
Chapter 134: Late Introduction

[Third Person's PoV] 

"Are you saying my father is a god!?" Percy asked with a look of disbelief.

"Look at that, you can catch up quickly," Lucian said teasingly.

"So who is he? Who's my father? And why hasn't he come and visited me at least once? He's a god, right? He should at least be able to do that once."

"A god's move is often restricted; they can't interact much with the mortal world," Annabeth informed him.

"You said 'restricted' and 'interact much,' which means he should have still been able to at least drop by and say, 'Hi, I'm your father,' and then left."

Luke gave Lucian a side-eye with a raised brow, and Lucian, noticing his gaze, rolled his eyes.

"There are many reasons why a god wouldn't interact with their offspring. Not to mention, you're not even claimed, so we don't know who your father is," Lucian said, shrugging his shoulders.


"It means your godly parent claiming you as their child, but for that to happen, you need to prove your worth, like almost begging for mommy or daddy to pay attention to you," Luke said mockingly.

"Are you serious?" Percy asked, taken aback. "That's messed up; no child should be begging their parents to be acknowledged."

"Thank you! You know what, Percy, you and I are going to get along just fine," Luke said, nodding his head.

"Wait, so did all of you get claimed then? If so, how did you do it? I want to have a word with my father; then perhaps getting claimed is the best way to do it. At least then he would have to stop ignoring me," Percy asked, his expression a bit irritated.

"Hehehe, I'm so glad you asked," Lucian said, rubbing his palms together.

Percy looked at the others in confusion at Lucian's actions.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "He's really proud of how he managed to get claimed."

Mr. D scoffed, "I don't even like the twerp, but I even have to admit it was most impressive. Although a little too showy."

"Awww, Mr. D, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. I will promise to cherish this moment dearly."

"I take it back," Mr. D grumbled.

"No take backsies," Lucian teased.

Percy then became more curious about what Lucian might have done.

"So, I was 7 years old, right…" Lucian started off.

"...Then I knocked Annabeth unconscious by hitting the back of her neck and had Grover and Luke carry these two to safety. To give them time to make it to safety, I stayed back and fought off the entire army. I'm pretty sure I died at one point… but I lived! I faced the entire army until there was none standing. I remember letting out a war cry, standing on top of that hill shirtless, blood everywhere, while the symbol of my father was on top of me getting claimed. I gotta say that's the third proudest moment of my life."

"There's no way that happened," Percy said with a look of awe, "You were only seven!"

"Uhhh, Percy… I can confirm… That in fact did happen," Grover said.

Percy just looked at Grover with a look of shock. "There's no way I can do something like that!? What about you three? What did you do to get claimed?"

"Wait, before that, that's your third? What are the other two?" Luke said, looking at Lucian in confusion.

"The second is when I fought that mountain god and won. And the first is getting a harem– Oof!" Lucian exclaimed as both Thalia and Annabeth elbowed him in the side.

Luke rolled his eyes before turning back to Percy. "I became one of the camp's best swordsmen."

"I came up with a strategy that managed to impress my mother enough to claim me," Annabeth said as she gave Lucian a side-eye.

"I showed I can be a great general that can lead others," Thalia said as she narrowed her eyes toward Lucian as well.

"Can I even do something like that?" Percy muttered.

"Well, you won't know unless you try," Lucian said.

"Lucian, why don't you and the others give Percy here a tour of the place? Perhaps he might find his calling," Chiron suggested.

Lucian shrugged. "Sure, I don't mind. Now then, come along," he said, jumping off the porch, with the others following along.

"The 12 major gods in Olympus have a cabin where their claimed children are placed and sorted," Lucian briefly explained.

"You know, when you mention cabins, I expected wooden houses, not these marble buildings that look like they belong in a museum. Though they are kinda beautiful…"

"Why, thank you," both Lucian and Annabeth said proudly.

Percy then looked lost as he looked at them in confusion. Grover then leaned over and whispered, "Lucian and Annabeth both designed and built these; before, it was like you said, they were wooden cabins."

"You see, each cabin has a specific building they have to maintain and be in charge of. You see the Hermes cabin, since Hermes is the god of trades, traveling, and messaging, their cabin is in charge of the communication hub that goes along with it, etc. Each building by the cabin goes along with what the god represents."

Percy nodded in understanding but then froze as he looked up towards the side. "Um, I'm sorry, but is that a giant statue of you?" he asked as he looked at the black obsidian statue.

"Yes, yes it is," Lucian said proudly.

"Every Friday, the most important event in this camp occurs, Capture the Flag," Thalia began. "There are two leading captains in this camp, Lucian and I. We split the camp into two teams and then face off against each other. The winner of the game would have their face be made the statue with supporting cabins in the flag that the statue is holding."

"Woah, that sounds awesome," Percy said, looking at the statue.

"Yes, however, there comes a problem… No one has been able to beat Lucian, like ever. No matter how hard we try, it got to the point where they even gave him some stupid nickname because of it."

"Oh, please, you're just jealous that my nickname is ten times better than yours," Lucian scoffed.

Thalia just grumbled, while Percy just asked, "So what's the nickname?"

They all sighed as they said, "The Red-Eye King."

Lucian just began walking with a smug expression.

"Cool, although it's a bit corny," Percy said with a bit of a shrug.

"What!? You wouldn't know a good nickname if it even hit you in the face," Lucian said, a bit offended.

"You mentioned your nickname being better than hers, what is it?" Percy wondered curiously.

"The Thunder General," Thalia muttered displeased.

"Heh," Lucian scoffed before he was punched in the arm by Thalia.

"I know this may be a bit late, but… I have no idea what some of your names are…" Percy suddenly added. "I mean, the only person that properly introduced themselves was Lucian." Percy then got a bit embarrassed as they all just began looking at him.

"You know what, perhaps I'm better off not knowing," he said nervously. "Forget I asked."

Luke just patted Percy's shoulder. "No, you have a point. We haven't properly introduced ourselves. I'm Luke Castellan, it's nice to meet you, Percy, right?"

Percy nodded his head. Thalia gave him a two-finger salute. "Thalia Grace."

"Annabeth Chase," Annabeth nodded her head towards him.

"I mean, you all probably heard my name already, but I'll say it again just in case. My name is Percy Jackson."