
Phantom; Blessed by the devil, Cursed by the gods

Lucifer chuckled, hiding his earlier annoyance in a heartbeat. "You've grown so much" he said. "I'm sorry I haven't come to see you sooner, it's very hard to leave a place you've been confined to for eternity, but I've made sure my demons watched over you, you've become quite the Phantom" Phantom. The ghost is here. "What did you call me?" Sal asked. "That's right I nearly forgot, you have no idea who you are, much less what you are, and so you consider yourself to be nothing more than what others tell you to be" said Lucifer. "But don't worry, I'm here to change that, I keep my promises Salome, well sometimes that is" ................ Sal was many things. A weirdo yes. A dealer absolutely. A warrior? Definitely not. But all that changes when the Council of Elders, a combination of gods, angels and demons, asks him to go on a hunt, to find and kill a necromancer whose plans might cause a rip in the fabric of reality. Sal agrees and though he is powerful he needs the help of five Shaded beings from the Other World to help him. Little does he know that this one task has the potential to birth many things. Love leads to loss, loss leads to pain and pain leads to regret. Will he be able to complete his task? Will he die before he gets his chance? What sacrifices would he have to make? And what did it truly mean to be a Phantom?

jays_novels2 · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Chapter 10 Origins

Sal had been surprised by the introduction, there was no way this man was his uncle, he looked nothing like what Sal remembered of his father's face or his mother's, also, he was white, very clearly white, unless either of Sal's parents had been adopted, this man—Peter— was not related to him in any way.

"I don't have an uncle" Sal said finally.

Peter smiled in understanding, his face beautifully scarred with laugh lines.

"Of course, your parents never mentioned me, did they?" said Peter, raw hurt seeping through his voice despite the smile on his face.

"They may have, I'm not sure, my time with them was…short" said Sal.

Peter looked thoughtfully at Sal and then placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, strangely Sal welcomed the gesture, the only person that had touched Sal like that had been Boulder, in those rare, fleeting moments when he was actually kind and fatherly.

"Come with me Salome" said Peter.

Sal followed, he was suddenly tired, tired of being wary and alert and paranoid and afraid all the time, he just wanted someone who would listen as he talked, someone who would answer his questions with absolute honesty, someone who could shed some light on his everyday darkness.

Peter guided Sal down the hallway until they reached a door of bright red and he pushed it open.

They walked into a room that resembled an office, though business-like it looked comfortable and normal.

Everything was red, from the walls lined with tapestries of roses and stories, to the sofa stationed close to the window and the table that gleamed as though it had been polished. Sal's eyes scanned the room with curiosity, the shelves held books and potions of different colours, behind the desk and chair at one end of the office, there were awards and trophies from various hunts; the ivory tusk of a mammoth shedim, the sharp fang of a fallen vampire, a wand of obsidian from an exiled mage, treasures left behind after the death of each Shaded being, and in the middle of it all there was a double bladed axe, it's edges sharp and shining, it's handle bound by leather, the entirety of the weapon gleaming with magical aura.

"Nathuel" Peter said, he strolled to the armchair and sat down, his hand gestured to the sofa opposite him for Sal to seat.

Sal moved away from the axe and sat down on the sofa that faced Peter, it's cushions were indeed as soft as they'd looked.

"You named your axe?" Sal asked.

Peter nodded and leaned in to pour a cup of tea, the brown liquid poured into the cup like a fountain as he talked. 

"Yes, all Shemer must name their weapons, naming a weapon connects it to the one who wields it, we do it so that our weapons are never lost to us, we simply call them and they will answer, other hunters do it as well" said Peter.

Sal remembered how Casmir had reached out for his dagger and how it had flown into his grasp in an instant.

"Shemer, I've heard of them, who are you people?" 

Peter dropped the teapot and took his teacup and saucer in his hands, he took a gentle sip and returned the pot to it's saucer.

"The name "Shemer" is hebrew" started Peter, he leaned back on the sofa like someone who had done this a million times but would continue to love doing it for years to come, "it means "guardian", it was a name given to us by the Greek gods themselves, we are the protectors of the two worlds separated by the Shade, we keep the peace between the Shaded and the mortal, the natural and the unnatural, we protect the helpless, defend the weak, preserve the good and eliminate evil whether of mortal or magical origin, we are all that stands between progress and oblivion" 

Sal took a sip of his tea and nodded at Peter's wrist.

