
The princess in her castle

After saying her prayers, She lays her bed. 

Tamim then went into the bathroom to take her bath.

While in the bath, she adds more shampoo than required she seem to have forgotten that her long lustrous hair was gone.

For the nth time that morning, she sighs.

Finishing her bath, she does her body care routine and then took out her uniform.

Her uniform which consisted of a white shirt that reached all the way to her wrists which had the school's badge with her name tag on the left breast, a black ribbon which served as a tie and a blue and red checkers skirt which went over her knees slightly. She used a thigh high stockings to fix that.

She didn't want any more attention...

She already owned it.

She brushes her face long hair and put on some lip balm before packing her laptop into her pink backpack, that color was not her color. She had to fit in the girly category so that was what was bought for her.

She picked up her phone and headphones looking back once again, she's feels satisfied and closes her door.

Her room was upstairs so she went downstairs to have breakfast at the dining area where she was greeted with the same breakfast routine.

Her parents amidst smiles and laughters with the king sized delicacies. 

Their meals were chosen carefully by employed dietician and professional chefs so It's rest assured that she's healthy and won't sleep off in class. No one wants something heavy for breakfast except they don't have to work that day.

Tamim is very quiet and reserved. It's was one of the things that her parents were proud about because she was ladylike at a very tender age and that made her envious.

While they ate, she either nods or hm hm their talks and questions.

What they never knew was that she was never happy but somehow I think they know but they just disregarded it.

Sometimes perfection don't come with happiness and that's the price she's paying.

After finishing her meal, she thanks her parents for it even though they never made any out of it but at least they provided the money for it. She had turned to leave for school when her mother stopped her.

"Tamim, you forgot your lunch"

"Thanks mom" Tamim said with a forced smile and collected it.

'It was probably made by one 5 star chef again' she thought.

"My beautiful perfect daughter, you're so sweet and quiet. God bless God for giving me you" She said amidst smiles.

Tamim smiled but the smile never reached her eyes.

She walks out of the house as the car's door is opened for her but then notices the chauffeur's bow was lower than usual and then she looks back only to be bidded by a wave from her mom.

Oh that's why...

Her mom was watching.

She enters the SUV that has permanently become hers to drive in except that she wasn't the driver because she doesn't have a driver's license yet...but soon, In a year or so.

She makes herself comfortable and just before she puts on her headphone, she greeted the chauffeur in a very friendly way contrasting to the fact she was the boss.

With a smile she sinks into the car's back seat.

The drive to the school was smooth as always.

The same life everyday can get quite boring, you see. No one understands that as they only want to believe what they see.

Arriving at the school, Tamim packs her headphone into her bag and replaced it with a transparent airpod, that way no one knows she's using it. The chauffeur opens the door for her and she gets down.

A princess in her castle, that's what she is.

As always eyes were on her, She wonders if they ever got tired of looking at her. She was engrossed wondering what it would be like if she was the one staring at the person coming in, like a reverse universe.

She must have been too engrossed to not remember to remove one of the earpods so she could hear a little bit of what was happening. Someone touched her from the back and with utmost disgust she looks back.

Only to find her stubborn bestfriend grinning widely.

"You could use your mouth" Tamim said, finally after relaxing.

"Tried that, you used your invisible earpods again?" Lillian said.

"Yeah, these people don't stop staring do they?" 

"How could they? Even I can't stop staring either" Lillian said laughing.

Tamim smiles too and went ahead to muffle her hair. 

"Told you to stop teasing me, Li" Tamim added and then entered the class.

They both share a seat so they got seated together.

Lillian is Tamim's only friend, they met each other about 10 years ago when Lillian's parent threw a ball party for the rich and affluent people in the country, even the president attended, though it was briefly but it was definitely the ball of the century.

As always, Tamim's family was part of them.

Tamim was playing alone at the party because the other kids her age were either intimidated by her or envious of her but Lillian went to say hi and started showing Tamim her doll collection which was quite a lot. Tamim was bewildered and was of course drawn to someone who doesn't care about her achievement but interested in her personality itself, Since then they've been best of friends and literally followed each other everywhere.

Lillian knew Tamim well, up to the part of her perfection facade and her struggles. Tamim never told her but she knew that she knew.

The class kicks off with mathematics and the results of the Friday's test which both Tamim and Lillian aced. Lillian was always chasing behind Tamim when it comes to academic excellence. The class went smoothly and by the end of school both heroines were mentally exhausted so they decided to go and have fun with karaoke and maybe a little ramen.

They couldn't go to a normal one as their faces were everywhere, they were celebrity's children so they went to a VIP karaoke bar. They were regulars.

They pulled up to the bar in school uniforms but still looked breathtaking, many rich perverts like lurking around there so they could perhaps have someone to go home with. They were of course part of the admirers, one tried approaching them but these girls aren't ordinary VIPs they were VVIPs therefore two security personnels were assigned to keep them safe each time they go there and stand by their door till they are done.

After singing their hearts out for about 2 hours, they decided it's time to go home and read. They have to maintain their As no matter what. 

Li bids Tamim goodbye and enters her car which was already waiting for her. Tamim enters her car too but her destination isn't home. 

She had signed up for a fighting and defense class, few years ago. Tamim might have lived a protected life but that doesn't mean she shouldn't learn to protect herself. She was about 13 when she signed up without her parents knowledge, she had the money and resources so she didn't need her parents permission moreover they would have never agreed to it.

She was supposed to be their little innocent and perfect daughter and not a fighter. She would have no choice but to quit if she told them. 

She spent the next one hour fighting and practicing with her private trainer who is more than what he ought to be, he was a good friend and supporter. 

He was twice her age and well experienced, He was actually a fighting champion and only accepted few students. The reason he accepted Tamim was that even though she was young she was independent to want to learn how to defend oneself and was even more impressed when she settled the bills herself. She was the best student any master could have, according to him.

But apart from fighting and small school talks, there was nothing else she talked about with him even if the man tried to. Happily she was grateful that he respected unsaid boundaries.

She reaches home in the next 30 minutes only to be greeted by her parents...

They were very early.

She was not expecting their early arrival and she definitely didn't plan any lie.

She checked the time and realized they weren't supposed to be home till 9pm but this was 7pm so what might have happened?

"Where were you, Tamim? I have been calling your phone and even the chauffeur's" her mom seemed a little agitated.

'oh shit'.

More chapters today!

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