"I must admit, I'm a little surprised at how well this fits me…"
Elise's murmuring draws Subject Seven's eye as he glances sidelong at her, escorting her through the compound. The crimson-haired maid is fiddling with her new uniform. It's not very different then what she was wearing when they first 'met', truth be told. Maid uniforms are rather… well, uniform in nature. At least when they're meant to be functional. Given the games nobles like to play, it was actually surprising that Elise's uniform from the governor's palace wasn't more revealing.
Regardless, she was now clad in a dark silver version of her previous outfit. Like the last one, it did contour to the frame of her youthful, nubile figure quite well, though without being skintight in any specific area. The swell of her growing breasts could be seen, and the skirt cascades over her feminine flared hips, but that was about it. She was covered from neck to knee.
"I took your measurements on my Mistress' behalf. It was simply enough, having something made for you through the fabricators once we had those."
"O-Oh. R-Right…"
Another sidelong glance shows the Subject that Elise is blushing. The maid almost seems to be fidgeting, and a small smile plays across her face. It would appear she's getting attached to him already, but then that was obvious from the day before. Still, she had yet to proposition him again, yet to draw his cock out for another taste. He admired her willpower, for all that he would need to keep an eye on her to make sure she didn't wait too long and go off the deep end as a result.
"Through here."
Reaching his destination, the Subject leads Elise into a supply closet. Filled with all sorts of cleaning implements and liquids, he turns to regard the crimson-haired maid with a cocked head.
"Are you well-versed in this equipment, these chemicals? Speak up now if you are not, and I shall endeavor to provide a training aid for you."
Looking around the room for a moment, a little overwhelmed, Elise doesn't answer him immediately. He approves of the way she instead walks up to the nearest wall, looking over the cleaning implements and reading the warning labels on some of the spray bottles. Her throat works for a moment, but slowly but surely, that overwhelmed look on her face fades away, replaced by something akin to quiet resolve. To the Subject's surprise, he has the uncharacteristic thought that such a face looks good on the young maid.
Turning back to him, Elise nods her head confidently, before bowing.
"I am confident that I can manage with the contents in this room, Seven. If there's anything I need help with, I will alert you immediately."
Subject Seven grunts and nods back, even as he crosses his arms over his chest.
"Very well. You may begin."
Straightening up, Elise turns and gets to work, piling things she seems at least passingly familiar with onto a cleaning cart. That determination in her gaze does not die, however when she finally turns back to the door and sees him still standing there, she is a bit startled.
"U-Um… was there something else?"
Blinking, the Subject shakes his head.
"No. I have been tasked with keeping an eye on you. You are my current mission. As such, I will be observing you for the duration of today's duties."
Looking a little nonplussed at that, Elise processes this for a long moment.
"O-Oh. A-Alright."
He doesn't really care that she might be uncomfortable. Or rather, he's not supposed to care. Why then, is there this strange sensation in his chest as he watches her carefully maneuver the cleaning cart around him and out into the hall? Why does he have the urge to apologize as he follows after her? The only person that the Subject has ever offered apology to is his Mistress. On the few times he's failed her, he's bowed her head and apologized with all his might, before offering her his head, if she wants it.
While she's always told him that he was the first successful subject to make it to term, Subject Seven does not doubt that his Mistress could easily replace him, if she found it to be necessary. It would be simple to build another success, given she likely still had all of his old data. As such, Subject Seven was always ready to be replaced, even if it hadn't happened yet.
Regardless, he does not apologize to Elise. Instead, he follows the maid silently down the hall, and watches as she gets to work going through room after room of the compound, beginning to clean up where she found her services needed. It was not that different from her duties back at the palace as far as he was aware, so it was no wonder she soon fell into something similar to her old routine.
Despite his presence, she slowly began to relax, the tenseness in her shoulders dissipating. Eventually, glancing over at him and biting her lower lip, Elise seems to come to a decision.
"Seven… you said you were created, not born?"