"What's with the tattoos" Sal asked.

Peter looked at the rose on his wrist and smiled, pulling the sleeve down and baring it for Sal to see fully, the tattoo was stark and graphic, as if the rose were still attached to it's bush, still reflecting the light of the sun and exuding it's natural sweet scent.

"Our marks are our identity, we bear the image of plants and flowers because we are as relevant as they are, each flower represents our family trait, our weaknesses and strengths, our flaws and perfections. I am a Rose, with beauty we love, but we are a thorn in the flesh of our enemy, and you Salome, are a Nightshade" said Peter.

Nightshade, the name sent a dull thrum throughout Sal's body, for the first time since he'd heard the name it felt right, a sweet truth rather than a tasteless lie.

"If I'm a Nightshade that means my parents were one of the Shemer, and if they are one of you that means…"

Sal met Peter's eyes as the truth settled in the pit of his stomach, making it churn and twist with excitement.

"You are Shemer Salome, by blood, by birthright" 

Sal leaned back into the soft sofa, the tea he'd been drinking abandoned on the table.

"I don't believe you" said Sal.

Peter rose from his seat, settling his cup of tea down on the table.

"I assumed words wouldn't be enough, come let me take you to where your parents once worked" said Peter.

Sal stood from the sofa so fast he nearly spilled the cup of tea on the table. He followed Peter but not towards the door, they went to a rune circle stationed on the wall not far from them.

Peter tapped the circle with his finger, the outline of runes and the overlapping circles lit up with red and orange flames, and a portal of red light appeared in the circle. Peter stepped through without hesitation and Sal followed.

The red light blinded Sal for a moment, then he emerged out and onto a large space.

Unlike Peter's office this place was more homely and relaxing, everything was relaxing, nothing gave off a serious energy except the trophies of fallen Shaded beings that lined the coloured walls.

Just like Peter's office everything was one colour, the cushioned seats, the sofas and armchairs, the walls decorated with paintings, everything was in shades of dark purples and deep blues, on one side of the room were countless awards and immeasurable treasures, artifacts of immense beauty and dangerous power encased in enchanted glass, two weapons stood side by side on the other side of the room, a metallic bow of metallic silver with a quiver of straight and sharp arrows and a saber, it's blade gleaming with magical blue light.

"Those were your parent's" Peter said, his eyes surveyed the place with nostalgia.

"That can't be, I didn't know my parents well but I know that they weren't some weird guardians protecting the world, they couldn't handle anything that was different, they couldn't handle me" Sal said.

"You misunderstand them Salome" Peter said. "Your parents had to give you up, it was a part of their punishment" 

Sal looked to Peter, the answers he was giving only lead to more questions.

"Punishment for what?"

Peter moved to the paintings on the wall and Sal followed him, the one Peter gazed upon was of a man and a woman standing back to back, the man held a bow in his hand and reached behind him for an arrow, the woman had a saber in hers, it's blade coated with blue fire, they both wore the Shemer's tunic, they were both dark skinned, the woman's hair was black and sickly, the man's was brown and curly but they both had warm brown eyes and Sal could see a bit of himself in both of them, he saw his height in the man's stance and the angles of his face on the woman's face. 

So it had been true, they had been Shemer.

"Your parents were extraordinary people, they were mortal and yet they portrayed immortality in ways that even the gods envied, your mother was a Nightshade by blood and your father had become one for her, for love, I had known them both, I had loved them both, your father was like a brother to me, your mother was my everything, but alas Aphrodite and the Fates had other plans" Peter said.

He turned away from the painting and looked down at Sal, his eyes were intense and emotions shone in them unhidden, loss, longing, heartbreak and yet, unfathomable joy.

With beauty we love.

"Your parents were one of the best, a match made in Elysium, both in love and in battle, so the gods had chosen them to banish Lucifer back to his hell after a careless summoner mage nearly released him from his binding. I don't know the details of that particular hunt, what I do know is that they had departed ready for a fight and had returned conflicted and unsure of themselves, unsure of their faith in the gods that gave them their mission to protect." 

Peter turned towards the weapons on the wall, his eyes unfocused, his mind recalling memories that had been buried just under the surface, hidden but not forgotten, present yet unseen.

