
Percy Jackson: Beyond Gods

Percy Jackson had just lost his mother in a car crash. If that wasn't bad enough, he soon found himself pulled into a world of monsters and gods. Trapped in a game of life and death between unimaginable beings of all kinds, Percy had only two choices, die, or survive and become more than what anyone thought possible. Beyond The Gods Themselves. ----- ----- Note: OOC Percy ----- ----- I do not own Percy Jackson and The Olympians Series or any of the characters associated with it as that belongs to Rick Riordan. This is a fanfiction outside of any source material and I'm writing this for fun without making any profits.

Imagine_Thinker · Bücher und Literatur
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 - Bloodlust

Standing impatiently outside of Yancy Academy, Percy narrowed his eyes in irritation. If it wasn't for the fact that Gabe Ugliano was at the apartment, he would have left already. Thirty minutes past the end of school, Grover finally appeared from the front doors and walked awkwardly towards Percy.

"About time." Percy said as he uncrossed his arms and walked over to Grover. "I need answers. Now."

"I'll tell you soon but we have to get to Camp Half Blood." Grover said nervously as he glanced around his shoulders multiple times. "It's not safe here."

"What do you mean it's not safe?" Percy said, anger growing with every passing second. "I nearly died and you're saying I might still die to a monster!"

"Well, maybe." Grover answered.

"Alright." Percy sighed, deciding to accept this answer. "So what and where's this Camp?"

"It's only an hours drive away if we take a cab." Grover said as he turned and froze dead in his tracks.

Looking at the source of his fear, Percy found three old women sitting on a bench knitting with golden yarn. The old lady in the middle decided to pull out a shear and cut the yarn in the middle that released a sharp pitched sound from a dozen feet away.

"Oh no." Grover muttered before pushing Percy. "We have to go now!"

"I'm going I'm going!" Percy said, noting in his mind to ask Grover about the three old ladies as they gave him a strange feeling.

Getting in the cab, Percy got into a cab with Grover and they soon drove off. As they sat in silence, Percy couldn't help but have a strange feeling in his chest as he looked at the driver. He didn't know why but the driver gave him a familiar sensation he didn't like.

Almost like his ex-teacher.

"Oh no." Percy said.

"What's wrong?" Grover asked as he followed Percy's line of sight to their driver.

The driver grinned as she cackled and said. "Looks like this demigod's senses are quite sharp to know that I'm a fury."

"Open the door Grover!" Percy yelled as he tried to open his side of the door, but it was locked shut.

"It's locked!" Grover screamed.

"I know!" Percy said before he tried kicking his door open.

"Let's go for a ride!" The fury said before turning the wheel sharply into a ditch.

"Ah shit!" Percy yelled as he finally managed to somehow kick the door open, grabbing Grover as he jumped out.

Rolling from going at high speeds to near zero, Percy wondered how he wasn't dead yet and if adrenaline was the only thing keeping him alive, or even luck. Maybe even a combination of both as it seemed to be more real than the last few hours of his life.

"You ok Grover?!" Percy asked as he looked at the boy in his arms.

"I'm managing." Grover said before he started to unbuckle his pants.

Percy didn't know what to say before noticing that Grover's legs were in fact goat legs, which caused bad memories to surface as he demanded to know. "Are you a monster too!"

"What? No! I'm a satyr!" Grover defended himself. "I was sent to you by camp half blood to make sure you were a demigod and if you were, bring you back to camp!"

"Yeah well you're doing just fantastic!" Percy said sarcastically as he got up just in time to see a very naked bat lady charging right at him.

Leaning back, Percy managed to evade her attack and landed on his hands as he kicked the fury's stomach. Not even getting any time to be in awe at what he had just done, the fury clawed at Percy's face which managed to scratch his cheek as he was in an awkward position. Better than the alternative as Percy had already moved his head as far away as he possibly could.

With another kick, Percy sent the fury flying to the side where he took up a wide stand and pulled out the pen that was still in his pocket. Uncapping the pen called Riptide, Percy felt it change and morph into a well balanced blade. Swinging the blade a few times to test it out, it felt oddly familiar just like before.

"Go away and I won't kill you like I did your ugly twin sister!" Percy yelled.

The fury merely laughed at this as it explained. "You are quite an idiot aren't you. We monsters can't ever die as we will forever reform in Tartarus. You'll be seeing my lovely sister within a few months, not that you'll have the chance after I'm done with you!"

Looking to Grover, Percy couldn't help but say. "Really? You couldn't have told me that earlier before I threatened her with death."

"Killing them still hurts like hell it's almost the same thing." Grover said.

"That's helpful. Really." Percy said as he felt the fury charge at him.

With his blade held in front of him, Percy swung at the fury but missed as the fury predicted his attack and ducked down. Knowing he wouldn't be able to block the attack, Percy instinctively decided to jump back and just barely negated some damage as his stomach skin was slightly scratched and his hoodie ripped.

"Grrr! That hurt!" Percy yelled as he swung his blade, almost hitting the fury but missing.

"You just need one good fatal hit with celestial bronze and she'll be sent to tartarus." Grover explained.

"I've noticed!" Percy said as he dodged another swing from the fury but didn't notice the second attack which knocked Riptide from his hands.

