
Chapter 32

Hades threw his head back and laughed, "you? Destroy me?! Hahaha! Who in the name of Tartarus do you think you are?!"

Percy didn't respond, he charged forward, sword swinging quickly at Hades' neck. The god rolled his eyes, his robes coming alive as it shoved Percy away, sending him flying back.

"You know what, it has been a while since I had some proper entertainment," Hades said snapping his fingers, "put on a good show sea boy."

Suddenly the doors to the garden opened up as a small army of skeletons dressed as soldier from across time came in. They were dressed as soviet soldiers, romans, cops and even an odd spartan.

But Percy didn't care. Not one bit.

He just attacked. The rage, the fury, the hate, he let all of it out and let it control his actions. His blades moved like the winds of a hurricane, each blow sent a skeleton flying away. It was like nature itself fought the army of the dead.

Hades' eyes went wide as he looked at Percy slowly rip apart his army. He stood up in surprise, watching the demigod decimate the skeletons. It was like watching Ares himself come down and fight.

This boy, he wasn't a normal demigod. He was something else. It was power he had never seen before, skills he had rarely ever seen displayed outside of war. The thing before him wasn't….he was a storm come alive.

Percy tore through the army of skeletons with his blade. It was easy, so easy. He remembered how he destroyed Hades' army before when he came out of the Styx. How he decimated all of them, and this time was no difference.

They came in droves, large forces of soldiers all attempting to best him, but none came even close.

Percy threw their bodies into the garden, Hades was in such awe he didn't even realize his wife's flowers were being crushed.

Percy was slowly being pushed back by the sheer number, but that didn't matter, he cut through any who tried to even touch him.

Slowly the pile of broken bones and destroyed souls began to surround him, like a sand trap. But Percy just stepped over their bodies, breaking bones under the heel of his boot. They came, but they didn't survive.

Hades sat there as slowly the pile of skeletons began to grow, the boy stepping on the corpse like a king of death ascending onto his throne.

Hundreds came out, the sword didn't stop flashing, and the hundreds died. Hades couldn't believe what he was seeing, the boy didn't even look fazed, if nothing else, he looked even more determined.

More skeletons came ready to die, the boy moved, ready to kill. But Hades had enough. "Stop," he spoke in a tone of worry and confusion. He turned to the boy, "who are you?"

Percy looked down at him, slowly panting, catching his breath, "I cannot tell you."

"Why not?"

"The Fates would be mad."

Hades snorted, "if you care about what the Fates wished you wouldn't be here demanding I return a soul back to life."

Percy nodded, "yes...well then I misspoke. I don't care about the Fates, but if I tell you my name, time will be altered and people I care for will die."

Hades frowned, "time? Time traveler?" Percy hesitated, but nodded, "oh...I see. Well...then that is something else….tell me, this woman...who is she too you?"

Percy sucked in his breath, "she's my future."

Hades blinked, "you intend to marry her?"

"No….I mean I haven't decided. But...but I love her and she has shown me that...that I can have a future past the age of 20, something most demigods don't spend enough time to care about...so please...I know you know how it feels to have the love of your life taken from you...she was taken from me...far too soon."

Hades looked at Percy, they both said nothing until the God of the Underworld spoke, "if you do this...she will lead a life of doubts. Once you die...it is difficult to accept you deserve a second chance."

"I give her that chance, I'll make sure she knows that she'll always have a future with me," Percy nodded.

"Very well," Hades took out a small brown pot like structure and tossed it. Percy caught it in his swollen hands, holding it like one would an infant, "touch her soul with this pot and then shatter it upon her body. She will return to life. But be warned child, there's a price to pay for what you ask from me. A dangerous price….and I don't think you'll be able to pay it."

"I can," Perct spoke, "I can and I will."

"No...you won't," Hades snapped his fingers as the shadows around his curled into a ball forming a doorway revealing the lobby of the DOA on the other side, "now leave, before I find myself changing my mind."