"The months that followed had been months of distance between your parents and I, they stopped taking hunts, stopped coming by, ignored calls and Hermes messages, I had assumed it was because your mother had been pregnant at the time but it became clear that they were keeping secrets from not just me but from the gods, they thought they could run and hide but they couldn't, the gods rebuked them and promised destruction to the Nightshade name if they did not banish Lucifer and complete the task that had been given to them. Your parents agreed, they knew Lucifer's location and so set out to banish him, they had succeeded but at a steep price, the life of their infant daughter." 

Sal gasped softly, the news made him shiver, he'd had a sister, a sister he'd never known, a sister he'd had no chance to love.

"The death of their daughter destroyed them, they left the Shemer, swearing on the gates of Hades that they would never wield a weapon in their lives, they would never fight as guardians again, they kept in touch with me for I was their only true friend, had both cried in my arms and lamented to my ears of their pain and grief, their breaths thick with alcohol and absinthium, I remember that time as a time of utter hopelessness, I haven't had a drop of wine since then."

Sal placed a hand on Peter's shoulder, feeling the weight of this man's emotions pouring out of him.

Peter smiled and touched Sal's hand.

"Then you were born, a beautiful punishment, a Phantom for a child, your parents didn't know what to make of you, whether you had been a gift or a curse, but I know that they loved you despite your uniqueness, I had been outside the delivery room when you were born, I had heard the faint sound of your cry and the gentle sobs of joy that followed, I had seen the wide smile on your father's face and the look of pride and joy on your mother's as they looked down at you. The silver hair, the blue eyes, the mark on your chest didn't make any difference to them, they never cared for any of that, you were their boy, their perfect son" 

Sal drew away from Peter and looked at him, their eyes at the same level.

"Then why did they abandon me?" Sal asked.

Peter sighed and scanned Sal thoughtfully, his eyes finally resting on the place on his chest where the mark was burned.

"Because the gods knew what they were doing when they made you a Phantom, they knew what they were doing when they gave you power, they knew that no matter how much you were loved there was no way your parents could keep you, you were too powerful, Phantom's often are"

"What are they exactly?, these Phantoms" said Sal

"Phantoms are supernatural beings, sometimes mortal, sometimes Shaded, that possess silver hair, an indication of the power of a pair of the god's hands, an eye colour unique to the touch from a particular mala'chim, and a shedim's mark, they are usually warriors created by the Council for specific purposes and blessed with unfathomable gifts, but you are an unusual Phantom, you are a combination of blessings and curses that were countered by Lucifer when he placed his mark on you, your power manifested too early, your purpose unknown, your strength unparalleled"

Sal suddenly remembered times when he was younger, times when he would punch a hole through a wall or scream as he heard voices he couldn't place, and then one day his mother had nearly been robbed, the robber was consumed by a pillar of black fire as soon as he reached them.

The next day he'd been sent to a foster home.

"So he's the reason why i'm not a wreck of a person"

"I suppose you could say that but I wouldn't trust him so easily, he is Lucifer after all"

Sal didn't give a reply, he only politely told Peter to continue.

"Your parents didn't know what to do so they pleaded to the gods and had been told to give you away, to let you live the life of a mortal till the appointed time when you would be called to fulfill your purpose."

Sal looked away from Peter, the gods had torn his family apart, had made him think he'd been abandoned, had made him live a life of constant loneliness and confusion, always second guessing himself, always asking why he'd been made different.

Sal could hear Lucifer's warning ring in his ears.

The gods will only tell you half the truth.

"I don't suppose you know what this "purpose" is" said Sal.

Peter smiled and walked to the part of the loft where a closet was stationed, it's purple wooden doors hidden like a clever camouflage.

He pulled it open and gestured for Sal to look inside.

"This is your purpose Salome" Peter said.

Sal moved forward and came to stand by Peter's side, what met his eyes sent a ripple of unbelief throughout his body.

In the closet was a Shemer's tunic, a shirt of dark purple that looked feeble but Sal knew could withstand blades, bullets and other magical forces, a jacket of a lighter shade with runed metal somehow inlaid into the fabric, a pair of black trousers that would allow for easy movement, and boots, solid black boots that were designed to break boulders with a single kick. There were gauntlets of a silver metal and a brand with the Nightshade symbol on it, the brand was hot and steaming red.

"Are you ready to embrace it Salome?"

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