
Percy Jackson: The Silver Wolf of the Goddess of Love

My name is Hikari, son of Aphrodite, step brother to Percy Jackson. For most of my life, I had no idea I was a demigod. I grew up believing I was just a normal kid with a love for ninjas and mythology, raised by my father, Paul Blofis, and my amazing stepmom, Sally Jackson. That all changed when I turned twelve. My world flipped upside down when I saw Percy kill our math teacher, who turned out to be a Greek monster. It turns out that I know a lot more about Greek and Roman mythology than I realized, and now my life is wrapped up in it. And just like Percy, I'm thrust into a world of gods, monsters, and quests. But I’m not just any demigod—I’m the son of the goddess of love, and she made sure I inherited more than just her beauty. People mistake me for a girl all the time (thanks, Mom), but I’ve learned to make it work. With my looks and charm, no one ever sees the “silver wolf” inside me coming. So now, while dealing with gods like Ares and Hephaestus (who seem to have complicated roles in my life), I’m learning how to fight monsters, balance two families, and maybe find out what it really means to be a hero. Oh, and did I mention? My life is now filled with epic battles, divine quests, and possibly the most complicated family tree in existence. ---- [ Marvel X Percy Jackson ]

The_Ninja_king9138 · Buch&Literatur
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34 Chs

Dreams makes no sense

As Hikari was sleeping, as he was moving in his seat he was having a dream, dreams when it comes to demigods were either Normal or what ever the fuck Hikari was having aka a Vision

Hikari was seeing a Vision, as he saw a forest as he saw a silver wolf probably him moved around the forest, it was running fast very fast as it was running two cats falled on him, as it was two cat's one was Purple and one was Pink, they came to him The wolf kept moving but kept the cat's on his back, as it ran as it was the flowed by a black crow for some reason Hikari said Yami, as the crows fly's to him the Wolf and Crow started a race, as then it stopped, the work stepped back as it saw a snake, the snake then went to him and on his back as will, the wolf didn't look happy, as it states to run again

As the Wold started to run again, if stopped a clear water as it started to drink the water, as then the wolf then saw a beautiful Deer as the Deer went to him, the deer ready to attack as then they just looked at eachother, as the wolf and deer went to a part of the forest, the next thing Hikari saw was a Deer wolf hybrid.

Hikari just blinked. "The fuck"

The wolf then says good bye too the deer, as it took his half wolf half deer child and returnt to the group, as they ran as then they saw a horse as for some reason Hikari smiling as he saw his Step brother Percy as the horse, the wolf and horse smeed very good Friend, they stopped as then arrows hits the Horse on the head the group of animal but snake was shocked, Hikari then saw blond hair man with a evil smirk.

As then Hikari woke, as he screams as it woke up Luke and Yami. "FUCK"

Yami just looked at him. "What the hell Hikari".

Hikari took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. "I just had the weirdest dream. I mean, it was more like a vision, but it didn't make any sense!"

Luke rubbed his eyes, still groggy. "What was it about?"

Hikari ran a hand through his hair, still processing the bizarre imagery. "There was a silver wolf that felt like it was me, and two cats—one pink, one purple—followed it around. Then a crow showed up, and I thought of you, Yami."

Yami raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite his sleepiness. "A crow? How very fitting. What else happened?"

"The wolf ran through this forest and came across a snake that climbed onto its back. They were being chased by something dark, and then it stopped to drink from a clear stream. It even met a deer, and somehow, they had a hybrid baby! It was all just... strange." Hikari paused, his brow furrowing in confusion. "And then there was this blond-haired man with an evil smirk who shot arrows at a horse that looked like Percy."

Luke exchanged glances with Yami. "Sounds like a lot of symbolism. But why would Percy be a horse?"

Hikari shook his head, trying to shake off the absurdity. "I have no idea. Dreams are usually weird, but this felt different. It felt important. Like there's something I'm supposed to understand from it."

Yami nodded thoughtfully. "Maybe it's a warning or a clue about your quest. The animals could represent aspects of your journey, or the people you'll meet. A wolf for protection, a horse for loyalty, and maybe that blond guy is an enemy."

