
Master Crafter

"Well done today, Pon the Magnificent." Beta appeared out of thin air, directly in front of him.

Nix greeted her with a smile. "Nice trick... Do you have some Ice talent? Or is that an artifact that keeps your body temperature low."

"An artifact," she admitted. "How did you know?"

NIx shrugged, "I still have Dragon Eyes active so I should be able to see your body heat."

"Captain Vooni has a very high impression of you." Beta handed him a small gold-colored envelope.

"I hope this isn't a marriage proposal." Nix stowed the letter in his inventory and moved to go around her.

Beta shrugged, "not really sure since I didn't read it. This comes from Breach Commander Mtui's office, not Captain Vooni."

"What's a Breach Commander? Do you work for him?"

Beta nodded in reply. "I do. Breach Commander's are attuned with Colonial, Oasis and the Sky Kingdom. When power is wielded in a place where it doesn't belong they are able to sense it and send someone to investigate."