An orphan gets reincarnated as the Son of Hades, as his mother a powerful witch, with such a powerful lineage how will his fair in the Percy Jackson Universe, well read and Find out. ... Fair warning I'm closely following the books, while changing some things like how strong their abilities actually are and how strong the God's actually are since they're in fact Gods and stuff.
[Third Person's PoV]
Lucian sat in his room on his bed and let out an exhausted sigh, reflecting on the chaotic events of the day. "What a hectic day… the battle with the god, the trick I pulled at the garden, coming back here making the potion, getting summoned by the gods, getting struck by lightning…
I met my father… punched my father… got beaten by my father… coming here again, doing the ritual and potion thing with Annabeth, until we decided to call it a day since it was getting dark and we were tired… it's crazy to think all of this happened in a day."
As Lucian let out another sigh, he muttered, "Well, there's no rest for the wicked."
Lucian reached into his shadow, pulling out a Golden Drachma. He then began performing a ritual, flipping the coin repeatedly. "What I'm about to do won't put me in danger," he muttered, repeating the action fifty times in a row.
At the fiftieth flip, as the coin landed on his palm and he flipped it over to his other hand, he let out a sigh upon seeing the head symbol. "That was the fiftieth heads in a row, and even my intuition is telling me it'll all be alright… this better be worth it, I need answers after all."
Lucian conjured a normal ball of fire with his magic, different from his black flames, and threw three offerings towards the flames. "Master of Fates, The Moirais, I would like to meet," he said, then downed a sleeping potion.
Lucian started rapidly blinking and adjusting his vision while shaking his head to get himself more oriented. As he looked around, he first thought he appeared in a storage closet of a seamstress due to the scattered strings and balls of yarn.
Then, he noticed the three sisters he met on Olympus sitting upright around a table, drinking tea and eating cookies like noble ladies.
Lucian narrowed his eyes suspiciously at them. 'Suspicious…'
He then let out a sigh as he rubbed the ridge of his nose. "Forgive me for being rude and asking this so suddenly…" Normally, Lucian wouldn't act like this, but after his encounter with Zeus, he decided it would be best to remain respectful to a certain extent towards the gods—especially those that could decide his fate.
"But what is your problem with me? I wasn't even thinking about contacting you guys to talk or anything like that, but the winking, waving, blowing me a freaking kiss… let's just say containing my curiosity isn't my best trait.
Oh, and let's not forget the whole fact that you kept my mother alive for 3,000 years just to give birth to me schmuck." Lucian glared at them, examining their reactions closely. Though he tried to be respectful at first, he couldn't fully do it—not towards them.
Lucian noticed Clotho flinch slightly at the mention of his mother. 'So I was right…'
'I threw that bone in to see if they would take it. If I didn't see a reaction, I would have assumed I was wrong or that they were very good at controlling their emotions. I'm glad to see there's a weak link among them. I had my suspicions after all…'
Atropos and Lachesis looked at Clotho, causing her to look away, embarrassed.
'I'm sorry!!' She cried to them telepathically, 'I can't lie to him and keep it together, especially not when he's right in front of us.'
Atropos just raised a hand towards Lucian, "First, we've been expecting your arrival, we knew our actions would have gotten your attention, which is why we did it in the first place"
Atropos then waved her hand conjuring a seat, "Please have a seat"
Lucian looked at them suspiciously once again before carefully taking the seat.
Lachesis held a kettle towards him, "Tea?" She asked to which Lucian just shook his head.
"Well you wanted my attention. Now you have it. Talk" Lucian knew he shouldn't be speaking like that but he really couldn't help it.
"It's true… We had your mother live a very long life, it is also true that we planned your birth but this was the most favorable outcome. We have seen multiple possible futures, different destiny's where you were born under a different mother, a mother from a different time in history.
In some cases, you were born from a different father, in some cases it was your mother that was the Goddess that gave birth to you. But they all turned out to be weak, the you then didn't have the same potential or will to become a God like you do, they would have turned out to he regular demigods that would either die early or live a regular mortal life–
"Wait slow down" Lucian interrupted Atropos, "Let me first digest the information, I have so many more questions just from what you told me"
Lucian immediately started to ponder what he heard, 'So my birth was set up by the fates… okay wait that sounds stupid, all births are… but they particularly chose this life for me. Just this piece of information has confirmed some things for me, like for example, I'll succeed… more like I have a better chance of success towards becoming a God and all that'
Lucian inwardly grinned as he thought about that but that grin turned into a frown, 'Wait, does the mean my goals, my plan to become a Primordial and all that wasn't my own plan… this was not something I chose to pursue but a thing they gave towards me, are my goals really not mine–'
"Let me stop you there" Atropos said,
Lucian thought Atropos and the others were reading his thoughts until Atropos continued,
"We aren't reading your mind, your expression gives you away, especially since we've been watching you for a long time. Your thoughts, your goals, your aspirations, all of those things belong solely to you, it was just that your goals matched with what we wanted. So you weren't manipulated into thinking or believing anything."
Lachesis then intervened, "She's right, so please believe us when we say we didn't manipulate you"
Seeing how serious and sincere they sound Lucian nodded, "But wait something doesn't make sense, why do all this, why would you want me to turn into a God, why go through all of this effort just so I can be born, what is it that you guys achieve by doing so?"
Clotho looked towards the side when she heard that and blushed slightly, unable to look at Lucian.
Lachesis looked down holding her tea cup fiddling with her thumbs pretending to not be paying attention.
Atropos eyelid twitch seeing this, 'They really planned on leaving everything to me, don't they?… I'll get them back for this… you spineless cowards'
Atropos looked directly towards Lucian eyes, her own cheeks couldn't help but gain a slight blush
Lucian looked at all three weirdly and with even more suspicion than ever before.
"Well you see… We were looking for the perfect husband candidate, and you just so happened to check all the boxes we were searching for"
Lucian then proceeded to have a crashout…