An orphan gets reincarnated as the Son of Hades, as his mother a powerful witch, with such a powerful lineage how will his fair in the Percy Jackson Universe, well read and Find out. ... Fair warning I'm closely following the books, while changing some things like how strong their abilities actually are and how strong the God's actually are since they're in fact Gods and stuff.
[Third Person's PoV]
Lucian was seen running for his life as he was being chased by a group of 5 Laistrygonians.
"Come back here yummy demi-god!" One of the Laistrygonians shouted at Lucian.
"Yeah! Yeah! Come here We promise to season you well!" Another one called out.
"You guys are cannibals, aren't you? Why don't you just eat each other!?" Lucian yelled while running through the forest and in between trees.
But due to their size the giants were slowly catching up to him as they were covering more ground.
Lucian turned his head and looked behind and saw one of the giants running quickly and stretching out his hand ready to grab him.
Lucian clicked his tongue and decided to get creative, he turned his ring into a chain scythe and spun it a few times and threw it to the side wrapping itself around a tree.
And as it did Lucian jumped to the side, as he did the giant that was gaining on him tripped on the chain causing him to fall and faceplant on the ground.
Seeing his opportunity Lucian quickly got up as he fell and willed his chained scythe to turn into its default form a scythe.
When he arrived before the cannibal it already put his hands in a position to get up but Lucian didn't let him. He swung his scythe from underneath him, decapitating it, causing it to slowly turn into dust.
Lucian turned his head and saw that the other Laistrygonians were already before him but he wasn't as scared as he previously was, in fact he had a large smile on his face showing his canines.
The reason why he was smiling and wasn't as scared as he was before isn't because there is one less enemy to worry about… well maybe that, but no the main reason is because he just gained a useful ally.
Lucian yelled, causing the shadow of the previous slain Laistrygonians to manifest itself right where it turned into dust.
It appeared at the perfect moment as the other Laistrygonians soon arrived surrounding Lucian.
Lucian willed the shadow Laistrygonian to pick him up as the other Laistrygonians rushed towards him in a timely manner.
"Throw me!" Lucian commanded and the Laistrygonian did just that, as it threw him towards one of the giants in front of him he willed his scythe to turn into a spear and impale the spear right on the giant's forehead causing it to also turn into dust.
But what Lucian didn't consider however was how hard his Laistrygonian threw him, as Lucian went right through it's forehead he didn't slow down and ended up crashing against a tree causing air to escape his lungs.
Which gave the other giants the perfect opportunity to come running towards him.
"A-*gasp*-rise!" Lucian yelled out while trying to catch his breath. 'I'm such a dumbass' Lucian thought.
Another shadow giant appears, turning the previous 5 cannibalistic giants into a 3. Lucian willed the 2 giants to hold off 2 out of the 3 remaining giants leaving 1 for him to deal with.
The 2 shadow giants started throwing punches at their opponents, angering them.
"Where did they come from!" One of them yelled and threw a punch to his shadow counterpart.
"Maybe if we eat the yummy demi-god they will go away." another one responded while trying to grapple his opponent.
"Get in my stomach" the third one yelled while bending down to grab Lucian. Lucian who was still trying to catch his breath slowly lifted himself and pushed his leg rolling underneath the giant that was trying to grab him.
As he rolled he willed his spear to turn into a sword, he got out of the roll, spun around and slid slightly on his knees, he swung his sword at it's achilles heels causing it to roar in pain.
Noticing it couldn't get up, it used its hand to turn himself around and backhand Lucian. Lucian managed to block most of it by turning his sword to the side but he was still sent flying.
Lucian ended up going through some trees causing him to vomit blood. He slowly stood on one knee and pushed himself to get up while shaking slightly due to the pain.
He coughed some blood but he still held on and stood up, he willed his sword to turn into a bow and whispered "projection" conjuring an explosion arrow.
The giant that was on his knees turned towards Lucian's direction and started using his arms and hands to propel him with an angry expression on its face.
Seeing the giant fast approaching almost freaked Lucian out but surprisingly the pain kept him sane. He took a deep breath and held it to stop his shaking and drew on the bow string with the arrow in the middle of it.
He released his breath as he released his grip on the string causing the arrow to fly and lodge itself on the giant's forehead. It stopped moving and the arrow exploded causing the head of the giant to explode as a consequence, turning it dust.
Lucian felt his magic start to deplete and looked over to the other giants, Lucian saw one of them beating one of his shadows with a boulder.
The shadow attempted to reconstruct himself but the giant would smash the Boulder on the shadows head again and again. It would slam the Boulder down and pick it back up again and slam it again.
Lucian clicked his tongue and said "Arise" while running through his pain towards the giant.
Lucian willed the newly constructed shadow to help the other shadow that was having a fist fight and also depleting his magic.
When Lucian arrived before the giant welding a boulder he willed his bow to turn into a bo staff and slammed it on the giant's knee causing a popping sound to be heard.
It roared in pain releasing the boulder holding its knee. It gave the shadow giant time to construct itself and pick up the Boulder it was previously being hit with and get revenge by slamming the Laistrygonian with its own Boulder squashing its head making it pop.
Lucian demanded, causing a fourth shadow giant to appear. Lucian pointed to the two shadow giants fighting the last remaining Laistrygonians and with a crazed smile showing his bloody teeth and fangs said "Jump him"
Causing the other 2 shadow giants to run towards their direction. All four shadows started punching and kicking the remaining living giant
Causing it to cry in unwillingness and unfairness of the situation.
Lucian rested the bo staff by both his shoulders and put his arms over them l, resting them. He continued to watch everything with a smile.
And with a kick and punch from everyone at the same time the last Laistrygonians turned into dust.
Slowly walked towards where the giants surrounded the area and said "Arise" causing the 5th and last shadow giant to appear.
As he did he dropped to his knees and slightly coughed up blood. He used the staff as support and slowly stood and adjusted his position, he sat down on the floor and laid his staff on his lap.
Lucian started to hold his side in pain "I think I broke a couple of ribs" he groaned.
With a sigh he summoned the bag from his shadow where he packed up everything and started rummaging through everything he packed.
Such as his clothes, the arrows he made, the two golden daggers, and finally some potions his mother made.
He picked up a blood red potion from his bag and uncapped it. He slowly drank it which made his eyes start getting heavy.
He turned towards the 5 giants and said protect me while I rest. To which surprisingly they nodded their heads and stood in a circular formation.
Lucian was too hurt and tired to think about it so he just laid his back by a tree and closed his eyes falling asleep.