Nodding his head, the red-eyed boy confirms it.
"Yes. I was made by my Mistress, to be an implement through which her will could be carried out."
"But you're still… human, right?"
The Subject cocks his head to the side at that, blinking once, and then twice.
"I believe that my genetic donor was human, yes."
He actually had his suspicions about who his genetic donor was. It was rather obvious, if you thought about it. But he chose not to think about it most of the time, as it was not his place to request confirmation to such thoughts. It was not his place to have such thoughts in the first place. In an effort to steer past that, the Subject elaborates.
"However, I received multiple mutagenic enhancements as part of my creation. That was why I was made in an artificial womb rather than a natural one. It allowed for certain additions during my development that would not have otherwise been possible. I am the best instrument that I can be, in order to carry out my Mistress' will."
Smiling with what the Subject thinks is a bit of sadness, Elise shakes her head.
"You talk a lot about carrying out your Mistress' will. I guess… I guess I was just wondering if there was anything you wanted to do. I know you said you don't have any hobbies, but are there parts of your missions you find to be more fun than others, perhaps?"
The Subject hesitates, then.
"They are missions, they are not meant to be fun."
At that, Elise stops what she's doing and turns to face him fully, planting her hands on her hips.
"Just because they aren't meant to be fun, doesn't mean they can't be! Do you not get enjoyment out of completing your missions? Does it not make you happy, to make your Mistress happy when you succeed?"
… It did. Slowly, the Subject nods.
"Well then, that's fun! So, what specific parts of your missions provide the most satisfaction for you, Seven?"
He hesitates again, something he's really not used to as he thinks it over. Seemingly sensing that he's not just ignoring her, Elise returns to her work, but with an eye still on him. Good, if she'd loitered for much longer, he would have had to say or do something to get her working again. And he found himself… not wanting to have to do that.
"… I enjoy the moments when I go undetected by my opponents."
Humming, the Subject nods slowly.
"While my form is meant to enchant and disarm most people, my youthful features providing a smokescreen through which I can still operate even when I've been discovered… it's even better when I'm never discovered at all."
"I suppose it would be. I can't imagine someone like you enjoys playing the role of cute, adorable child when you're really anything but, hm?"
She was more right than she knew. A grimace comes across the Subject's face as he thinks about the times when he's had to do exactly that for a mission.
"… No, I do not. Enjoy it, that is."
"But you enjoy being sneaky. You're good at it, aren't you Seven?"
Here, the Subject straightens his back. He doesn't quite smile, but his face does relax into something approaching contentment.
"Yes. My most recent mission… at the Planetary Governor's Palace. I managed to get inside without being detected at all. I managed to find the target, deal with him, and exfiltrate before anyone discovered my presence. I even did so with you over my shoulder. That… that was a good mission."
Elise giggles as if he's said something funny, though he knows not what. When he looks at her confused, she waves him off.
"S-Sorry, I'm just imagining you lugging me over your shoulder. Were my feet scraping the ground the entire time?"
They were, though he doesn't understand why that matters.
"Well, anyways, thanks for telling me about that. I'd say this room is done, so let's move onto the next, shall we Seven?"
He follows her out with her cleaning cart trundling along ahead of her, wondering just when it became a 'we' instead of him keeping an eye on her. And yet… the Subject couldn't find it in him to regret enjoying the conversation all the same.
As the days go by, Elise falls into her new routine, slowly growing more and more comfortable with the sharp turn her life has taken. In a way, nothing has changed. She's still a maid for people far more powerful than her, cleaning up a place that probably cost more than her entire village was worth.
At the same time, everything had changed. She was no longer in constant danger of catching the eye of every passing noble, nor was she to be the governor's personal plaything any longer while he blackmailed her with his knowledge of her crush on Delton. Of course, Delton was also gone from her life, and she would still probably never see him again. And yet, day by passing day, the sting of that fact lessened.
