
Dragon God Part Three

"Huh? Human do you really think you are in a position to say anything? This is my dragon clan territory, not your human territory. How are you to tell me what I can and can not say? Take back my words? Hah! Truly laughable! I will never do such a thing for a lowly life form. What is wrong with calling a sorry excuse for a dragon a dir..."


The prideful dragon had no idea what had just happened. All he knew was one second he was degrading a little half breed dragon and then next he was being sent flying through the air smashing into the side of the mountain. The last thing he saw before blacking out was a figure of a young human girl floating in the air in front of him with an angry expression.

"Humph! I gave you a chance!" Alicia said as she dusted her hands off floating in the air in front of the dragon. She then grabbed its tail and pulled it out of the mountain side before flying back to everyone else.