

Last time on Perfectly Ugly

Ollie begged Aiko not to press charges on her for borrowing his phone and not returning it by accident. The police/cop made Ollie and Aiko telll their sides of the story..

What do you think Aiko will do?

let her go or press charges on 16 year old Ollie...

-Aiko: Okay I'll let you go but come to this side of the room please, miss?

-Ollie: You can call me Ollie.

(Ollie and Aiko move to the back of the room so not a single soul can hear them.)

-Aiko: Listen up if you dont want to get arrested then you have to do something for me. from this day on you will have to do me one favour and you may not disobey me.

-Ollie:O-Okay but may I ask for your name, sir?

-Ollie's mind: it would be weird if i said the next time i met him "hi Aiko" he might think I'm a stalker

-Aiko: it's Aiko, Police/cop I will not press charges.

(Aiko gives Ollie his Card and walks out the room).

-Police/Cop: Ma'am what should we do with him?

-Ollie: Hmph, that thief arrest him show no mercy.

(Ollie exists the room slamming shut the door behind her)

-Ollie's mind: I cant believe that happened to me.. Oh wait I have WORK I'm gonna be late!

(Ollie runs out the building and trips over something when running but someone pulls her up..)

Who could this mysterious person be...

Find out next time On Perfectly Ugly

Okay, okay I wont do anymore last time blah blah stuff... but I'll put CLIFFHANGERS Heheh!!! or will I...