
Chapter 127

If you want to read up to 20 chaps ahead or read other novels on the work go and check https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer


As for the little challenge, you guys got to tier 3 - 1000 stones before the day ended meaning I will post an extra chapter later today!


With Luke out of the picture, I had two options to consider in how to proceed with my current situation, option A - invest all my time and resources on finding and dealing with Kronos swiftly before he actually becomes a threat, or Option B - putting the Titan of Time aside for the moment being, because in all technicality he is currently harmless, with his powers being sealed and stuff.

Option B it is… it was, after all, the best path I could take right now, I mean… while killing Kronos right now should be super easy, I had no doubt the Titan King by now knows I eliminated his future meat suit, and it's most likely playing it safe for the time being, hiding until he feels I am not hunting him.

So, for the time being, I had to focus on Zeus as my sole priority, now the question was how to deal with him? Zeus was still above me in terms of both power and experience, not idea by how much, but he was, and to add some chocolate over that cake, he also had a vastly superior army under him, in short facing him head on would lead to my inevitable demise, then again… there were other ways to kill a king and his kingdom, like weakening his army for example, by taking his aces one by one.

Hera, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and maybe Poseidon were just one of the few I knew I had to take care of if I wanted to win the war, starting with Ares the most problematic of them all, his realm was too powerful to left unchecked during a holy war.

The gods in general were only as powerful as their realms of control, meaning for example, that in times of peace the gods connected to this realm would grow in power, and so... because of what was about to happen… I had to eliminate Ares…. I could only imagine how strong he would become... the God of War during a three-way holy war. In fact, because of this there was a strong possibility that Ares would become an even greater threat than Zeus in terms of raw power. And I could not allow that to happen, so Ares had to die, before I did anything else.

So as to avoid this… my next target was Ares… who in all honesty I already had a few reasons to target, him benefiting from the war… was just the cherry that fucked the glass.

"Now… where are you Ares?" I muttered, as I searched the entire earth for his presence with my Magic, unlike Luke, Ares had no reason to hide… well he did, but he was too prideful to admit I represented a threat, his two functional brain cells would never process such a thing, so with that in mind, I searched every little corner of the world, one by one, until eventually my efforts were rewarded with his location, Ares was in Colombia.

"Colombia," I bummed, "Hmm, I guess I could also take a bite from there, lovely place… haven't been there in a lifetime," I snorted at that, last time I was in Colombia was during of my few operations, lovely people, lovely food… lovely ladies, too bad I was bed ridden.


Like I did with Luke, I teleported to Ares, but unlike with Luke, I made sure he was, one, alone so that other gods would interfere in our battle, two that there were no magical traps waiting for my ass to jump at him, and three.. how powerful he was.

Well, for one, he was alone, having an orgy with ten Colombian women and men, he… fucking and getting fucked, good for him, two there were no traps… except for all the jizz on the floor and what I assume was chocolate… I… won't check if it is… anyway… that alone was more than enough to keep me out of that room, ew… and three, he was indeed stronger, meaning the beginnings of this war were already affecting him, showing that it was indeed a good call to target him first… Well… second if you count Priapus… well, third if you count Dionysus… forth if you count Luke… Alright! He was in the top five and that's what matters!

"Ares," I greeted, as I entered the room floating on a hazmat suit, for obvious reasons Liz

"Ad— is that a fucking hazmat suit?!" Ares inquired in shock.

"There is an abnormal amount of cum on the floor, and what I assume it's chocolate," I scoffed, "If you think I will enter this STD farm unprotected, no pun intended, you are an idiot!"

"Yeah, that's not chocolate," Ares chuckled, god am I going to enjoy killing him.

"I will enjoy this more than I should," I muttered.

"So… you finally came to have that ass tossed?" Ares smirked, getting his… you know what out of one of the individuals present, "I'm still fully charged, so come get it," he pointed to his… OH HELL NO!

"I hope this last orgy was worth it," I chuckled bitterly, "Because it will be the last time you toss… anything whatsoever,"

"That is a bold statement for someone who so far has done nothing but hiding," Ares grinned cockily, "But by all means, go ahead, I'm all up for foreplay,"

"I can't wait to see… where do the jokes end… and your despair begins," I chuckled as I snapped my fingers teleporting us to a desolate location, where no one would interfere.

"Last time we fought, I had to abide by the divine rules of Zeus, but… you aren't a demigod any longer… so I don't have to hold back… at all," Ares laughed, as his clothes changed from not having any to being fully armored with his symbol of power at hand.

"Last time we fought, I was a kid… a soldier of Olympus, naive, happy… stupid… but now I am a God, a King," I smiled, summoning my weapon and griamore, "So bow,"