Percy nodded as he climbed down the pile of bodies, carefully holding the pot in his hands. He approached the portal and turned to Hades, "thank you lord Hades."

The God snorted, "leave boy." Percy said nothing, he nodded and stepped through leaving the God of the Underworld alone. Or so it seemed.

Hades walked over to his tea table and sipped his drink, "you three can come out now."

Out of the shadows the Three Fates came, "what did he tell you?"

"Something about time travel," Hades shrugged, "was it true?"

"Yes," the middle on replied.

"Oh...are you going to punish him?" Hades asked.


"Oh?" he sounded surprised, "may I ask why?"

The three looked at him and spoke as one, "we owe him," and then they vanished.

Hades snorted, "and they say I have a creepy attitude," he looked into the garden and gasped. His cup fell from his fingers and he cried out, "the garden! Persephone is going to kill me!"

With Percy:

The demigod stepped through the portal, immediately it closed behind him. "W-wait, you're back?!" Charon cried out from his desk, looking horrified.

Percy smirked, "see you...Chiron."

"It's Charon! Charon!" the entity cried out as Percy walked away, looking around the DOA lobby for the soul he sealed.

They stood there, like a brainless mob just waiting for damnation to come for them. Percy ignored them, he ignored them all. He ran through the mob, "Fleur?! Fleur?! Where are you?!"

"Percy? Percy!" her voice had some life it, the only proof of a soul i this wretched place. Percy tore through the people, following the voice. He burst through them and there she was, standing exactly where he left her.

"Yes! I can make it!" Percy smiled as he took out the brown pot.

"Percy? What's going on?" Fleur asked confused.

"I'm bringing you back to life," Percy replied as he held out the pot, "this is going to help me do it?"

"What is it?" Fleur asked.

"I….I don't know. But it'll bring you back to life Fleur! Please, do you trust me?"

She looked at him, her eyes widening for a moment before she moved forward, catching his lips with her own. Percy's lips were cold, he couldn't feel her warmth, but the cold worked just as well enough to send goosebumps through his body.

Fleur moved back and smiled with tears in her eyes, "always," she touched the pot and suddenly she soul turned into sparkles of light that was sucked into the pot, leaving Percy alone.

The demigod didn't waste a moment. He put the pot inside the mokeskin bag he always had around his head and ran out the front door. He threw it open and immediately pictured the three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade.

He pictured the building but found the image just couldn't stick. It was slipping away, his worry for Fleur's soul and her body's condition took over. He was just so scared. His fear ate away at the mental picture he had, until he heard her laughter.

He remembered the sound, he remembered the smiles they shared in the inn, and suddenly, the fear melted, instead he saw an image of the inn with Fleur waiting for him by the door. She smiled and waved, and Percy vanished with a loud crack.

He felt his magic drain, such a trip would be impossible for a mortal. But Percy Jackson was no mortal.

He collapsed in a heap and quickly got back on his feet. He looked around, he was in Hogsmeade. He looked down, he managed not to splinch himself, thanks the Gods. He ran forward and leaped into the air, his body shifting immediately as a black pegasus took his place and flew into the air at it's maximum speed.

He flew over the quidditch pitch, the people were slowly leaving. He flew down low and looked around, finding his Hufflepuff year mates walking off in the distance. He dived forward and landed on the ground hard, his hooves making a giant crater in the ground.

"Holy shit!" Juan cried out as he back away.

Percy transformed and turned to them, "where is she? Where did they take her?!"

"T-the hospital wing," Cedric cried out. Percy didn't bother saying thanks, he just took off, once more as a pegasus.

As he came upon the castle Percy moved towards the Hospital wing, seeing an open window off to one side. He flew straight ahead and dived threw, startling the people inside as he transformed and rolled, landing on his feet once more.

Percy looked around, Dumbledore, Maxim, Snape and the Delacour family stood in one side while Harry, Ron, Hermione, Susan and Gaby stood between them and a bed that had Fleur's body. The kids all had their wands drawn and pointed at the adults, Gabby looked like she was on the verge of tears and Harry looked determined.