Hikari felt a shiver run down his spine. "You think the blond guy is a real threat?"

"Could be," Luke replied, sitting up straighter. "We should be on guard. Whatever you saw, it seems connected to your destiny, and it might be worth investigating."

Yami added, "Plus, the hybrid child—there's definitely some significance there. It could represent a union of powers or a new ally. We should keep that in mind."

"I guess we'll find out sooner or later," Hikari said, trying to sound confident. "Let's just hope it doesn't involve more snakes or creepy blond dudes."

With that, they settled back into their seats as the train rumbled along, each lost in their thoughts, trying to decipher the hidden meanings of Hikari's chaotic vision.

Hikari sighed and looked at them. "I hope Percy is alright".

Meanwhile with Percy, unlike Hikari his quest to get back Zeus boob stick no not what one if that went missing the Queen of the gods will have a very mix reaction, but the one he uses to make lightning, he Annabeth and Grover went on the boss, after hot potato with an apple, they were attack by the Furies and explosied buss, after that they some how escaped not before relsihing that they lost all their suppliers, then they went to the a place called Anit M, who was really Medusa they also learned there was multiple Medusa they just made the bad one, after sallying the Medusa, they then went St. Louis, and after he got on the and will he meet a woman and pink dog, will um it was actually Echidna the queen of monster and the chimera, in another lie Percy would have definitely be overwhelmed by the Chimera attack, but not in this life,

Percy looked at Echidna. "Do you have an idea what happens when Sodium hydride mixed with water"

Echidna just looked at him. "Wh-".

Percy grabbed the water in the air pulled the dust from his pocket, he got from Hephaestus Cabin and


As a explosion happend, Percy was riptide to hold him self to the lift, Echidna has face burned, as The Chimera was killed, as Percy then made a made a water dagger then turned into ice, one things Hikari told after learning that his father was Poseidon be very creative. As he sticked the dagger in the eyes of Echidna then he pulled out riptied and killed her

Aftee he return to Annabeth and Grover, he explained what he did, chemistry was his best subject in Horizon high followed by Histori, and when Annabeth learned he made a bomb, will she started to bang her head to wall, Muttering she thought Percy was dum as hell

Hikari imagination finally stopped, not knowing it was the truth

Hikari shook his head with a small grin, imagining Percy managing to pull off something like that. "I guess he's handling things in his own chaotic way," Hikari muttered to himself.

Yami raised an eyebrow. "What exactly did he do this time?"

Hikari smirked. "He probably used some weird chemical reaction to blow up his enemies. Knowing Percy, he's either winging it or had a little help from Athena's daughter."

Luke chuckled. "Seems like both of you brothers share the tendency to make the impossible happen. Though, I gotta say, Percy's method is... a bit more explosive."

Yami stretched lazily. "At least he's alive and causing chaos wherever he goes."

Hikari nodded. "Yeah, just hope he doesn't get himself into deeper trouble." He leaned back, letting out a sigh. "Still... that dream I had... it felt like a warning. I just hope it doesn't involve Percy or anyone close."

Luke placed a hand on Hikari's shoulder. "We'll figure it out. And if something's going down, we're ready to face it together."

Hikari smirked. "Yeah, you're right." His mind, however, kept returning to the vision of the blonde man with the scar. Something about him didn't sit right, but he brushed it off for now. There were more immediate things to deal with.

As they continued their journey, Hikari couldn't help but wonder what the next twist in their quest would be, but he knew one thing for sure—Percy was out there causing just as much chaos as he was.

Luke then looked at Hikari. "Hey Hikari I wanna ask this Question, but why does your mother faber you so much, Atlets from what I am seeing, the mail Children of Aphrodite don't get that".

Hikari thoughts for a bit, he couldn't be because of his looks, and he did relish that his mother Aphrodite Didn't treat her male children the same we said did him or his other female siblings, his mind then stopped at one answer as he laughed.

