

“I’m not crazy.” “I didn’t say you were! You just need help. Do you really think this is what Papa would have wanted? If dad were here…..” “BUT HE’S NOT HERE IS HE KATERINA? HE’S DEAD!” She says screaming hysterically.

Mbong_Aicha · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
8 Chs



If someone told me I would be back in this club again, after what happened last time, I would not have believed them. The last time I was here, I was so irresponsible and got drunk and a potential serial killer had access to my apartment. Never again. I know better now and I am definitely not getting drunk this time.

"I am so sorry about what happened to you last time Kat. Probably gave you a bad impression of my club. I should not have given you that much to drink. I honestly thought you could handle it considering how fast you were chugging down all those shots." Glaine says to me with an apologetic smile.

"Don't worry about it Glaine, it's definitely not your fault. You did not know how lightweight I was." I assure him. "Oh, and I definitely don't have a bad impression of your club. It's the best I've ever been to."

"Giving the impression you've been to a lot of clubs. This is the first one you've ever been to." Olivia says from beside me.

"No way, really?" Glaine asks in disbelief.

"Yep. Real uptight this one." Olivia teases.

"I am not uptight. Don't listen to her Glaine, I can be fun."

"Oh I'm sure you can. The way you moved on the dance floor the other night, you got moves girl." Glaine says.

I suddenly remember the strange man from the other day who told me I danced horribly and now I don't know if Glaine is lying and just trying to be nice or if I really can dance.

"So did you settle in good? How do you like Castings so far?" Glaine asks as he mixes up drinks behind the counter with other bartenders serving people. I don't understand how he can do that and make conversation at the same time but okay.

"I haven't really been to a lot of places yet. Olivia showed me a lot of cool places today though. Oh and the weather's really good here." I say.

"I bet it is." A new voice says from behind me.

I turn to face the strange voice and before me is the most beautiful man. I don't know what words to use to describe the figure standing in front of me. I try as hard as I can not to stare at his features but there's something mesmerizing about his light brown eyes, perfect jawline and hair as dark as mine tied in a low bun.

"I hope you don't mind me cutting in on the conversation." The man says.

Before I can answer Olivia beats me to it. "Oh we definitely don't mind. By all means, continue." She says as she pulls Glaine by his hand from where he is standing. Glaine jumps off the counter and Olivia keeps pulling him away until they're out of eyesight and now I'm left alone with this stranger.

I will make her pay for this later. I turn my body so I'm completely facing the stranger before shooting him a kind smile.

"Looks like it's just me and you now." The man says with a smirk and I shift uncomfortably in my heels.

"I promise I'm not a serial killer so you can relax now." He says, surely noticing the fact that I'm uncomfortable . "I'm Jordan by the way."

"Katerina." I say simply.

"Well Katerina…" My name rolls off his tongue smoothly and I find myself wanting him to say it again. "I couldn't help but overhear that you're new to town."

"Um, yeah I moved here a few days ago."

"Where from?" He asks.

"Durane." I answer simply.

"Oh just a few hours from here. Any particular reason why you decided to move?" He asks again.

"I just needed a change of scenery."

"We all need that once in a while now, don't we?" He says and I just flash a smile at him.

When did I get so bad at socializing. Here is an attractive man in front of me and I have a chance to shoot my shot but it feels like I'm just frozen in time. I can't say or do anything and it's very clear that this man in interested in making conversation with me.

"Where the hell is your phone?" I hear an all too familiar voice and when I turn my head towards the sound I come face to face with another beautiful face. Why the hell does everyone in this city look like a greek god or something out of a fairy tale. The man seems to be directing his question at Jordan, an irritated look on his face. God he's beautiful.

He has the same dark hair as Jordan, only shorter but I can't get a good look at his eyes.

"I've been calling you." He speaks again. Why does his voice sound so familiar?

"My phone's turned off and we wouldn't have this problem if you had just let me pick you up as planned." Jordan says to the man.

"I had to finish up some work and-" He glances at me cutting his sentence short and stares at me for a good while.

"You." He says staring at me like he knows me. "You came back to bump into some more people?"

When he says that, realization washes over me and I instantly recognize him as the guy who insulted my dancing, the same guy who I fainted on, the same guy who carried me into my apartment and a wave of embarrassment washes over me.

"You know her?" Jordan asks his friend whose name I remember to be Daniel as Olivia said.

"Oh yeah. It's the destroyer of shirts." Daniel answers making me shoot him an irritated look.

"Okay, I'm confused. Katerina, do you know this idiot?" Jordan asks me pointing his index finger at Daniel.

"Yeah, well not really. We met the last time I was here." I state

"It was more of a bumping than a meeting wouldn't you agree?" Daniel teases again.

He's definitely mocking me and where the hell is Olivia? I've had enough socializing for one night.

"I think I'm gonna go find my friend now."

"No, hold on. Don't leave so soon Katerina. Excuse my friend's bad manners. He's a cave man when it comes to women. How about I offer you a drink? Nothing too strong of course." Jordan interrupts before I turn to leave. I feel his fingers graze my back leading me to sit in between him and his friend.

I don't try to object. I sit and watch Jordan go over to one of the bartenders to order three drinks.

"You look sober today." Daniel says from beside me.

"You don't say." I reply sarcastically.

He raises a brow at me and we stare at each other for a good 10 seconds. That's when I notice his eyes. He has the most beautiful pair of eyes I have ever seen. Brown with a hint of yellow in them. They look unreal and I can't seem to look away from them.

"I think you and I got off on the wrong foot." He says finally breaking the silence.

"I think so too." I say still staring deeply into his eyes. I can't help it. When I see something beautiful, I just have to admire it.

"How was the move-in?" He asks. "I saw a couple of boxes when I was in your apartment last time."

"Oh, um I've got everything in place already."

Silence breaks in again and I start moving my head searching for Jordan, wondering where he disappeared to.

"Yeah Jordan's not gonna be coming back." Daniel says and I immediately understand what he means. His friend probably saw a pretty face and totally forgot he was supposed to bring drinks for us.

"Isn't he supposed to be here with you though?" I ask.

"I'm pretty much used to it. Besides, your company isn't that bad when you aren't dancing." He teases with a smirk, only this time he succeeds to get a smile out of me.

"I just moved here. To Castings I mean. That's why you saw those boxes at my place. I got here last Friday. I still don't know whether or not I made the right call. " I don't know why I tell him that but I do. If I'm going to spend the rest of my night with Daniel I might as well talk to the guy.

"Do you feel like there's something missing?" He asks looking genuinely interested in the conversation.

"My mom. She didn't want to move with me. Too attached to our old house. But I couldn't stay there anymore you know. It's complicated." I explain.

"Do you feel like you want to go back?" He asks again.

"Definitely not."

"Then you made the right choice Katerina."

At his last sentence, the staring starts again, then my phone vibrates in my purse. I check the message and it's from Olivia.

Olivia: I see you with the hottie Daniel and I am not about to interrupt. I have to leave now cause I have to be up early. I'm sure Danny boo will be more than glad to give you a ride home.

Her text ends with a winking emoji and I sigh internally. She is so dead next time I see her.

"Something wrong?" Daniel asks seeing the frown formed on my face.

"My friend, Olivia just bailed on me. I'm sure you remember her. For some reason she thinks you'd be glad to give me a ride home." I explain.

"Ah Olivia. I remember her from last time. And yes, I will gladly give you a ride Katerina. Consider it a real apology this time, for bumping into to you."