"You're dead now demigod!" The fury screeched with laughter.

Hearing the words death and feeling his own end coming, Percy felt fear and helplessness, but even more so than that was anger at himself for being weak as well as the world. For being unfair and having taken everything from him, his dad, his mom, and now even his own life without any reason at all. So with all this rage and unwillingness to die, Percy tackled the fury and raised his right arm into the air, punching the fury with all his might. Then his left arm was raised and slammed into the fury's face.

This repeated for dozens of times and when the fury tried to pry Percy off with it's long arms, he ripped it off without mercy. Even using the arm to stab into the fury's stomach, holding her down more so that he could continue beating the fury to a bloody mess. He would have finished her off if it wasn't for Grover who pulled him away from the monster.

"What are you doing!" Percy yelled.

"She does but we need to go!" Grover said, explaining. "I smell more monsters on their way! Camp is only ten minutes away on foot! We'll be safe there!"

Growling in anger, Percy kicked the fury before running behind Grover. Barely keeping up as the satyr was quicker than Percy had expected. As Percy was thinking Grover just overreacted about monsters, he felt the ground shaking and soon a wave of monsters appeared from the trees that surrounded them.

"That is not good." Grover said but Percy couldn't help but feel an unknown rage inside of him growing stronger with the monsters coming closer.

Heat spread throughout his body as Percy suddenly stopped in his tracks, turning to face the monsters.

"What are you doing!" Grover said in shock. "We need to get to camp! It's just minutes away!"

Percy didn't answer as his mind was only focused on one thing, the death of the monsters around him. He charged at the closest monster which appeared out of the woods which was a skeleton soldier of sorts, pulling the skull from the body as he kicked the body away. With the skull in hand, Percy smashed it into an undead zombie. Feeling a familiar sensation in his pocket again, Percy pulled out Riptide in it's pen form and uncapped it.

The full blade was released and pierced the zombie in its chest, turning it into gold dust. At this moment, a warmth of power rushed into Percy's body as his logical thoughts slowly vanished and was replaced by bloodlust. Throwing the skull into the air, Percy slashed it in half as it turned to dust alongside it's body which was preparing to attack Percy.

With each and every kill Percy inflicted upon the horde of monsters, his mind slowly faded as he killed indiscriminately. Zombies, skeletons, even larger abominations were no challenge to Percy as the heat that powered him kept him active despite the few injuries he had suffered. Then loud footsteps shook the ground as Percy turned to face a giant behemoth.

A humanoid monster with an ox head and legs with a human torso holding a giant battle axe raised high above his head. Percy grinned at this and charged at the monster, side stepping the heavy vertical slash of the monster before completely bisecting the monster in four parts in an X formation.

It was at this moment that Percy finally felt an intense pain beyond anything he had ever felt before in his entire life. As if his veins had been injected with the hottest chili peppers and his bones were turning into dust. His muscles spasmed as he fell to the ground without any control. His heart thumped erratically as he clutched his chest in agony.

"Looks like the little monster has finally reached his limits." A familiar fury taunted but Percy could see the fear in its eyes. "I guess it's finally time to kill you."

The Fury pulled her extended claws back and was about to stab Percy but screamed in pain as a golden arrow flew into her shoulder, turning her into gold dust. Forcing his head to look at who had done that, he saw a group of teens holding swords, shield and bows. That was the last thing he saw before he fainted on the ground surrounded by a field of fading golden dust.

***** *****

"He's just over this hill!" Grover said as he led the little group of campers courageous enough to save a demigod surrounded by monsters.

The entire group of demigods who arrived in fear that they might die were all shocked as a field of golden dust greeted them alongside a boy who was still killing them like they were nothing. One, two, the boy kept on killing the monsters faster and more efficiently by the second until a large minitour appeared before him with a battle axe raised high.

"He needs help!" A young girl yelled, pulling back an arrow on her bow until she saw the boy effortlessly evade the axe and completely bisect the minotaur into four pieces. "Holy...."

Everyone was shocked at this as that was the minitour, a monster of great strength that most demigods would have died fighting. A kid barely a teenager had done the impossible and he almost seemed like a god himself. Until he suddenly screamed in pain and clutched his chest, falling to the ground with his body spasming.

In the shadows appeared a fury who was about to stab the boy and the girl who already had her arrow ready to be fired released it. The arrow flew true and straight into the fury's chest as it disintegrated into golden dust. Everyone rushed towards the newest demigod of the camp and couldn't help but stare at him with a myriad of emotions.

Grover on the other hand pushed everyone aside to pick up the young demigod and yelled. "What are you waiting for! He needs medical help!"

With everyone leaving back to camp, the girl who had saved the newest demigod paused as she noticed that the horn of the minitour was still around despite having been sent to tartarus. So she picked it up, deciding to give it to the new powerful demigod once he woke up. Smiling as she thought about what he would do in the future considering his current power.

So i've decided to write my first fanfiction. First to help me develope my writing skills and use a previous world to help my own world building skills. Cause I'm not very good at that.

Hope you enjoy and hopefully I stay motivated and finish this story.

Chapters will be coming out once per day with at least 2k words.

Imagine_Thinkercreators' thoughts