"You!" Pier cried out, "tell them to stop this insanity at once!" he said pointed at Harry.

I turned to Harry, "what happened?"

"They wanted to remove her...her body," Harry explained, "we didn't let them."

"Horsey! You're back! I knew you would be!" Gabby cried as she ran at Percy, throwing her wand away as she hugged his legs. She cried, "please! Please bring my sister back!"

"Gabriele! Come back here at once! I told you this boy is a liar!" Pier growled in fury, his eyes red and filled with tears.

"Mr. Jackson," Dumbledore began in a soft tone, "I-I understand a lose such as this is difficult. But there is no power on this planet that can bring a person back to life. Please, stand down," his wand was drawn, "or I'll be forced to use force."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "kiss my ass," he then turned down to Gabby who looked at him with a tear covered face, "I always keep my promises Gabby. Give me a second, Fleur will be back in no time."

"Y-you mean it?" she asked.

Percy nodded, "yes, I do."

"You will not touch my daughter's body you monster!" Pier cried out as he stepped forward, wand drawn.

"Papa no!" Gabby stood before Percy, her arms stretched out protectively, "he's going to bring sister back!"

"Gabby, he's-" Peire stopped as Percy moved from behind Gabby, "stop him!"

Maxim fired off a stunner, Percy twisted his body, reached for his watch dial and twisting it, causing the bronze shield to pop open and deflect the spell fire. The red spell flew over the giantess head, making her duck in surprise.

"How is that-" Dumbledore began as Percy reached into his mokeskin bag and took out a clay pot, moving behind Harry and his friends, "Mr. Jackson, I have to insist you stop."

"Please sir, let him try," Harry said as he stepped between Dumbledore's wand and Percy.

"H-Harry?" Dumbledore asked shocked, "Harry you have to move! Mr. Jackson is about to make a very deadly error!"

"No," Percy brought the pot down on Fleur's body shattering it on her chest, "I know exactly what I'm doing."

"You bastard!" Peire cried out as he ran forward. He pushed Harry aside, who was stunned still by what Percy did, and tackled him into the wall, "what did you do?! How dare you desecrate her body you bastard?!"

Percy however had no eyes for the grief stricken father, his eyes were only on the form of his little bird. He watched as Peire shook him like a rag doll, tearing his collar from the anger. He didn't even flinch as the french man punched his face, he didn't feel a thing.

And then, suddenly, cutting through the angry french man's roar and the tears of Apoline and Gabby, came a gasp of air from the body of the woman everyone believed was dead.

Percy's eyes winded, "Fleur!" he pushed Peire away, throwing him across the room and onto the floor before his wife.

Percy ran to her side, grabbing her arm as he felt warmth slowly return to it. Her warmth, he body's heat was returning. Percy's face was covered with tears as he watched her chest rise and fall, her breath slowly coming back to normal.

"I-Impossible," Pier said from the ground as he watched his dead daughter breath once more.

"H-how did you do that?" Harry asked.

Percy turned to him, is hands still holding' Fleur's, "I...I made a deal with the devil."

"Fleur!" Gabby cried out as she tore herself away from her mother's side, running to Percy. She shook Fleur, "Fleur?! Fleur?!" she turned to Percy, "why isn't she waking up?!"

Percy blinked, he didn't realise it, but the little veela was right. Percy looked at Fleur, "Fleur? Fleur?! Damn it! He swore this would work!"

"And he did also say there would be a price, did he not?" Percy turned and saw Hecate standing there.

Everyone was shocked to see the presumably squib standing in the nursing room, seemingly appeared out of thin air.

"What did he mean?" Percy asked getting up and walking up to Hecate, "what was the price? Why isn't she waking up?!"

Hecat looked over Percy's shoulder and sighed, "you stupid boy. Do you have any idea what you've done?"

Percy paused, "I...I did what I had to."

