
Qi Fostering Medicine

Redakteur: Henyee Translations

Tian Yuan's complexion darkened a shade. After all, Ye Tianfeng was his own disciple. How could he remain unaffected when others were humiliating Ye Tianfeng?

"Elder Zhao, even if the child you tested is very talented, how could he be better than Feng'er? In addition to his outstanding cultivation talents, he also has the makings of an alchemist."

Acknowledging Master Tian Yuan's grim face, Elder Zhao realized he had gone a bit too far.

"Master Tian Yuan, you're mistaken. That genius isn't a child but a teenage girl around fourteen years old."

"Fourteen?" Wu Yu's white brows furrowed, nonplussed. "We help test people all over the world for free every three years. Shouldn't young girls her age have already been tested? Elder Zhao, what the hell is going on?"

"I don't understand the circumstances too clearly aside from the fact that she's a legendary, colorless talent!"

The pinnacle of martial arts cultivation was a void.

Thus, colorless talents were destined to ascend to a point beyond the reach of the common man.

Wu Yu sprang up in a shot and fixed his eyes on Elder Zhao. "Are you telling the truth?"

"It's true." Elder Zhao gulped hard and continued, awestruck, "Seriously, to this day, I still can't believe that someone with colorless talents has reappeared and was born under my watch. I later tested her mental strength too. As it turned out, the test stone absorbed too much force and exploded straight away."

Wu Yu's jaw dropped and the shock in his heart almost devoured him.

It took him a short while to snap out of the shock from Elder Zhao's account and he shook his head with a wry smile. "I suddenly have an urge to take on a disciple…"

Tian Yuan shuddered a few times, but before he could calm down, Wu Yu's story, which came out of the blue, knocked him sideways.

Who was Master Wu Yu? He was the Chief Alchemist of Qingyun School. Even the School Master had to show him some face. When the School Master's daughter wanted to worship him as a teacher, he refused without showing any face.

But now, he actually said he wanted to take an apprentice?

However, in line with the young girl's talent, she was indeed qualified to be Master Wu Yu's disciple. No wonder the usually proud and arrogant Master Wu Yu was moved.

On the streets of Feng City, Mu Ruyue stopped in her tracks and looked at a medicinal herb thrown out from an apothecary just now. Her willowy eyebrows furrowed. "Although this herb isn't rare, it's a shame to waste it."

Yan Jin was startled. "Girl, I'm no alchemist nor am I well-versed with these things. But I can personally see that this medicinal herb has yellowed leaves and has obviously withered. Could it still be sold?"

Mu Ruyue brushed Yan Jin off. She walked over to the medicinal herb and carefully picked it up.

"Girl, what do you need this withered herb for?" Yan Jin really couldn't understand Mu Ruyue's reasoning.

"Didn't I tell you early in the morning? I need to make money."

She tucked the herb into her arms, didn't say anything more, and started off in a new direction.

It was already dusk by the time Mu Ruyue returned home. She walked straight to her room as soon as she got home and slammed the door shut with a bang.

Not knowing what she intended to do, Yan Jin blinked at her curiously.

Mu Ruyue took out the withered herb and narrowed her eyes in contemplation. In the realm of cultivation, there was a method called Qi Fostering Medicine which could bring dying herbs back to life.

Although ancient martial arts and cultivation weren't entirely the same, they still had some aspects in common. The question was whether the Qi Fostering Medicine of the cultivation world would work.

With this in mind, she rested her palm gently on top of the herb as she circulated threads of vital energy on the hollow of her palm, enveloping the herb under her hand…

In fact, Mu Ruyue was merely performing an experiment. After all, her present self had yet to officially enter the cultivation world and she wasn't even a first-rank warrior. Therefore, as long as there was a glimmer of possibility, she thought Yan Jin would be able to carry this out with his strength once she taught him the method.

Unknowingly, the result that followed shocked Mu Ruyue herself…

Under the warmth of her vital energy, the withered herb came back to life little by little with the yellowed leaves exuding a vibrant air.

Yan Jin was utterly awestruck. Though he had plentiful experiences and knowledge, he had never witnessed such a heaven-defying method.

Furthermore, why did he feel like this stump of herb had grown much bigger…

"What's going on?"

Mu Ruyue retracted her palm and looked at the medicinal herb that had grown several times larger in front of her and blinked in amazement. Wasn't the Qi Fostering Medicine method only supposed to restore vitality to herbs? When had it morphed into helping grow herbs too?

All of this transcended her understanding.

Mu Ruyue's eyes flashed along with a possibility that sprouted in her heart. Was this also related to her contract with the Alchemical Book? There was no other explanation aside from that.

Now, she had to advance quickly. There would come a point when she would surely assuage all the doubts in her heart.

In the early morning the next day.

When the morning light shone on Mu Ruyue's face, she finally emerged from her cultivation. Although this former host body was a waste, she had no shortage of books on cultivation, which was why she got into the swing of things so quickly.

She couldn't significantly boost her strength in one night, but at least she had now turned into a first-rank warrior. She was no longer the same waste who was once despised and bullied!


The door was kicked open and a fiendish elderly woman came in. Her contemptuous glance swept the simple furnishings then fell on the indifferent girl.

"Young miss, the housemaster has called you over," the elderly woman tossed with a jeer, glared viciously at Mu Ruyue, and turned around to leave.

Yan Jin's eyes narrowed into slits. Although he didn't choose his master voluntarily, his master was under his watch for the time being. If other people found out that a grandma bullied his master, what would happen to his face?

With a swoosh, Yan Jin transformed into a shimmer of black and rammed into the grandma hard.


A soft wiggly body slammed into the elderly lady's back. Caught off-guard, she rolled straight down the steps, completing a few appalling turns.

It nearly broke her old bones in one fell swoop.

"OW, OW!" The grandma wailed in pain on the floor. It hurt so much that she couldn't crawl up and a cold sweat rolled down her face.

"Grandma Wang, what's wrong? What happened?"

Some maids noticed her and hastened to put down their work to help the grandma up from the ground.

"It was Young Miss. Young Miss bumped into me. Blame these weary old bones for exhausting all efforts for the Mu Family and even more so for coming early in the morning to wake the young miss. Yet she did this to me," Mama Wang lamented while struggling to get up as if Mu Ruyue had indeed bullied her.

She failed to notice that the moment her accusation dropped, everyone's faces turned odd.

She turned around flabbergasted and followed everyone's gazes only to find the indifferent girl still sitting in bed, staring at her with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

It was just that her smile was icy cold and sent a chill down her spine.

It had only been a few moments since Mama Wang fell down. Within such a short period of time, if Missy had really hit her, she wouldn't have had time to return to her bed.

So even Grandma Wang was stupefied as to what had happened.

Mu Ruyue got off the bed and put on her shoes. When she passed Grandma Wang, her footsteps paused. The corners of her lips rose and a cold glint appeared in her eyes. "Don't offend me or you'll suffer from bad karma, just like earlier!"

At that moment, Mu Ruyue was as dazzling as a pearl and she radiated a blinding glow.

For a second, the maids froze. Was this dazzling and cold girl really their waste young miss, Mu Ruyue? She seemed entirely different.

Turning a blind eye to their gawking, Mu Ruyue lifted her head and puffed her chest up as she strutted in the direction of the Mu Family hall.

As all eyes were on Mu Ruyue, nobody noticed that just as she was leaving, the little beast in her arm perked its head with a commanding and ruthless radiance in his glittering black eyes.