An orphan gets reincarnated as the Son of Hades, as his mother a powerful witch, with such a powerful lineage how will his fair in the Percy Jackson Universe, well read and Find out. ... Fair warning I'm closely following the books, while changing some things like how strong their abilities actually are and how strong the God's actually are since they're in fact Gods and stuff.
[Third Person's PoV]
Ares looked at Percy with burning hatred. "You've made an enemy, little godling," he said in a rumbling voice, continuing, "You have sealed your fate. Every time you raise your blade in battle, every time you hope for success, you will feel my curse. Beware, Perseus Jackson. Beware."
Ares suddenly began to glow, but Lucian quickly intervened. "Wait! Wait a minute, please. I would like a word with you, Lord Ares," Lucian said respectfully.
The glow around Ares dimmed slightly as he turned to Lucian with an unpleasant expression. "What do you want, boy?"
Lucian walked up to him, still shirtless, hands in his pockets, a smile on his face, and eyes closed. He rubbed the back of his head. "How do I explain this exactly..."
"Get. On. With. It," Ares said through gritted teeth.
"Right, right, my bad," Lucian chuckled, tapping his toes casually on the sand as he smiled. "You see, when I asked if you had the Helm last time we met, you said you didn't know what I was talking about."
"Huh?" Ares' expression grew more irritated by the second, but his questions were halted by Lucian raising a finger.
"So, you obviously lied to me. But you see, I knew you had the Helm. I also knew that when I asked, you knew that I knew. But that was merely a test—an easy way out, if you will. Knowing that I knew, you still chose to be dishonest. And dishonesty deserves punishment," Lucian said, wagging his finger at Ares in a mock-reprimanding manner.
"Pfft." Ares tried to hold in his laugh before doubling over, clutching his stomach. "HAHAHAHAHA!"
As Ares laughed in Lucian's face, Lucian simply stood there, smiling and watching, seemingly amused by Ares' reaction.
Wiping tears from his eyes, Ares let out a satisfied sigh. "Man, I haven't laughed like that in a while. It was almost enough to lift my earlier mood..."
"Almost," he repeated as he frowned and stood imposingly over Lucian. "Listen here, little godling. I assumed you were smarter than this. But it appears your victory over Heracles has gone to your head if you seriously believe that you, a mortal I can kill with a snap of my fingers, can punish me—a god."
Lucian gasped sharply, putting a hand over his chest and taking a step back, feigning shock. "Lord Ares! Don't be so preposterous! I am but a lone demigod and could never hope to punish a glorious god such as yourself," Lucian said, making an exaggerated bow, fanning his hands up and down.
Lucian then performed a gentleman's bow. "I'm but a mere mortal. Punishing a god isn't my job."
"Oh yeah? Then whose job is it? My father's?" Ares scoffed.
"No. It is mine's," Lucian said with a smirk before his expression turned serious. He lifted his foot and stomped on the sand.
The sand split rapidly, revealing the ground beneath it, which in turn cracked open beneath Ares. The color drained from Ares' face as he tried to teleport away, but a powerful force anchored him, pulling him into the crevice.
Ares' hands gripped the ledges of the opening as his expression turned to one of fear. "No! Not him! Don't send me to him!"
Lucian crouched down, resting his arms on his knee with a bright smile. "Do you want to know something interesting before you go meet my father? You see, as the Crowned Prince of the Underworld, I have the special privilege of creating an entrance to the Underworld whenever I please."
Lucian made a sideways peace sign, winked, and stuck his tongue out slightly as a shadow crown appeared over his head. He pulled out his phone and held it up to take a picture with Ares. "Smile for me."
Lucian chuckled and swatted Ares' hands away, making him lose his grip and fall. "CURSE YOU, YOU BASTARD!" Ares shouted, arms flailing as he disappeared into the abyss.
"Your work has been satisfactory," Hades' voice said coldly as the crevice snapped shut.