"It was her time," Hecate pushed past him approaching her body, "and you forced her to return. That journey...can take quite a lot out of anyone."

"What's is wrong with my daughter?" Apolline asked.

"She's been brought back to life," Hecate sighed, "but her body is being rejected by her soul. It will take time for her adjust."

"How long?" Percy asked.

"I don't know," Hecate shrugged as she looked at Fleur, "a year? Maybe more?"

"Excuse me madam Blackfyre, but how exactly do you know all of this?" Dumbledore asked, "I was givin to believe that you were a non magical being yes?"

Hecate smiled, "oh that's where you're wrong Albus, there is more in heaven and Earth than what we know and see," she then turned to Percy and sighed, "you just loveing fucking things up for me huh kid?"

"I...I'm sorry," Percy lowered his head.

Hecate sighed, "it's fine. Look I have to deal with the fall out of this mess, if there even is one. I'll give you this kid, you sure know how to win people over. I'll see you at home, okay?"

Percy nodded, "right."

And just like that, Hecate vanished, not a sound, not a word more said. She was just gone.

"H-how did she do that Albus?" McGonagall asked, "it should be impossible to apparate inside Hogwarts!"

"There are more in heaven and Earth than what we know and see," Dumbledore repeated in a confused voice as he slowly turned to Percy and narrowed his eyes, "I don't know Minerva….I just don't."

"Fleur?" Peire finally spoke as he got on his feet, Apoline right behind him as they approached Fleur's breathing body. He ran his fingers down her arm and gasped, "s-she's alive! We have to get her to a hospital quickly! Maxim! I'm taking my daughter away."

Maxim nodded, "understood Peire, good luck."

The man then turned to Percy, his glare came back as he pointed his wand him, "don't ever come near my daughter again!"


"-never!" Pierre cried out as he levitated Fleur's body.

"Mr. Delacour that may not be the wisest choice," Dumbledore urged the man, "we still don't know how thi happened, moving her away just might reverse what Percy here has done."

"I will not let my daughter's life be dictated by you English men or some love sick boy!" Peire cried out as he ran out, his family following him.

Percy watch them leave, any other time he would have been angry. He would have demanded he be allowed to go with them. But, not this time, this time his guilt overrode all of that. He just wanted her safe...and right now, safe meant being as far away from him as possible.

Percy turned to Harry, the boy still looked confused. He nodded, "thank you Harry, if you hadn't stopped them when you...this would have all been pointless."

"H-how did you do that?" Harry asked.

Percy sighed, "I promise I'll tell you later, right now there are more pressing matters," Percy turned to Dumbledore and walked up to the man, "sir, the Moody you know is a Death Eater. He drank polyjuice potion and pretended to be Alastor Moody."

Dumbledore's eyes widened, "and how do you know that Mr. Jackson?"

"He attacked me in the maze," Percy admitted, "he confessed it to me. Where is he?!"

Dumbledore sighed "relax Mr. Jackson, he's been captured. We found that he is in fact Barty Crouch Jr. who's an avid Voldemort supporter."

Percy blinked, "Crouch? You mean Crouch had a son who's a Death Eater?"

Dumbledore nodded, "yes, that's true. He was supposed to be dead but...it seems rising from the grave is easier than in my time," his eyes twinkled, "tell me mr. Jackson, what did you mean when you said you made a deal with the devil?"

Percy sighed, "not now, where is Crouch? He's going to answer my questions about where his master is and that slim Peter Pettigrew is!"

"Peter Pettigrew?" Ron asked surprised, "what do you want with him?"

Percy glared at the boy, "I want his head," he turned to Dumbledore, "where?"

"Mr. Jackson I cannot let you do that. You're judgement is clouded, I'm sure-"

"-He's in the Astronomy Tower," Harry spoke up.

"Potter!" Snape snapped. But Percy didn't waste any time as he ran, fully intent on getting his revenge.

