughter's feelings?" Olivia yelled.

"Olivia,I didn't...." Olivia stopped him from whatever he was going to say.

"You didn't know what Alonso did? Come on, tell me. You didn't mean to hurt your daughter but only someone's son right? You come here to wipe your daughter's tears away behaving like you are a kind hearted father, meanwhile you are the cause of those tears. And you seem to never want to stop, so I will help you to stop. Alonso, don't ever come near my grandson and daughter ever again. Go and stay with that devilish son of yours, who cares about nothing but money. If the father of the baby can't see him, then so will be the grandfather." she said angrily and walked back into her daughter's room.

Alonso stood rooted to the ground as he stared at her back. He kept looking at the closed door wishing it would open for him to walk inside, but he guessed it would not.

He sighed and sat outside to wait in case there would be a chance for him to go in. He thought of what Olivia said about him hurting someone else's son. But to him, he didn't see that as hurting, he saw that as him only wanting to avenge his daughter.

"Am I really the cause of my daughter's pain right now? How can I stop it then?" He mumbled to himself.

"Are you now noticing?" He turned to where the voice came from and saw butler Jeffrey.

"Do you agree too?" Alonso asked.

"Well of course, who wouldn't see that your daughter became completely miserable when she and Drake separated. You broke her into pieces, Alonso." Butler Jeffrey said.

"But... you always supported me when I speak of Drake." Alonso said.

"That is what I do with you, but you don't know what I do behind you." he said then sat down "You were so blind Alonso, so so blind. I couldn't believe you thought your daughter was happy being away from Drake. Well I don't completely blame you, because whenever she sees you, she smiles. But do you know the real face behind that mask she wears in front of you? I know this is a family matter Alonso, but take this advice from an old friend. Leave your daughter alone to be happy, because the one that lays the bed, sleeps on it." He said, got up and left.

Alonso felt something run down his face, and when he lifted his hand and touched his cheeks, he felt it wet with tears.



Alexandra walked by the table, picked up her bag and turned to look at Bianca "When you get dumped and you are in tears, don't run to me." she said and left the pub. Irene also came out of the washroom, picked her bag and gave Bianca and Raphael a hard glare then ran after Alexandra.

She caught up with her picking a cub. She stood by her side as she saw the bleak look on Alexandra's face and said "I think it is only because of the alcohol. I don't think it's because of his money that's why she is acting like that." Irene said.

"Quit acting Irene. How long have we known Bianca now? You know if she isn't into boys, then she's into money." Alexandra yelled at her " I anticipated her to at least see for once that that guy could not be trusted. Even his smile alone seemed suspicious." she said on the verge of tears.

"I know Alexi, that you are worried about her, believe me I am too. We have known her for so long. So I know how fret you are now." Irene said.

"Of course I'm fretting. Yet when I tried to warn her about it, she looked in my face to tell me I'm jealous of her. Is that what she sees in me for her? If that is the case, I hope she keeps seeing it like that till it leads her to her greatest fears, that will teach her a lesson." she said, stopped a cub, got in it without waiting for Irene, and they sped off.

Irene stationed there watching the cub get lost into the darkness. She forced back the tears that wanted to run out of her eyes. Deep inside her, she could feel that her friend was in danger, but she was contemplating whether to go in or stay out.

Sighing, she turned around only to see Bianca getting into a fancy car with the man she was talking with in the pub. She just watched them also as their car drove away from the parking lot of the pub.

'Oh Lord, please protect my friend from any obstacles coming her way.' She prayed silently and began to walk to catch a bus which would take her home since she does not have enough money to afford a cub.

In the bus, she kept thinking of what happened back at the pub. Is that how her graduation night was supposed to be? With the relationship of her friends breaking into pieces. She kept on thinking and thinking that she did not realise she had arrived at her destination.

She walked on the street of her neighbourhood till she reached the doorstep of her house. She opened the door and walked inside to find her father sleeping on their little couch. She walked over, kissed his forehead and went to the fridge to get some water to drink.

"Why is my beloved daughter's face like that?" her father spoke from where he was seated.

"Why is my beloved father still awake?" she asked, walking over to him.

"You know I will never sleep till I know you are safe in my arms. But now tell me, why is your face like that?" Liam asked.

"It wasn't a good night for my friends and me dad. Two of them got separated." She said,

"It's okay sweetheart. They might have gotten separated, but you aren't with them right." Liam asked worriedly.

"Yes Dad. But who knows what tomorrow upholds…"she said.

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