

Lapu-Lapu moved in quickly and swallowed the remaining resources and population of these now dead leaders to bolster his work and armed forces. He introduced new construction materials like bricks and the method to cook cement. He already had plans to improve the whole technological level of the entire island and laying down the foundations like tools and materials is one of his very first step into the game of kings.

The hard working and obedient slaves are given a chance to restore their status and gave it their all to get it for their families.

"Have you heard from the overseer? It seems that the lord has ordered for a recruitment in the thing he calls 'military'. What's great news for us is that, even slaves are allowed to take part in the trials. Those who can pass through the end will have their status restored and be treated as honorable warriors of the kingdom. Shouldn't we be heading out right now? It's not everyday that we are offered freedom."

"Do you think it's easy? I heard you have to be ready to make a trip to the afterlife if you are to train by the military standards."

"Yeah, I heard some hunters talking as well about how difficult it is but they say that a soldier will not be ill-treated and they wouldn't be facing any more troubles from mundane things such as how to earn food on the table."

People around him are nodding while the field buzzed as they made small talk with one another.

Just like the slave previously said, an omalohokan1 came up to announce the news of military recruitment to everyone. At first they had some doubts about the rumors but after an official announcement, the thing being fake is highly unlikely and so many of the stronger male slaves stepped forward to register. (An official announcer of the words and will of the king. A messenger if you want.)

"Can anyone join in on this recruitment?"

It was the voice of a woman with vanilla brown skin and dark brown eyes. She isn't kingdom destroying type of beautiful but her aura exudes a heroic kind of beautiful. A strong willed women / slave. Its not as though slaves are treated that badly in Mactan either as they are also wearing gold rings and calombigas likened to that of their masters signifying that they are rich people in another country's standard.

"The Salip ordered that everyone capable of passing the tests be allowed to join the recruitment. As for your question, I believe the answer is yes as long as you don't have a disability of any kind and are capable enough."

The eye of the women glowed brightly. Most of them are trained to do house work but some of them have been itching to change their destiny and become something else. Someone better than what they were believed to be capable of becoming. There's hesitation for the others but soon they also stepped forward with the men to register.

'Just as the Salip predicted.'

The omalohokan smiled at the result of his announcement. Even if only a third of these recruits are to pass the test then the Salip should have enough soldiers to invade the neighbouring kingdoms. Something that was dreamt of but not realised by the previous lines of Salip. His eyes watered while imagining the future of Mactan, his children will have a brighter future at that time and he can only be more assured.

'Only Salip Lapu-Lapu can take us there to the realisation of that dream.'

He wasn't the only one who thought this way. Many of the warriors and the officers who had a whiff of what their Salip is cooking can only have eyes glowing brightly in anticipation.


"Alright, let us start the meeting. First up is Ulupong, give us the report on post war logistics first."

Ulopong nodded his head, he then bent slightly towards the direction of the Salip to give respect and then faced everyone with a confident eyes. Something that only money is capable of giving him.

"No casualties recorded in the previous operation dear Salip. Some are injured lightly and none are in severe condition as the nature of the operation is effective and efficient. We just spent money mostly for the arrows. We also used money for the food and medicine in the troop consumption. The loots is quite huge this time and our coffers will soon be bursting at the seams. There are more than a million catties of gold if we pooled all of what we have collected and we aren't even close to fully doing the accounting for it. I apologise for this subject's incompetence."

Lapu-Lapu nodded. He didn't have the time to micro manage everything as he had a load of things to do at the moment and he handed the tasks to his most capable subordinates.

"There's no need to apologise Ulupong. You have done very well, keep up the good work! Send me the proper accounts next week. Employ the aid of other elders if you need technical support."

Lapu-Lapu waved his hand to dispel the fear of his subordinates.

"Oyi, how goes your team's training?"

Oyi was as energetic as ever when he greeted his lord. His eyes were shining and his skin is glistening like that of a child's. Someone must have been enjoying themselves too much on the task he was assigned with. He became serious the moment he was called out though showing his respect to the Raja he serve.

"It's proceeding smoothly dear Salip, the men have grasped the operations of the foreign vessels. Men are trained to operate the cannons, the new weapons you developed are also installed. Now, if your highness would grant us the permission then we will immediately head out to sea for a more practical experience."

"Hmmm... Have you thought about where you are planning to head out to?"

"Yes Salip. We will intercept small merchant ships in far away lands with our bigger, sturdier ships and take their goods while pretending to be pirates. We can also trade with other kingdoms if the Salip will permit it. Not only can the men train, we will also have a great supply of many things from this process alone as traders from all over are basically flocking to our lands to make deals for our and our neighbour's gold."

Lapu-Lapu's eyes grew brighter from this unexpected development. Who would have thought that the always happy and adventurous Oyi can come up with the ideas he just said right now? He is quite advanced in this regard as Lapu-Lapu has only been thinking and considering what to do with this field. He nodded his head in being reassured of his choice on the matter about these ships.

"That is very insightful of you. I believe in your judgement, leave the ship that is being studied by our woodworkers and use the other three however you see fit, use the guns from the invaders as to not reveal your origins whenever you decide to go pirating in the surrounding seas."

Lapu-Lapu asked seriously considering which weapon is better to use out at sea. Using the cannons is a waste as you can't loot a ship after sinking it to the bottom of the sea after all.

"Salip if I may."

"Go on."

"We have more experience with the bow than anything else and the men has been very restless about not being able to participate in the previous battle so this one can only bend to their wishes this time. They have been nagging about the Sprave bows the Salip designed for quite a while now. I would have to trouble brother Bayi this time if the Salip will permit it."

"This is fine with me as well, what do you think brother Bayi?"

Oyi turned to Bayi who he heard was in charge of the Sprave bow production and bowed down with an apologetic expression. Lapu-Lapu was looking at the aforementioned man as if waiting for him to respond.

"No trouble brother Oyi. The production of the Sprave has been doubled from a week ago with the help of our Salip, expect all your men to be armed with it within two to three weeks as the newest batch is already given to the recruitment trials for the newb's practise activities."

"Thank you brother!"

"I want the thing done as quickly as possible Bayi. Urge the men to work hard by giving rewards or sanctions. You will handle it with utmost importance, the sea will be our path to unifying this whole archipelago."

Bayi bowed down in compliance. Then Lapu-Lapu turned to another.

"Layang, your task is one of if not the most important one of all. Tell us how it's going."

"The slaves are very excited, the fields are being plowed with your ox pulled plow and the irrigation system you have designed would take about two to three more weeks to be completed. The domesticated oxen and the iron tip of the plow cost the most but we are capable of getting a hundred pairs from the budget the Salip entrusted us. Harvest is expected to increase in volume by about one hundred percent."

"Good. Proceed with the plans. Remember that a hungry soldier can't follow orders very well, your task is very important. We can't have hunger stop us from our goals."

Everyone in the room gave their progress report about their tasks and not everything went out well for everyone. The iron mines is not doing very well due to lack of technology but it did improve somewhat. Lapu-Lapu already arranged for men to go out to Tarshis where it is known to have a very advanced metallurgy technology to seek knowledge.

The Galleon ships have also been reverse engineered and prototypes are ready to be made according to the Salip's specifications.