"Mr. Jackson! Wait!" Dumbledore cried as the teacher and the students all ran after the demigod who seemed to become two times faster than he was as he ran across Hogwarts' climbing higher and higher.

They all reached the Astronomy tower at the same time, Dumbledore was supposed lying quick for his age.

As Percy came upon the tower he felt cold, very cold. It reminded him of Hades, which made Percy twitch in anger, was Hades here? No! This mortal was his!

Percy came upon the classroom doors which were supposed to be closed, now open. A fat man with a bowler ha stood by the door as a figure wearing a black cloak floated inside.

On the other side was thin man that was crawling up a wall, trying to get away the floating monster that seemed to suck all the joy and happiness from it's surrounding. The man cried out, "no! Please! Anything but a dementor! Please! I'll tell you anything! Just get it away from me!"

'He's being attacked!' Percy realised, he needed him alive! He took out Riptide and got ready for a fight, when suddenly two voices chanted out loudly, "expecto Patronum!"

Percy watched as suddenly a glowing white phoenix and a stag rushed his sides, charging at the creatures that seemed to be in shock. It screamed as the two animals attacked it, pushing out of the Astronomy classroom and into the night sky.

"Albus?! What is the meaning of this?!" the bowler hat wearing man cried out, "you cannot just attack a dementor! It's a servant of the magical government!"

"It was going to kiss Bartley Mr. Minister,"Dumbledore explained as he and Harry stood on Percy's either side, hand in hand and a very angry looking glare, "am I to believe a kiss order was issued on the man's person? I was unaware there was a trail in the Wizingmont, after all I would know, considering I am the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot."

"N-no, but-"

"Then how did you feel it right to allow a Dementor to attack someone? And just watch as they tried to kiss said individual?" Dumbledore asked.

"I-I, it got away from me! Yes, that's what it is! It just got away! Thank goodness you came when you did Albus! I would think it would come after me next after finished with Crouch!"

Percy growled, "move," he pushed passed Fudge and entered the prison cell, seeing Crouch curled up in a ball. Percy growled as he grabbed the man and pulled him up, slamming him against the wall, "where is he?!"

"I-I'll never tell!" Crouch cried out as his maniac smile returned, "long like the Dark Lord! Long may he live! Let him kill all those who are off dirty blood! May h-"


Percy hand was blur as he slapped Bartley so hard he broke a tooth. "I don't give a fuck about Voldemort! I want Pettegrew!"

"Hehe, if you want the rat I'll gladly give him to you! He's not loyal enough to serve our master! But I don't know where if he, and even if I did, I would never tell you!" he said throwing his head back and laughing.

Percy growled, "yes, you will," he turned to see Snape, "Veritaserum, do you have some?"

"It won't work," Fudge huffed, "the man's obviously mad! Look at him, thinking you-know-who is back! He's mental!"

"Voldemort is back," Percy growled, "I faced him, and so did Harry."

Fudge's eyes widened, "w-what?! Impossible! I'm sure it was just a trick cast by this man-"

Percy approached the man, his glare silencing him, his very aura making the man quiver as the power of a demigod poured out, warning the pathetic mortals around him to not to interfere.

"I saw Voldemort. I fought him. I saw him standing over the broken body of the woman I love," Percy approached Fudge, making the man back away until he hit a wall, "do you think I imagined that? That a trick could be that powerful?"

"H-he can't be back! It's impossible!" Fudge cried out.

Percy snorted, "you fucking coward," he spat on the man's feet, "I hope people have the good sense to throw you to the wolves," the demigod turned to the potions professor, "the truth serum sir, do you have any?"

"Y-yes," he took out a clear vial of the serum, "we used it to interrogate him before."

Percy nodded as he took the potion and walked back to Bartley who leaned against the cell wall. He grabbed the man and forced open his mouth, pouring three drops on his tongue and waited for the potion to take effect.

The moment Bartley's eyes became glazed over Percy began his questioning, "where is Peter Pettigrew?"

"I don't know," came the monotone reply.

"Where do you think he'll hide?"