Lucian scoffed in amusement and walked back to the others, who were watching in stunned silence.
Annabeth witnessed a scene that left her breathless, making her shudder slightly. She quickly pulled out her phone and took a picture to capture it.
Lucian walked in front of the setting sun, head held high, shirtless and exposing his toned body and newly acquired muscles. His hands were in the pockets of his sweatpants, and an arrogant but proud smirk played on his lips as the shadow crown slowly dissipated.
Thalia gave Annabeth a weird look, noticing her fingers flying over the camera button.
"You need some serious help," Thalia sighed, shaking her head.
Annabeth shot her a look before lowering her phone. Thalia's phone buzzed, and she frowned in confusion as she checked it, realizing Annabeth had sent her some of the pictures.
Thalia glanced at Annabeth with a deadpan expression, then scoffed and secretly saved the photos. Annabeth saw this and scoffed back, muttering, "Hypocrite."
As the crown faded, Lucian began walking toward them with large, proud strides. "I finally got revenge on that bas—"
Lucian noticed Nico looking at him with wide proud eyes and quickly corrected himself. "I finally got my revenge. Life is so good right now," he said, smiling happily.
"So this is what you meant by it being his 'easy way out' last time…" Percy sighed wearily.
"Not only that, but that bas— annoying god was trying to kill me," Lucian scoffed. "I'm just getting my payback."
"Kill you?" Grover asked, tilting his head in confusion before glancing at Percy. "I thought he was trying to kill Percy? Why would he try to kill you?"
"He was trying to kill both of us," Lucian explained. "Why do you think Heracles is here?"
"What!? Heracles was sent to kill you?" Nico exclaimed, looking at Heracles with a betrayed expression.
Heracles just looked slightly uncomfortable under Nico's gaze.
"I mean, yeah, it was pretty obvious," Lucian continued. "Ares wanted to kill me ever since I tested him in the diner and confronted him about having the Helm. Killing one demigod of the Big Three wouldn't be a problem for him. If he killed Percy, he'd only have to deal with Percy's father, and he'd probably have HIS support too," Lucian said, pointing skyward. "After all, Ares would claim he was 'retrieving the bolt,' which would put him in the right, technically."
"But he couldn't kill two children of the Big Three without facing serious consequences," Lucian added. "He'd be dealing with both my father and Percy's father at the same time. So he had no choice but to find someone else to do the job. The only god who could do it without hesitation and who'd have his blessing was…" Lucian motioned toward Heracles.
Heracles nodded, rubbing his chin. "Things are starting to make more sense now… That must be why my father allowed me a break from guard duties."
Lucian nodded. "But Ares failed to account for one thing."
"What was it?" Bianca asked, completely absorbed in the tale.
"Heracles' boredom," Lucian said, smirking.
"Huh!?" Everyone gasped, not expecting that answer.
Heracles chuckled, nodding in agreement.
"Heracles was obviously bored after centuries of guard duty. He was planning to stretch out this mission for as long as possible. That's why he didn't kill me with a single punch and went easy on me. By delaying things, he realized I wasn't guilty of whatever crime we were being accused of. Ares didn't anticipate Heracles and me becoming friends during our battle or Heracles giving me his blessing," Lucian said proudly.
Heracles let out a sigh. "As you said, I was delaying going back. But now that it's over, I'll have to return."
Lucian raised his fist toward Heracles. "I promise to visit you."
Heracles scoffed, bumping his fist with Lucian's. "Then you better bring something to drink."
"Better yet, I'll cook for you," Lucian smirked.
Heracles chuckled and shook his head, hoisting his club over his shoulder as he began to walk away. "I'll hold you to that promise, Lucian Blackheart," he said before crouching down and leaping away, disappearing in a single bound.
+10 advance Chapters on:
A/N: In the comments section I uploaded the pics that Annabeth took (They are AI generated so don't expect a master piece)