
Percy Jackson: Beyond Gods

Percy Jackson had just lost his mother in a car crash. If that wasn't bad enough, he soon found himself pulled into a world of monsters and gods. Trapped in a game of life and death between unimaginable beings of all kinds, Percy had only two choices, die, or survive and become more than what anyone thought possible. Beyond The Gods Themselves. ----- ----- Note: OOC Percy ----- ----- I do not own Percy Jackson and The Olympians Series or any of the characters associated with it as that belongs to Rick Riordan. This is a fanfiction outside of any source material and I'm writing this for fun without making any profits.

Imagine_Thinker · Bücher und Literatur
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6 Chs

Chapter 6 - Nothing

Time passed as Percy fell asleep and upon opening his eyes again, he found himself standing in what seemed to be a void of darkness. There was no sound, no light, no anything, just complete emptiness. Even worse was how Percy couldn't even move his body or speak at all, filling him with fear.

"I absolutely hate talking, or doing anything for that matter you know." A familiar voice which Percy recognized as his own spoke from everywhere. "Sadly I have no other choice as you seems you have quite a resistance to my control."

Percy tried to ask who was speaking in his voice but still didn't have any control, yet the being understood him as it answered. "I am nothing, yet I am everything. I was here during the birth of this universe and I'll be here long after. Though I suppose I am only a fraction given that the universe is currently still in it's early stages of life."

Since Percy noticed that this being could understand him, Percy said in his mind. "That doesn't answer my question at all. In fact, that just made me even more confused."

"Of course it did." The voice said, explaining. "If you are still thinking of something then you'll never truly understand what I am. In fact, I don't think anyone in this universe aside from Chaos even has the ability to comprehend what I am."

"Well that's just great." Percy said before asking. "Am I going insane? Are you just my subconscious talking?"

"I wish." The being said before it's form finally took form, shaping into a dark misty shape of Percy's own body. "I've taken my knowledge directly from your mind and others, a disgusting act really."

"Well that's not nice going in my head like that." Percy said before asking confusingly. "And what do you mean by others?"

"By others I mean everyone and everything else in this reality." The misty figure said as it explained. "No matter what, everything that exists tries to come back to me, the true me. I always try to stop it from flowing towards me but it just doesn't work too well. I usually just have to wait it out until the world vanishes but something's different this time."

"And that is?" Percy asked.

"You." The being said. "For some odd reason, you have managed to fuse with a piece of my concept which shouldn't have been possible as my existence doesn't exactly exist."

"What?" Percy said, confused.

"In simple terms, it's a paradox that shouldn't be possible." The being explained before stating. "Just quickly die so I may return to nothingness."

"How about no." Percy said.

"Well if you don't then I will." The being said as he added. "Not due to my own actions though since just having me inside of you will have that effect."

Percy raised his imaginary eyebrows as he summarized this conversation. "So basically, you're nothing. You're also the reason why I keep losing control, killing everyone and everything when I get angry. Oh, and you'll kill me if whatever this world sends at me next won't."

"Yeah and no." The being said. "You're half right and half wrong. You've still got my entire concept wrong and I'm not the reason you keep killing everything. Well, not truly the reason as that blame goes to everyone and everything around you."

"That doesn't make sense." Percy said.

"Alright. One more time in simpler terms since you're about to wake up any second now." The being said as he started. "Everything in the world tries to come back to me, physical, energy, souls, memories, emotions, every single thing in this world. I am not limited by a human mind, body, or soul which makes this process easier but you're not me. Everything that passes through you in order to get to me, you'll experience it all. The only reason why you haven't exploded into a bloody mess or become a vegetable is due to my main self's revulsion for the world as well as your own mind, body, and soul restricting the flow of essence."

"That wasn't simple but I think I get what you're trying to say." Percy said, a little shocked that he had been so close to death each time he lost control.

"Anyways. Try to control yourself and stop taking in essence, it's irritating." The being said before it started fading away once again.

"Wait!" Percy yelled mentally. "How can I stop this!"

"When you die." The being said as the world brightened and Percy opened his eyes, finding himself still on the floor with Chiron standing at the top of the stairs.

"It's time." Chiron said.

Percy rolled his eyes as he said. "You couldn't have waited five more minutes."


Ok. Pretty short chapter today because work has increased a lot so I might not be able to release every day now on the weekday though I will try.

This chapter was a little rushed and I guess I went a little too far into the going into a raging frenzy trope too soon and too much. I have noted it since I'm trying to improve my writing and all. I'm thinking of everything as I go with little planning so the story is probably going to be a little wonky.