"I'm not privy to my lord's plans."

"Can you guess?"


"Then guess where he could go next."

"Malfoy mansion," Fudge's gasp was audible, "Malfoy has been a loyal follower, he'll accommodate the lord nicely."

"T-that's impossible!" Fudge cried out, "Lord Malfoy was tricked into joining!"

Percy turned to Crouch, "has the dark lord ever used the Imperius curse to force someone into a Death Eater?"

"No," everyone gasped, Harry smirked in victory, "to become a Death Eater you must truly be loyal to the Lord with all your soul. Anyone who bares the mark is and always will be a Death Eater."

Percy noticed Snape touch his left forearm, even Dumbledore looked at the arm. The demigod then spotted Fudge, the minister looking pale.

"Couch...is the dark lord alive?" Percy asked

This time, the man's answer was filled with joy, "yes! The Dark Lord lives once more! All hail Lord Voldemort! The future ruler of all magic kind!"

Percy turned and walked away, he stopped before Fudge and growled, "if anything happens to him before the people know about his crimes," Percy leveled his wand under the man's throat, "I'll fucking kill you."

The demigod walked out, pushing past the adults as Harry, Hermione, Ron and Susan followed him back downstairs.

"Percy, here," Harry said motioning to an empty classroom. They all got in and closed the door behind them, Harry rounded on Percy and asked, "how did you bring her back?"

Percy sighed, "I...I'm not human."

Ron blinked, "what do you mean?"

Percy sighed and began to explain to them the same story he told Fleur, about how he was the son of the Atlantic ocean, about how other spirits out there exhausted and why they had to hide. The kids...didn't really seem to take well to the explanation.

"So...are you human?" Ron asked.

"Ron!" Hermione huffed.

"So that's why you're so good with water," Susan said in understanding.

"So how did you bring back Fleur?" Harry asked ignoring everyone else.

I sighed, "a few years ago I helped...a grim reaper get his stuff back. Someone stole it, he owed me a favour, I decided to cash in," it was a lie, but it was a much more believable explanation than what actually happened.

"You met Death?!" Hermione gasped, "how?!"

Percy shrugged, "I went to his office."

"Death has an office?!" Hermione cried out again.

Percy nodded, "yeah. It's in LA, a place called...well, I probably shouldn't say. I promised Hecate I wouldn't bring you all into this world, I'm sorry."

Hermione began to mumble to herself while Ron looked like his brain just flushed everything out of his head. Harry however had his head hanging, his fists squeezed, "so-so you can't just bring anyone back to life?"

Percy sighed, "no Harry...I'm sorry."

"No," Harry shook his head, "it's fine I...I'm glad you were able to save Fleur at least. I didn't want her dying because of….because I wasn't strong enough to save her."

Percy sighed, "look..it's been a long night. How about if you all go to bed? We'll talk more about this in the morning?"

"That's sounds like a good idea Percy," Hermione nodded as she turned to Harry, "Harry...come on, let's go."

Harry nodded, "r-right. Percy, could you make sure Sue-"

"I'll keep an eye on here," Percy promised.

Harry nodded, "thanks," they walked away leaving the two Hufflepuff's alone.

Percy turned to Susan, "come on," she nodded nervously as she walked next to him as they made their way to their dorm, Percy's head filled with thoughts revenge and worry for Fleur's health.

"So...can you talk to fish?" Susan suddenly asked.

Percy blinked, "what?"

"Y-you know, since you're a child of the sea...can you talk to fish?"

Percy chuckled, "yeah, I can. Which is also why I don't like eating fish or anything that comes from the sea. It feels too much like eating a friend."

"Huh…..I think I'll stop too," she said nervously.

Percy chuckled, "Sue, you don't have to stop for my sake, Fleur also eats fish you know? And she does it on purpose, knowing that I hate it."

"She knows?" Sue asked surprised, "about...your real identity?"

Percy nodded, "yes, why wouldn't she?"