Hikari looked at look. "Probably because she sees me as a second coming of succession of the Trogen Hero Aenes, who if I remember correctly was Aphrodite first demi god child".

Luke raised an eyebrow. "Aeneas? The guy who founded Rome or something, right? Makes sense, I guess. Aphrodite would definitely favor someone who reminds her of one of her greatest demigod children."

Hikari nodded. "Exactly. Aeneas was a big deal in both Greek and Roman mythology. My mom sees me as some kind of successor to him, which probably explains why she treats me differently. Maybe she thinks I'll follow in his footsteps or something."

Yami chimed in, curious. "So, does that mean you're destined for some grand legacy like Aeneas? Or is it just your mom trying to live out her glory days through you?"

Hikari smirked. "Probably a bit of both. But knowing my mom, it's less about destiny and more about pride. She wants to be remembered for having powerful children. And if she thinks I'm the next Aeneas, well... she's going to make sure I live up to that expectation."

Luke whistled. "No pressure, huh?"

Hikari sighed. "Yeah, no pressure at all."

Yami then looked at Hikari. "That actually explains why she favours her Daughter more, she sees all her mail Children as failed Aeneas"

Hikari nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Yeah, that makes sense. I guess she's always comparing her male children to Aeneas, and if they don't live up to that image, they probably seem like disappointments to her. It's like she has this high bar set, and if you're not hitting it, you're just not worth her attention."

Yami crossed his arms, frowning slightly. "That's pretty messed up, though. I mean, it's not like everyone can be a legendary hero. And even if they could, it's not fair to judge them all based on one guy."

Luke shrugged. "That's gods for you. They've got their own weird standards. But hey, at least you're not one of those 'failed Aeneas' types, Hikari. You've got her favor, even if it comes with... high expectations."

Hikari sighed, leaning back. "Yeah, but those expectations can feel like a curse sometimes. I just have to make sure I don't let them weigh me down."

Hikari then spoke. "But I came blame, my siblings maybe children do Aphrodite, but good damm they twigs, have they ever trained in there life, do you know how many times I training I had to dragg half them out of the cabin or of there lazy ass, oh wait you guys saw it because you two where there, everyone was there".

Yami chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, trust me, we all saw it. Half the time, I wondered if they even knew what the word 'training' meant. Most of them seemed more interested in staring at their reflections than actually swinging a sword."

Luke laughed. "Man, I remember that! You practically had to pry them off their mirrors just to get them outside. And when they did show up? It was like watching a bunch of newborn deer trying to walk for the first time."

Hikari groaned. "Exactly! I swear, it's like they forget we're in a world where monsters could jump out at any second. They're children of Aphrodite, sure, but that doesn't mean they get a free pass on survival skills. I'm not asking them to be Ares-level fighters, but come on, at least pick up a sword once in a while!"

Yami smirked. "Maybe they think charm will get them out of every dangerous situation."

Hikari rolled his eyes. "Yeah, good luck charming a Hellhound when it's about to rip you to shreds."

Jason them looked at Yami. "Hey Yami, your real name is Jason right why are you called Yami them"

Yami sighed as he looked at Hikari. "Because of this asshole and his nickname, I have black hair and black eyes, and his name means light, Yami in Japanese means Darkness or shadow"

Hikari looked at him. "My first year in Horizon High, you were a pain in the ass"

Yami, groaned. "Yeah, yeah, I remember. You wouldn't stop calling me Yami just because of my hair and eyes. And look where it got us—a stupid nickname that stuck."

Hikari grinned. "Well, it fits, doesn't it? You're the shadow to my light. We make a great team."

Yami crossed his arms, glaring at Hikari. "You just like rubbing it in. My first year at Horizon High was already hard enough without you constantly being a pain."

Hikari smirked. "Hey, it built character. Besides, you gave as good as you got after a while. Admit it—you'd be bored without me."

Yami just sighed, shaking his head. "Yeah, sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, Lightboy."

Luke just looked at both. "Are you sure you two are not gay"

Yami just looked at Hikari. "I am not into Femboy like Hikari"

Hikari scooped. "Even if I was I would not date him".