Elise knew this was in no small part because of Seven. The boy had seemed like a dangerous, inhuman creature to her at first glance. Then she'd jumped his bones upon discovering his sizable phallus, unable to help herself. But far from taking advantage of her, or even punishing her for her inability to control herself, he'd let her fuck herself on his cock and been… understanding, in a way.
And so, that very first day when he'd followed her everywhere, Elise had tried to get him to open up to her a bit more. It'd worked, she liked to think. As the days had passed since then, Seven had almost always been near, and Elise had continued to chat up the young boy, doing her best to get him to open up and speak with her more and more.
Of course, at the same time she couldn't always control her impulses. More than once, she'd dropped to her knees in front of him and hungrily pulled out that big fat pants sausage she knew he was packing. She was always aware of it after that very first time, like a desire niggling in the back of her mind. She could resist for about a day, but in the end, the temptation would grow to be too much to resist, and she would either end up sucking his cock or fucking him to completion.
Shameful behavior, to say the least, and yet Seven didn't seem to mind one bit. It was almost as if he expected it of her, as if he knew she couldn't hold back forever. Perhaps that was even why his Mistress had assigned him to her. But then, why would the woman waste one of her greatest assets making sure Elise didn't go insane? It didn't make sense; she wasn't THAT important.
She was right about that; she wasn't that important. She was merely a useful distraction for Seven until his Mistress decided the heat of the governor's assassination had died down enough for him to be sent out on his next mission. But of course, Elise didn't know that. She hadn't even met Seven's Mistress yet; the boy was the only one she'd interacted with at all so far. As far as she was concerned, the compound was all but deserted, though she still cleaned diligently, doing her best to earn her keep.
A week or so into this new existence however, Seven started to vanish at increasingly earlier and earlier times in the day. At first, he'd only left her when all was said and done, and she'd been escorted back to her room after a day's work. But then, all of the sudden he was leaving her mid-afternoon. She didn't think he was leaving the compound, surely, he would have told her if he was… but Elise's insatiable curiosity wouldn't allow her to just let it go.
One day, she finally pops the question just as he's preparing to slip out of the room.
"Seven? Where do you go when you're not with me?"
Stopping in his tracks, the young boy blinks in that owlish way of his as he looks back at her.
Smiling in fond exasperation at the one-word answer, well used to them from him by now, Elise nevertheless turns it over in her head.
"Yes, my Mistress will have another mission for me eventually. In the meantime, I must keep my skills sharp. You are doing well in your duties, and so I do not have to neglect my own as much anymore to watch over you."
Hm, it hurt just a little that he saw his time with her as mere 'neglecting his own duties' but Elise was almost used to the callous way Seven seemed to disregard normal interpersonal relationships like the friendship she'd been trying to spark with him. Given he was the only human contact she'd had in a week, Elise was loath to try and take him to task over it. She'd rather have him as he was than not have him at all.
"Would it be alright for me to watch?"
She was also undeniably curious about what Seven's training would look like. What would the no-nonsense little assassin consider acceptable 'training'? She could only imagine…
Pausing for a moment, Seven contemplates the request… before finally giving a hesitant nod.
"That would be fine, so long as your duties are finished first. I will be down on Floor C, in Training Room C. You may find me there when you are done."
And with that, the boy slips out of the room, leaving her alone, having clearly met his limit for conversation length for the time being. Elise watches him go for a moment… before turning back to her work with a new-found need for speed.
With the sort of motivation she had, the red head finishes up her work for the day in record time and immediately heads down to the Training Room Seven had said he would be in, not even bothering to stop for dinner first. Arriving, she's quiet as she steps into the room that operates as both an observation deck and a locker room of sorts. Stepping up to the large glass wall on the far end, she peers through it, squinting at how dark it is inside.
Once her eyes adjust, however, she can make out numerous individuals. For a moment, she starts. They look like the guards at the governor's palace, each of them uniformed and masked up, looking as menacing as they always did while she still worked there as a maid. It takes her a second (and a little help from Seven) to figure out what's going on.