"No it's just….Harry and I...it just feels like there are so many secrets he's kept hidden from me...it's like he doesn't trust me. I tried asking him what happened but...he refuses to speak about it."

Percy sighed, "he probably feels guilty."

"Guilty? For what?"

"For getting Fleur killed," Percy growled.

"B-but Percy-"

"I know he didn't do it," Percy waved her worry away, "I blame only one person, Pettegrew. But, at the same time, he doesn't believe that. He hates himself for what he did, so...you're going to have to make him get rid of that chip on his shoulder. Show him he doesn't have to keep you at an arm's length. I'm sure he doesn't want to see what happened to Fleur happen to you."

"But how do I do that?" she asked.

Percy shrugged, "he's your boyfriend, figure it out," they traveled in silence after that, Susan thinking about her boyfriend and Percy about his girlfriend. He honestly didn't know what he was going to do tomorrow. All he knew is that right now, he needed some sleep.

The next day:

Percy walked into the Great Hall and suddenly all the chatter stopped. He ignored them as he walked up to the Teacher's table, Dumbledore locked eyes with him immediately.

"Where's Crouch?" Percy asked.

"He's been escorted by an armed gaurd to the ministry for processing," Dumbledore explained calmly, "he'll face justice Mr. Jackson, not to worry."

Percy nodded, "good. And Peter Pettigrew? Any leads on where he is?"

The teachers began to whisper, while Dumbledore did his best to ignore it. He nodded, "yes. Perhaps we can continue this conversation in my office after breakfast, yes?"

Percy nodded, "alright," he walked back to his table and sat down. The French students ignored him and he ignored them. He didn't listen to people talk, he just focused on hs meal.

Soon Percy found himself sitting in the Headmaster's office watching as the man took out a folder with his name on it and place a piece of paper before him.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "what's that?"

"I understand you wished to take the NEWTs early this year yes? Pass out?" Dumbledore smiled.

Percy nodded, "yes...Fleur wanted us to be together, she didn't want to wait for a year for me, she wanted me to get a job and...well...I suppose that's all pointless now."

"Why is that?" the older man asked.

"Because….I guess she may not want to do anything with me," Percy hung his head in shame.

"Now now Mr. Jackson, I often found love...isn't that easy to break, especially the kind of love that makes a make travel all the way to Death's door to bring back the woman he loves."

Percy looked at the man, "how? How did you find that out?! Who told you?"

"I assure you, no one betrayed your trust," the man waved a calm hand, "but, the walls do have moving portraits in each class room, all of whom answer to me."

Percy growled, "so you know everything?"

Dumbledore nodded, "yes….I do. And I have to say, I find myself...perplexed. I have never even heard of the things you speak of but yet….somehow you have brought a woman back to life. Clearly there is more than meets the eye to you Mr. Jackson."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "and I can say the same to you."

The man nodded, "yes...I suppose most can..." he pushed the slip of paper forward, "this is a permission slip from Moody, the real one. It's his written permission slip which will allow you to take the DADA NEWTs a year early."

"I...I see," Percy looked at the paper, "but that's pointless. Why should I graduate early? Fleur is...she's still sick...I have no reason to leave this place."

"What about revenge?" Dumbledore asked.

The demigod's attention was gained, "how?"

"You wish for revenge upon Peter Pettigrew yes? For his part in killing your beloved?"

Percy nodded, "yes."

"And are you willing to go to any lengths to get it?" the man asked.

"Yes. I am."

"Then, I have a proposition for you Mr. Jackson," the man stroked Fawkes' plumage, "have you ever heard of the Order of the Phoenix?"

"No, I haven't, what is it?"

"It's a group I made to help combat Voldemort's forces," Dumbledore explained, "I gathered the best and brightest and we all fought against the darkness. Harry's parents were both members, so was Sirius Black, who I'm sure you know."

Percy groaned, "are you a wizard or a spy?"

The man smiled, "why can't I be both?"

Percy grumbled, "fine, organization that fights evil. What does it have to do with me?"