Luke raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Really? With the way you two bicker, you'd think there's some unresolved tension."

Yami scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Please. I'm not into femboys like Hikari. No offense."

Hikari shrugged, crossing his arms. "None taken. Even if I were into guys, trust me, you wouldn't be my type, Yami. I'd need someone with more... taste." He grinned mischievously, clearly enjoying the banter.

Luke snickered. "Alright, alright, but the way you two act, it's like watching an old married couple."

Hikari and Yami groaned in unison, both shooting Luke an annoyed look. "Shut up, Luke."

Luke then looked at Hikari. "So can we get something clear, you mother is Aphrodite, who is technically the Daughter of Uranus"

Hikari looked at him. "Yeah my grandfather, which makes you know who (Cronus) my brother and the first 6 Olympus my nephew".

Luke just looked at him. "Did get any power from the sky gods, the last child of Aphrodite that did have Chiron said was 5000 years ago, before Zeus struck her down, I heard that Zeus ass was yeeted out of Olympus by Aphrodite or that is what Chiron said"

Hikari looked at Luke. "Then why haven't you been striked down by Zeus by using your wing shoes"

Luke looked at him and smirked. "Remember Child or Hermes, I am his grand kid... No don't say it"

Yami spoke with an evil smile. "That makes Hikari your grand Uncle"

Luke groaned, rolling his eyes. "Great, just what I needed. A reminder that Hikari is technically my grand-uncle. That's just weird."

Hikari smirked, leaning back in his seat. "Well, technically, I outrank you now. So you better start showing me some respect, nephew."

Yami burst out laughing. "This just gets better and better. Maybe we should start calling you 'Uncle Hikari' from now on."

Luke shook his head, looking at both of them. "You two are impossible. I swear, if anyone else heard this, they'd think we've lost it."

Hikari chuckled. "Nah, they'd just be jealous of our messed-up divine family tree."

Meanwhile in Olympus, people think the god's don't keep and eyes on there demi god children, which is half true if it is a question, they see everything or almost everything with a TV built by Hephaestus, they didn't check the last two days, so they have no idea about Yuri or Karin, so they were watching Hikari, Luke as Yami on the Train.

Ares looked at Aphrodite. "So did Hikari get anything from Uranus"

Aphrodite just srugged. "I don't know, me and father don't talk that much nowadays, I do keep informed of Grandchildren".

Zeus looked at Hikari. "If he trys anything".

Aproudite just looked at Zeus. "Or what, or do you want a reminder of last time you striked one my child down, who had powers over the sky".

Zeus just looked at her and started to have flash back of the ass whooping, not even his own wife Hera was that mad when he had children with other woman, in his defence most if not all forgot that Aphrodite was onces the strongest Goddes of war and if she ever wants to take it back, Ares of Athena didn't want to fight for it.

Ares chuckled, folding his arms. "Yeah, nobody's going to fight her for that title. Not even me." He glanced at Aphrodite, a rare look of respect in his eyes. "She can be terrifying when she wants to be."

Athena, seated nearby, nodded in agreement. "Aphrodite's power often gets underestimated. But even I know better than to challenge her when it comes to matters of war and strategy. Love and war often go hand in hand."

Zeus frowned but remained silent, clearly still haunted by the memory of his defeat. Hera raised an eyebrow at her husband's silence, a small smirk playing on her lips. "You'd do well to remember that, Zeus. Some fights aren't worth starting."

Aphrodite crossed her arms, eyes narrowing at Zeus. "Exactly. So, you'll leave Hikari alone unless you want to experience round two."

Zeus huffed but said nothing, clearly choosing to avoid further confrontation. He glanced back at the screen, watching the demigods on the train, especially Hikari. "As long as he doesn't get any ideas about challenging the natural order, I'll let it go."

Aphrodite smirked, leaning back in her chair. "Good. Besides, Hikari's smart. He won't repeat the mistakes of others."

Hermes, watching the scene unfold, quietly snickered to himself. "Family drama... never gets old up here."

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones and enjoy