Out of the dim light of the training room, a pair of pulsing red lines flash, stabbing into the back of one of the security guards. The strangled gurgling death cry sounded very realistic as the man fell forward… but once he was on the ground, his body phased out of existence, revealing that the whole thing had been a hologram from the start.
But then, of course. She'd already noted that there was pretty much no one in this compound except for her and Seven and his mysterious Mistress. So obviously, Seven would need proper hologram tech in order to do his training. Though… what were those weapons he was using? They didn't look normal to her, the way the red lines flashed through the air.
Elise had seen a few rifles fired in her day, had seen lasers drill holes through the backs of fleeing criminals and the like. But what she was seeing right now didn't look like that. As Seven attacks again, driving his weapons into another hologram's back and killing it dead, Elise peers forward, trying to figure out what's going on.
Suddenly, the lights turn on and an alarm begins to blare. For the briefest quarter of a second, Seven freezes in the middle of the training room, caught out by the bright lights. Then, he moves, almost too fast for Elise's naked eye to keep track of. However, she's able to see much better what he's using as he fights in a frenzy now, multiple guard holograms converging on his location now that they can finally see him.
Seven's weapons of choice… are a pair of daggers. Not mere blades, of course. Those red glowing lines she saw are part of the daggers themselves. Laser-knives? She's never even heard of such a thing, and yet as Seven flies around the room like a whirling dervish, his blades slicing through holographic limbs and necks and torsos with frightening ease and deadly accuracy, Elise can't deny the evidence right in front of her eyes.
His weapons are a combination of archaic and modern… and yet, they're incredibly effective, aren't they? Not just against holograms either. Now that she sees what Seven is working with, Elise realizes… those were the weapons that caused the damage she saw on the Planetary Governor. The burnt, cauterized hole in the forehead, the reason there wasn't blood or brains all over her or her old uniform. Seven's laser-knives had killed the governor in an instant, and likely burnt his brains to a crisp in the process.
Elise watches in silence as Seven trains for upwards of an hour after she arrives. Finally, he exits the training room, covered in sweat but looking pleased with himself, or at least, his definition of pleased with himself. He pauses for a moment at the sight of her, before beginning to strip down all the same, clearly intending to take a shower. Elise has to freeze herself in place to avoid crawling over when his cock, likely sweaty and incredibly musky, drops out of his pants.
In order to distract herself, she asks the question that's been plaguing her since she arrived.
"Why daggers? Wouldn't… wouldn't a laser rifle or even a pistol be safer? Easier?"
Pausing, Seven looks over at her for a moment before shaking his head.
"No. Shielding technology is too powerful. And the wealthier the target, the more likely that they, their security forces, and their buildings will all have their own shielding. Projectiles will just be reflected and reveal my presence. I have to be able to get up close and personal."
Elise stares blankly. Shielding? She'd… never heard of such a thing. But then, she was just a silly commoner. Hers was not to know about technology or science, and certainly she wasn't to know anything about technosorcery. And she didn't, she truly didn't. All… all she knew was how to be a somewhat decent maid.
Feeling decidedly small, Elise wraps her arms around herself. Without another word, Seven begins to head for the shower, and feeling obligated, she calls out to him to express her gratitude.
"T-Thanks for letting me come and watch!"
Stopping, he turns to look back at her, blank as ever.
"So long as you finish your duties first, there is no problem. Are you not going to join me in the shower?"
He says it like it's a foregone conclusion, like he thought there was no other way things could go. Elise's mouth opens, dry as all hell as she goes to deny it… but then she stops, blushing as her eyes dip back down to his swinging phallus between his legs. In the end, she gives a nod and begins to strip out of her uniform, moving to join Seven in the shower as he goes ahead of her to start it up and get it nice and hot.
Needless to say, they don't actually get clean for quite some time…
If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.
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