"I want you to join it," Dumbledore explain.

Percy blinked, "what?"

"With Voldemort's return I find myself realising that the world isn't ready for him. Fudge continues to bury his head in the sand, yelling at anyone who asks that Voldemort hasn't returned. The Order needs to return, and I wish for you to enlist."

"Why me? I thought this was supposed to be an exclusive club or something?"

The old man chuckled, "you have fought a dragon with a sword, invent new and fascinating potions just as easy as some people breath. You're penchant for inventing spells is beyond anything I've ever seen and your prowess with transfiguration is becoming something to look out for. But...above all that, I ask this of you because when I see you….I see the eyes of not a scholar, but a warrior. Am I right in thinking this?"

Percy looked at the man, he was silent for a longest time before he nodded, "yes….you're correct. So what, you want me to join your little army?"

Dumbledore nodded, "yes, because for what's about to come...we'll need the help of a demi-spirit like yourself."

Percy looked at the form, "so what's the plan? Have me graduate early? And then do what? I planned on being a potions professor at Beauxbaton, I doubt I can do that and be in your army."

"No, you cannot," Dumbledore nodded, "but, if you manage to pass, which I no doubt that you will, and then amage to obtain your masters in Potions, you can return to Hogwarts as the new potions professor."

"Wait, what?!" Percy's eyes winded, "you want me to take over Professor Snape's job?! What about him?"

"For a long time Severus has been asking for the DADA position. The only reason I never gave it to him is because I lacked a competent potions teacher to take him place, but if you join, that won't be the case not will it?"

"B-but I suck at teaching!"

The man chuckled, "my dear boy, you have a fundamental understand of the subject and the ability to communicate clearly, trust me, the only possible way for you to be a bad teacher at a subject you love, is if you want to be. And if things really are that difficult, I'm sure Minerva or Sprout would be more than willing to help you manage."

"I...I..." Percy looked at the sheet before him, "I don't know..."

"Percy, I'm not pressuring you into this, be very sure of that. But, if you truly wish for revenge against Pettegrew and bring him to justice...this is the way to do it. You can't bring down an army alone, you will need help."

Percy looked at the paper and then at the man before him. He sighed, "if I do this...Pettegrew is mine. Do you understand? If you gain any information about him, I want it. You won't stop me from going after him and you won't question what I do once I find him. Agreed?"

Dumbledore looked worried, "what exactly are you planning on doing to the man?"

"I swore an oath on my magic to behead him," Percy explained in a way he would understand, "so if I'm not the one to kill him, I'll die."

Dumbledore's eyes went wide, "Percy! That is the most foolish thing you could have done! How could you?!"

"You try holding the body of the person you love in your arms and tell me you wouldn't do the same," Percy growled.

Dumbledore faltered, "I...I agree...fine, I accept your terms and conditions Percy Jackson," Dumbledore extended his arm and Percy shook it, "welcome to the Order of the Phoenix."

Percy nodded, "right," he got up and took the sheet of paper granting him permission to write his NEWTs, "the exams are in a week, I'll need to study."

"Of course. Oh and Percy," Dumbledore took out a pouch of money and placed it on the desk, "here, your winnings."

Percy blinked, "what?"

The man smiled, "you're winnings boy. Don't tell me you forgot the prize reward for the tournament?"

"I-I won? But Fleur and Harry touched the cup first!"

"But you brought them back, saved their lives and brought Fleur back from the dead," the man smiled, "I have spoken to Harry about it, he refuses to take the winnings. He says he wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for you. In his words, 'he's the true champion, not me. I never got through a single task without his help.' He refused to hear it."

Percy looked at the coins and nodded, "thanks," he grabbed them and put them away, "I'll see you soon professor."

"Yes, good luck Mr. Jackson...you'll need it," Dumbledore's eyes twinkled, even in these dark times, hop seems to bloom in them. Hope, in the form of two young men, one with emerald green eyes and the other sea green.